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Everything posted by slpwlker

  1. I always thought the ole girl had a Cat. but hell sounds change so much. still think it was a great sounding truck. Hell till I read the specs on the duck I thought it had a detroit. 1 Convoy followed by SMokey and the Bandit 1. I never cared for the other 2. Black dog. I never really saw Duel and always seem to miss it when they play it now. Just like Maximum over drive.
  2. Alot of South Fl towns have local Dot.Tx has a shitload of local yocals doing dot. The list keeps growing.
  3. Those are die hard little trucks.. They look good
  4. Josh and a friend of mine started SSR. was alittle pissed when my truck showed up on it and he didn't ask. Think what pissed me off more they got my name wrong and I have known him for years. Gave him all kinds of hell. Finally told them you use my pics let me know first.
  5. Both great looking trucks. The Mack looks better but the Kw isn't bad either
  6. He is spoiled rotten. Have had him since he was 4 weeks old
  7. Great save. Go drink a packet of Emergen-C 2 to 3 times a day for a few days till you are sure your not going to get sick. Also a shot of whiskey never hurt either before bed.
  8. Welcome to the jungle. The only silly question is the one never asked
  9. one year I want to go. Don't know if I'll try running down the track or not but just being there would be awsome
  10. as the great band Big and Rich would say We'll be coming, Thru your city. Minus the rodeo. Loading in La going to Fort Worth
  11. this would be the first frameless trailer then?
  12. Cool. But we need more pics. Trucks,Girls we don't care we like them all
  13. She had a lot of demons in her closet.
  14. no. I had one call me back because her son gave me a tip. (she was black) Did a lawn job when I left. got an ass chewing. When I drove a wrecker that happened alot. Told then we can go at it but your still paying full price. They would get all pissed
  15. at 18 how many places can you go making 500 a week in just tips. Not including the hourly and .50 delivery. was making great money. Also was an equipment operator during the day. put half down on my 98 dodge brand new in 2 years. Spent alot and did stuff but all in all I lived on tips alone not including the change. Was never broke. would have over 1000 in tips sitting on the dresser as I never claimed it and really couldn't put it in the bank. Then I went to driving a wrecker and that was the beginning of the end.
  16. When I worked for Dominos pizza in a nother life. I had 4 1 gallon gatorade jugs. Would break all the denominations down. When the cup in my truck filled I would bring it in an put in the appropriate bottle. every 3 months or so the quater jug was full. Was around 7 or 800 dollars every 3 months. Oh I miss the days of pizza delivery. Some of the best money I ever made.
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