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Everything posted by slpwlker

  1. I cheated with mine. Was up in Mi a couple of winters ago and got stuck bobtailing back to my trailer in the middle of lake effect snow. Was a slow ride 20 miles it sucked. Well got to a light after I turned off the main drag locked the power divider in put it in about 4th gear and turned it loose. The fiance was shitting a golden brick couldn't figure out what I was trying to do and when I started getting sideways she was holding on for dear life. I had a ball though. Came around a few corners and got on it to kick it around alittle. All was good.
  2. Thats cheating or is that the only way you can get the leanto to spin some tire?
  3. Or call me when you get time. Loading in Kernersville,Nc in the morning and Iowa bound after that. Might go harass Rob on the way out or back East or both.
  4. Yep got it saved. Idk what happened the last time. But I have it. Whats the best time to call after 1230?
  5. I'll call you this week sometime Tom. I might see about dragging your new trailer there over the Holiday weekend. See what we can come up with.
  6. That 25M isn't showing on Cat.com yet. That thing is a horse surprised they didn't have the front end engaged being it had planetary hubs on it so it should be a drive. That thing looks so odd. Like they took a 988 stretched it out some and added a grader front. It is odd looking to say the least
  7. Tom I'll have someone give you a call that might be able to do it
  8. This is the 3rd out of 3 or 4 loads. They have been moving these the past 6 months or so
  9. http://www.ritchiespecs.com/specification?type=&category=Motor%20Grader&make=Caterpillar&model=24H%20ES&modelid=91806
  10. Well I thought I had the weights I think but not sure over 150k It takes 2 or 3 trucks to move them
  11. yep 24H Make them in Decatur,Il. Think the biggest in production.
  12. Looking at the continetal HSL2 eco's gonna do all 8 when the time comes. not a lug tire but hell last time I got stuck I broke thru the grass after I hooked up and wet clay didn't help. All 8 tires just spinning. I don't do a ton of off road and now with the prezbo reelected I want to help my bottom line as much as possible. Those got the best rolling resistence in a 16 ply tire and putting the Mich on my lift axle and trailer XZA2 Energy. put 4 on and hell I noticed fuel mileage of the bat and they are over 2.5 years old. Down fall 130 psi tire.and 18 ply. Well for the smaller tires 18 ply bigger tires 16 but only 4 tires in that model and all 22.5's
  13. Idk I ran Continentals and when I put Michilins up front XFE I had them spun balanced. Did great. Been wanting to put Centramatics on. also gonna go to a place in Miami or out here in Tx. they high speed,true the wheels and worse case trim alittle to round them if out of round. that is gonna be my next move when I do my kingpins finish out this set of steers and either go back to the XFE, or the continentals again highway tread only Also i run right at max pressure. in all my tires. If it gets hot above 98 I slow down. in the 100's I run 55 if it gets over 110 I slow down to 53 or slower. Tires are hotter then hell but stay together. hell you can peel the rubber off just wiping the tires. Never ran the tires lower then max unless I had a leak
  14. your best bet get them high speed balanced on the truck. I have used beads and feel they are a waste of money. Never worked for me.
  15. I really wonder if that hurt romney ins some aspects just in time for the election
  16. I hope we can make it 4 years. I am still at a loss of words on how the sheeple voted this fake back in. We are on a downward spiral to which I am hopeful we can survive
  17. Atleast we will not have another 4 years of this asshole after this. What a fucking joke
  18. I would say as much as I'd like you to stay with the Mack, Get what fits/fills your needs at the price you need. Even minor repairs are doable. Vs rebuilding a hole truck. This being said any make that is in the price and in good shape would be good
  19. Voted first day of early voting in Fl and it was Romney Ryan all the way. even though I was stuck between 6 obummer supporters. I had a blast getting them wound up
  20. Welcome to the jungle
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