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Everything posted by slpwlker

  1. Those are a rareity. Never seen one of those in action. Didn't they have duals all the way around?
  2. Welcome to the Jungle. Also great name if I do say so myself.
  3. I watch these guys in Miami do this. Seen a Roadway sleeper truck, Which we know are generally single axles. Converted into a triaxle dump. with floats. I just shook my head like Why. How much cheaper can it be. Now when we had to put a different front end in I did see a price difference but had to go thru hell getting a company to certify it. new rears,front end,frame cut off, I don't see it
  4. OMG that is a waste of a perfectley good Cat. Thats just wrong in so many ways. The money it takes to convert it can it be worth it?
  5. Sorry to hear about your loss. My grandfather died when I was on the road about 1.5 years ago. I was home when my grandmother died. It sucks. and I feel your pain
  6. Wow I have a 2500 and only problem I have had was fuel gauges.10 to be exact
  7. Wasn't trying to step on anyones toes. I just know on 24.5 rubber with the rears in low on the 5.60's 60 is it for me but this is with a Eaton 18. Flat out foot to the fire wall, even trying the Flintstone shuffle.
  8. Man it is starting great. Got it down to the shop today to get a few things looked at. 1 clutch,2 throttle pedal,3. pto leaking, and something else. I should of known the trailer tires would pick up alot. I know the truck had mud all over it and the trailer only had one big chunk. 3' long by 1.6' wide. not use to seeing such a big chunk. usually it is scattered all over the trailer
  9. I think that might be alittle much. I have 5.60 in the low side of the rears. Now mind you Idk what my od is in 18th is but 60 flat out at 2000.rpm is all I can get out of it. 4.11 on the high side and it is a upper 90's truck then
  10. you can see that thing 2 miles out.
  11. I know your right. I wouldn't of done that anyways. Should of seen the piles,chunks,or what ever but I had some big chunks of mud on the back of the trailer on the deck. and on the fenders.
  12. I feel your pain it use to throw me off going from a trackhoe to a backhoe loader combo which was different. But it just makes you that much of a better operator. I've always heard everybody complain about deere hoes, But never had anything with what for me would be backwards controls. Had a few cats that where backwards and threw me a curve.
  13. Well it is better then boys and also better then getting up on top of the dog and trying to make sure the exhaust is cool enough
  14. Thought about that but since we where in the truck the flashback inside would of blinded us and thats all you would of seen. Should of booted her out in the rain to get the pic. Next time
  15. Or he'll get hairy palms,Carpul tunnel, and need thick glasses
  16. And here is the Pic of the infamous R pulling me out at Rob's. Just had my Marker lights on as not to Blind him Should of turned the lights on for the pic though
  17. you got the Grand ole opry,Bridgestone has a big plant there. Go fire bomb the pricks that installed the Apu 4 years ago. Plenty of things to do around there.
  18. Yeah but hell I'm not gonna get another tractor and trailer and go exit to exit moving the truck lol
  19. That is all driver related. Look at the difference. The star car might of been slower but the owner was driving it,did not get stuck and no tire problems. Put a driver in it and tore a rear and power divider out and a tire in one day. Makes me want to stay a 1 truck operation
  20. Lmao and hold on for the ride
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