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Everything posted by VaPatentman

  1. FYI: I helped a friend yesterday install a Bosch dishwasher he purchased from Home Depot on Friday. Immediately after installing we tried it and it leak profusely out of the sump. Unhooked it and tried to return to HD first thing this AM. We were informed the HD policy is that an appliance must be returned within 48 hours. After which time you must have it fixed via a service call. So we reinstalled and will have to wait 4-days for Bosch service to arrive. I haven’t been a big fan of HD since they quit honoring the 5% Lowes discount if you used your HD credit card this is another reason shop less at HD. Just wanted to let others know and not get stuck as my friend did.
  2. Does anyone know the color or paint code for the interior of 1937-1942 ED’s or DE’s? Having trouble finding the correct color. Some say Pebble Beige a Ford color with code of AE-4015, but doesn’t look quite right based on the color exposed when I removed the dash. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
  3. Ran across this photo on the internet. It is one I have never seen before. According to the Model production list there were only 290 of MR's made
  4. VaPatentman

    Mack DE

    Here is a shoot from a sales brochure for the DE Mack_DE_Brochure_1942_Page_1.pdf
  5. VaPatentman

    Mack DE

    I have some info I will send via message when I am able to reduce it in size. In the meantime good luck with your project. Here is a pic of my DE
  6. After looking closely at the beautiful yellow “Big Job” I wonder if it started its life as a Fire Truck. It was common practice to have spot lights on both the driver’s side and officer’s side. Does anyone know the origins of this truck?
  7. There were quite a few “Big Jobs” built into fire apparatus. They were a good option for Departments that couldn’t afford custom apparatus. Here is one sitting out in a field in VA. It is in good company with about 20-Macks
  8. Couldn’t resist posting this. I had a Maryland State Trooper pull me over for the same thing (crossing center line) while driving a tractor drawn aerial-fire/ladder truck. I had a new tiller man following and was trying to cut him some slack. It was like 3-O’clock in the morning and not a soul in sight except for the Trooper. Funny now wasn’t then. PrinceWilliamPolice_Car-.mp4
  9. Not an “E” but close cousin. I have 1942 Model “DE” Mack serial number DE-1-S-3176, Engine Number EN-12-2041 We are the 3-rd owners, and the first owner had it until 2000. I have the original Bill of Sale/invoice from a dealer in Sanford Florida
  10. Sorry for the loss and thankful there were no injuries. However, in a arson investigation course I took the instructor said always look into prior events of those involved. Does make you wonder.
  11. Sad news
  12. I hope it is the one you have. I wasn't in the position to buy it at the time and was heart broken when it disappeared
  13. I've only seen one other of these in all my years. It sat behind a welding shop in DC for years. The guy that owned it said it was previously owned by an airline. It had a much shorter wheelbase than this one. I am not sure if it was a Hobart or some other make. It disappeared when scrap prices spiked in the 80's or 90's, it may be part of a beer can in my fridge😉
  14. Actually they have silicon carbide abrasive material embedded in them--not good for glass. I learned my lesson a couple of years ago while cleaning some windows I had painted.
  15. I agree, I found out today that the green pads are marketed by two different divisions. The aggressive kitchen scouring pads are consumer division products. But wouldn't it make sense to have two different colors. Most of us just think Scotch-Brite pads are all the same.
  16. I ordered some "Green" Scotch-Brite pads on line and thought I would be getting #6448 but received kitchen scouring pads instead. They are not the same and are more aggressive than what I usually use. For reference here is a Grit Equivalent Chart For 3M Scotch Brite. Grit Equivalent Chart.pdf
  17. Jim, The FD2704 is in and is working fine. It won't say it stops on dime but I have a good steady braking action. Replaced rusty brake lines as well. Happy so far. Thanks for the original part number!
  18. Jim, The FD2704 actually has 1/2 bore vs 1 1/4 bore for the FD2951. That said, I think it will stop OK. If the FD2951 was the original part number it is obvious the 1-st or 2-nd owner replaced it at some point with the main concern probably being the bolt pattern. Thanks for the info. I will add the correct part number to my replacement part number matrix I have been working on since I bought my DE.
  19. The Master Cylinder of my 42-DE started leaking after a drive on Saturday. Upon removal I found casting marks reading 2704. After some research I found it to be a Master Cylinder that was used on many IH models as well as some B Model Macks. Does anyone know it this was original or installed by one of the two previous owners? In any event I found one on Amazon, Cardone Select 13-40661 for $37.95. I’ll post how it works out after it arrives on Thursday.
  20. PETA =People Eating Tasty Animals.
  21. Looks like a Municipal or State project based on curb cut and roadway and maybe a case of another inspector not enforcing the rules. Her sneakers are the least of the safety violations, the most glaring one is the idiot running the saw, no eye protection, no gloves, no dust mask or hearing protection. Then the other idiots starring at the operation without eye protection. In a couple of years we will see them on the TV bitching about blindness or respiratory problems and how they were harmed by their employer. Having been required to wear complete PPE in my occupation I think it is important and saved me more than once.----just my two cents!
  22. Have had good luck with LaView with 6 cameras from Amazon. Can access from my phone. I hard wired it with a underground conduit to garage. I would suggest using Cat5e Outdoor Waterproof Ethernet Cable for Direct Burial Shielded (Pure Copper) in conduit. I ran conduit for two reasons , #1-if anything goes wrong you install another cable easily #2 gives me a pathway to install additional alarm wires if needed in the same raceway
  23. I was looking at it long and hard. Glad it has gone to a good home! I talked to the seller as well about the overall condition. From the YouTube clip it sounded pretty good. It is comforting knowing it won't be destroyed. I saved all the images and was able to zoom in on them and overall it looks like just heavy surface rust. Good luck and I look forward to hearing more after it is delivered.
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