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Everything posted by Pawel

  1. The way I see it, if you install a tall pipe, it gets cleaner air up there and the filter lasts longer. If you install short pipe,it is lighter and generates less drag - important if you drive longer distances with higher speeds. Have a nice day Paweł
  2. Could be - switching to firefox re-set some options? By why do you insist on IE? I personally moved to Firefox years ago and I like it. Anyhow - good luck cleaning it up, have a nice day Paweł
  3. So you, gennulman don't like socialism (unions and stuff), do you? How, then, would you explain countries like China (once very socialist), France (very socialist) and Germany (also too socialist for many of you, friends) beating the USA in many mentioned rankings? Maybe it's about people working together for the common good? I know from experience it doesn't feel good to be forced to do what you don't really want. But since we all have to take it from time to time, maybe it would be better to do it for other people and not for the banks? I hope I don't upset too many of you - I respect you for the hard work you do every day. Have a nice day Paweł
  4. I say it's dependent on your web browser. Please check it out or try to look it up on google. Best greetings, have a nice day Paweł
  5. Me too - especially of the chassis and the innards! Have a nice day Paweł
  6. Hi Neal, how are you? That photo is one of the more important im my modelling reference collection. The others I got from you - thanks again. Have a nice day Paweł
  7. Could you send me a photo (of the air dryer) - say, from the truck in your avatar? That would really help a lot... Thanks in advance, have a nice day Paweł
  8. slpwlker, shortstack - thanks a lot for your kind words! Say, gennulmen - can you help me with that air dryer location? Where would it be mounted on an early Superliner with a sleeper? Thanks in advance, have a nice day Paweł
  9. OK - one more quick update. Recently I built a representation of the air dryer: What do you think - did I get the look? Now the big question - where to put it? Some sources say it should be behind the cab, inside the frame, on the left rail. But then the sleeper would pretty much block the access to the cartridge and make it's exchange a PITA. Others say it should be on the outside of the frame, behind the fuel tank (on the left or on the right rail?). Any help here would be greatly appreciated. I also went back to the engine and painted the filters: After installing them the motor looks like this: That'd be it for now - thanks for readin and have a nice day Paweł
  10. Pawel

    Two Cows:

