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Everything posted by slpwlker

  1. All you can do is hold on and hope for the best. I try to not run mine over 2 years or 100k whatever comes first unless they really look good. Drives my dad nuts. I need to get these yokes off but need to get the kingpins done. Gonna get them done in SLC after we unload in Kent,Wa. Kingpins,Pinion seals, and A/c working till we get home
  2. Yeah stick steer. right pedal forward and left back just had to remember where the finals are. I need to go get my pics out of storage
  3. If you want a really good balance. Find someone that does onboard balancing. Just be aware if you take the tire off for anything it will be out of balance
  4. Yeah Il is a P.I.T.A We are in Princeton now gonna camp in Oh tomorrow for the weekend. I love it. load and go for a day or 5 nobody really messing with mye except dot and the check calls
  5. you know what goodyear really means. A good year. Thats about all those pos last if your lucky. Never had any luck with them on my wagon and absolutley refuse to put them anywhere else on the truck or trailer. Going back to the XFE's when I put new steers on. Had some conti's once they aren't bad either.
  6. Cool pics. So how are you liking the Heavy haul stuff?
  7. Been so long since I ran one I don't remember. I know they don't or didn't have alot of ass that I can remember. for the size it isn't a bad machine. Think the operator makes it jerky
  8. Was it to heavy or just ran out of lift cylinder. There is no way the stick would extend out to lift.But picking it up side track doesn't help either
  9. They already had a 2011 so it must be doing something right. Like the look of the Titans though
  10. Go price a set of Michilin floats. when I had Xfe's on the front 1005 a piece. I got yokohamas now. Not happy with them but for the same price or within a few bucks better tire. Had herc's on the back not my doing came with the truck.
  11. I run a heavy haul business and usually have no less then 90k on my back. I'll have to look at my frame where the neck supports go when detached. you got any pics of the pads?
  12. If it's bending the frame he needs a bigger truck. But like the idea.
  13. we took off this morning and the road was still closed. They had what looked like a shaker on the hook and the cab was 5' off the side and looked crushed. I'll look for all the skid marks tomorrow only got back to Lovelock
  14. we came down 95 and it got windy and had a lot of sand on the road. Should be coming back that way if all goes well heading to Maryland.
  15. I know alot of members are on the East coast. Winnemucca,Nv has 80 shut down. Must of had one hell of a dust storm. got jack-knifed trucks,cars wheels up,rv's in the ditch it is real bad bout a 20 to 30 vehicle pile up. If anyone is out here they are detouring East off at the Pilot onto the Bl80 west not sure http://www.kolotv.com/home/headlines/Sandstorm-Causes-Major-Accident-near-Winnemucca--210945641.html
  16. Welcome to the jungle. Pembroke Pines here myself
  17. Ryan contracting had a 5130. I heard it never did good. they where trying to replace the dragline with it had it working 24 hours a day. they kept breaking the turn table or the swing shaft on it. also heard they used D9 rippers for teeth on it. Was a hell of a beast but I think they sold it or sold it for scrap. Was bought brand new.
  18. I ran with a friend and we both had almost the same load my truck is about 10k heavier well with the trailer. he has a pretty stock 6nz and getting 6 mpg routinley. Well with the 5DS he was saying he wanted to see how the 2 of ours pulled since even with me heavier we where pretty even. only thing is a pdi turbo and manifold I got just the pittsburgh power manifold. I could walk away up hill in my top 2 gears but if I started dropping gears he was on my ass the whole time.If he would of had the same gearing as me with 4.11 he would of probably walked away from me or still givin me a hell of alot more of a fight then he was already doing. I can understand getting away from them givin the problems. I haven't had a lot of them and getting decent mileage and gaining.
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