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39 Baby Mack

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 39 Baby Mack

  1. Happy Birthday, hope you have a nice day! Ron
  2. Great picture Leslie! I'm glad your having fun with it, that's what it's all about!!! Ron
  3. Happy Birthday everybody and Happy New Year too! Ron
  4. I'm sorry wrong info, forgot about the year, you need a service manual for an E-Tech engine. It's still 728 cubic inches but has EUP's (electronic unit pump) Ron
  5. Glad you got out OK Leslie. Better you than me, I think I'd wait till the roads clear before I tried it again! Ron
  6. That's the manual you need. E-7 728.......................728 is referring to the cubic inch displacement of the engine not the horsepower. Ron
  7. Here's a picture of an EG for you. Ron
  8. Merry Christmas Vinny and all my other friends on BMT!!! Ron
  9. Probably just as well, I bet you'd play hell trying to find torsion bars! They weren't that easy to raise the cabs with them anyway unless you had them wound up pretty tight, but then if you had them wound that tight they didn't last very long. If you ever heard one snap when you going down the road the cab would shake and you would swear you broke an axle or something! Funny story: We had a Brockway broken down at O'Hare Mack can't remember exactly when, mid 80's?, wouldn't charge, the shop foreman told the mechanics to put the cab up on it and then went inside. He came back about ten minutes later and the cab wasn't up on it yet and asked them why? They said they couldn't find the cab jack! Luckily the foreman was a little older and showed them how to put the cab up!!!! Ron
  10. Wow a 400 series Brockway with a torsion bar cab!!! Ron
  11. Could also be an F607T with an END673!! Wouldn't be a 237 with a 2 stick transmission in it! Ron
  12. Congratulations Leslie! Nice looking truck, good luck with it! Ron
  13. Happy Birthday! Ron
  14. Saw this truck on the way to breakfast this morning, thought of you immediately, would have stopped and got a picture and the chassis# but Cohens is closed on weekends. Ron
  15. Here's the order form, hope this helps. Ron
  16. They are sold by: Pacesetter Enterprises, Inc. 759 Roble Road Allentown, PA 18109 Phone# (610) 264-9404 Ron
  17. Merry Christmas to all my friends on BMT!! Ron
  18. Happy Birthday! Ron
  19. Hope you have a wonderful Birthday!! Ron
  20. The first thing i would look at would be the accelerator lever on the governor. It has a self centering spring built into it to eliminate over torquing the shaft in the governor in full fuel position. If the spring is broken in it, which they often do, it will let the governor float and cause it to surge or lope. Ron
  21. Very nice video Leslie Thanks for posting!! Ron
  22. Best lookin' flaps they ever made and the "Dogs" are looking at each other like there supposed to!!! Ron
  23. Hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving! Ron
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