    Rob wa seven kind enough to include a Polish corporation!
  11. What if the perpetrators are not scared? What if they're already in dark ages? Many of them are!
  12. Gregg, but that's exactly what I'm lookin' for! From what I've seen, photos of the Superliner II are easier to find on the internet. The info about the air dryer is very helpful, as I'm about to put one on my model - can you post the photos? Thanks a lot in advance, have a nice day Paweł
  13. If you could be so kind, the radiator area, the front cab wall and the general area of the air dryer are particularily interesting to me. Thanks in advance - and have a nice day! Paweł
  14. A real looker, congratulations! Could you post some under-the-hood photos? It would sure be interesting for me as a modeller! Thanks a lot in advance and have good luck with your truck Paweł
  15. Great thread, shows the innards of a Superliner II - great reference for a modeller! Good luck with the rebuild, have a nice day Paweł
  16. Superdog - thanks for your comment! The Superliner came to be very important for me, too - although I didn't get to see one in person yet. Maybe someday. I still need a visa if I want to visit USA - ain't that bad? Thanks for your kind words, be sure to gather a lot of reference material of your truck (I mean photos, especially of it's innards and underside, those are hard to find, and some measurements, like the frame length, ride height and the likes) if you ever want to have it modelled. Mark - oh yeah, I heard it before and I also can't wait to see it done - mainly because if I wait it will never get done mack4ever - nice picture! The B model sure is something special. I thought about building a model of one, but that won't happen soon. Maybe someday! Thanks again for your comments, have a nice day Paweł
  17. Bob - thanks a lot for dropping by! Don't worry, I'm not going to give up that easy. Paul - nice model! Good job on the dirt and rust. I'd be glad to build this model too, but unfortunately that kit is almost ungettable nowadays. As for my truck, I plan to model it used, but clean and well maintained. Thanks again for the comments and have a nice day! Paweł
  18. Hello everybody! It's been a really long time, I also got a lot of help from the forum members here, so I wanted to let you know I'm movin' on with this one, although slowly. Recently I put together the battery boxes complete with the air tanks. Putting something "chrome-like" on the parts was tedious. Anyway, here's what it looks like now: My request to you is, if you see something that looks bad on my model, please let me know, maybe I can correct it in time. The pity is I've never seen a Superliner real-life, so I have to depend on sources! Thanks in advance for your help, have a ncie day Paweł
  19. A very nice looking truck! Could you post a picture of how the rear suspension bolts to the frame below the fifth wheel mount? I ask because I didn't have a chance to check out such a heavy susspension yet and it seems interesting. Thanks in advance, have a nice day Pawel
  20. I also have a strong German DNA share, like most of the Americans! One thing's sure - if you ever visit Europe, to find the best food, vodka and prettiest girls you just have to come to Poland! You welcome! Paweł
  21. Now that's a good one! Generation ZZZ - sometimes I think I belong to that generation the way I doze off at times - or maybe I have some sort of medical problem... I was born in 1979, so that makes me a kind of border case. What the OP doesn't say is Y the generation X is called that. What strikes me though, is the attitude of many posters here - and not only on this thread. Great many of you are hard working people. You often agree, there's something wrong with the world around us - they don't build trucks anymore like they used to, can't get quality parts for them, everything is built in China and so on. The New York Boys and Girls also don't like the way things are, but most of the posters here don't like them - that's because they don't work hard enough, right? They're just mess around. How about if all the American people start working harder than the Chinese for less money than the Chinese - with exception of the few rich people, who will bag all the profits. How would you like that? Tell you what - I live in western Europe, where people somehow generally decided they want to earn less than the Americans and keep more free time. Things are more relaxed around here - for example if you are employed, it's generally agreed, that if you are sick and can't work, you still get paid and come back to your job after you get well. I think people who like to work realy hard should have the option to do so. And as well people who like to take it easy, should have the option - earning less, of course, but still be able to survive. In the moment where you have no other option but to work night and day and still are barely able to support your family - I can understand some people getting angry. But that's enough of my writing, I'm falling asleep again :-). Good luck to all the hard workers, have a nice day Pawel
  22. dirtywhiteboy, jaysm35a2 - thanks a lot for the comments and for your help. I'm asking, because I need the info for my model, I write about it here: http://www.bigmacktrucks.com/index.php?/topic/19052-mack-rw-superliner-scale-model/ It would also interest my fellow modellers in Europe, since our regulations are so much different. I'd love to hear more about how it's arranged in the States, so if anybody has more comments, please post them. Thanks in advance, have a nice day Paweł
  23. Very interesting! Thanks a lot for the info! So when did it all change? If I wanted to model my truck, say mid-eighties, what would I have to look for? From what I understand - no tags on the rear on the rear of the truck, tags on the front bumper don't have to match tags on the rear of the trailer and basically you need a tag from every state you're passing through? Would that be roughly correct? Thanks in advance for your help, have a nice day Paweł
  24. Hello everybody! I have a question for you which may seem dumb, but been bothering me and my fellow modellers for some time - you see in Europe, where I come from, a truck only carries one set of licence plates (one forward, one on the rear), another licence plate is put on the rear of the trailer. It was always very curious/odd to me, to see american trucks literally peppered with licence plates. What are the general rules governing that? Do you need licence plates on the rear of the tractor? Do you licence the rig as a whole, or tractor separately and the trailer separately? Why more than one plate on the front bumper? Any info here would be a great help in modelling, but also interesting to hear. Thanks a lot in advance, have a nice day Paweł
  25. Just beeeutiful! Have a nice day Paweł
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