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Everything posted by Pawel

  1. Hello! Nice machine! In Germany, Porsche used to build tractors. While not very fast, they sure have a hot-rod look to them. People in Germany like to restore those Porsche tractors and use them to ride around the villages. Have a nice day Paweł
  2. Jim - I think so too. I was very happy to see so many Macks in one neighbourhood for the first time in my life. Tim - I'm not telling you about EVERYTHING I did there, you understand logtruckman - it sure is/was a beautiful truck, sorry to see it in such a sad shape now. It's like a second or third time I've seen a Superliner in my live! They are so rare where I live. Mark - anytime! Vlad - thanks for your comment! On your way to the Netherlands, do you go through Poland? Well I sure had a nice vacation, especially compared to how crappy the weather in Poland just got. Thank you all for your comments, have a nice day Pawel
  3. Hello! Thanks for your comments! That's a very interesting discussion about the MH. I loved the RD800 too! Unfortunately didn't see the Brockway, it could have gone to one of the neighbouring islands. As for the fire trucks, on the french side they use a lot of Renaults. In the Dutch side Fire Dept I've seen a mixture of Fords and Mercedes-Benz, also some Toyotas. And now - let me post the last of the pictures I've got for you, enjoy: Other steel-nose RD: Photographed in my rear-view mirror: Thanks for looking, have a nice day Pawel
  4. Hello! Nice to see so much interest! I was surprised to see a Marmon too (first time in my life, I only red about them before), had to take pictures of it. Don't think so about the model, though Steve - although you can never know, life's full of surprises. OK, so let me post some more, before I go to sleep: This poor MH stands on a gas station on the French side: This heavy mover takes a short rest not so far from a party beach: It's got really heavy, walking beam rear suspension: And I wanted to post "a girl in a car" picture, but instead I post this one advertising for a casino: Hope you like 'em, have a nice day Pawel
  5. Hello everybody! Didn't write for a long time - first I had a lot of work in Germany, then I wanted to spend the money I earned in Germany with class, so I went to the beautiful island of Sint Maarten, and found (with great pleasure) that it's ruled by Macks. Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure, or in case if you wander where all the good ole' trucks go: Sorry to tell you, but this one is gutted (no engine nor radiator): And other from the same lot: This Marmon is rare: Before it took this vacation, it used to operate from Fishkill, New York: I've got lots more, please let me know if you want to see them. Thanks for reading, have a nice day Pawel
  6. Ha ha - what did you expect? This is your president, how can I do something you don't like so you vote for me? Giving people what they want is the point of politics! Have a nice day Pawel
  7. Well, if I was an enemy of the US, I'd say cool - they're dividing, two divided countries are weaker than one united (hey, its UNITED States, isn't it?). It's a bit like in the sand box - I don't like it, I take my toys and go home. Really, think about it friends. Have a nice day Pawel
  8. Well, pretty girls (some of them at least), and also kinda smart. Instead of watching TV or texting they built something, I like it. The sheiks/oil moguls won't like them though, probably! Well now please note they don't take water, but urine - I'd say if you put two dissimilar metal electrodes in that you get some electric current, you can use to sepaate hydrogen - that's the way I understand it. But of course I'd like to know it in more detail, too. Anyhow, have a nice day Pawel
  9. Well I sure wonder if that electric buggy had air conditioning, rear window (not to mention heated), power doors and power seats. Always makes me wonder how much we could improve the mileage of all cars if we gutted them. But no, everybody want comfort. And for free. Or almost for free - there's less and less oil left, no real alternative for it and everybody wants to get it - can't you see the trouble comin'? Best greetings, everybody Pawel
  10. And the machine is looking really nice - congratulations Vinny! Paweł
  11. Well, Rowdy, like I wrote the systems around here are not perfect, far from it, many might say. Of course the reaction time is very important - having to wait months before you can go to the doctor defeats the purpose. You wrote: ...your options are limited to what they are willing (or able) to pay for. When the payer is broke... And that's the trick - making the system state-owned means it's really tricky to make it go broke. If you have money, you can buy additional services - but how about the people that don't have enough money? I don't think we can say "let them die, they're lazy or old anyhow". Thanks for reading, have a nice day Paweł
  12. Hello! In Europe most countries have state-owned health insurances, and, while not perfect, they prevent people from going broke because of healthcare costs. I always wondered, how can Americans live without such a system. I wish you all good health and many happy years, have a nice day Paweł
  13. Vinny, Vinny - don't you get it? You don't normally "win" a mess like this. Your objective is to take hits with a smile on your face and don't let them do any damage. Bringing the "problematic" subject up like this will only get you more comments like the one above. There's this technical term for it, it's called "asking for it". So unless you enjoy it, I'd advise to avoid. Keep up the good work on your truck and have a nice day Paweł
  14. Well, I don't really know the facts here. Just tell you how I heard it on the radio. And the poll is supposed to be taken in the rural areas of the USA (it's been reported this way, literally). Sounded a little unusual to me. So I started to wonder - fired up google - came up with this (sorry, should'a done this right from the start): http://hypervocal.com/news/2012/fars-news-agency-the-onion-iran/ And so the joke becomes official government news in Iran. Whoa! Have a nice day Paweł
  15. Howdy! I've been to Speyer some ten years ago, a great place to visit. There's also another museum around, also a big collection of cars, it's in Sinnsheim. Today, I've been in the Officer school in Poznań, Poland, they had an open day. Many cool machines on display, among them this Soviet ZiL VIP car: And its armoured, too! Have a nice day Paweł
  16. Howdy! Today, while listening to the Polish radio, I hear a report, about a report (talk about credibility) on the Iranian radio. The Iranians said they polled people from the rural regions of the USA. Asked who they would vote for in presidential elections if Obama would be running against the president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the majority of interviewed people went for Ahmadinejad. That just instantly made me think about this section of our Forums. What do you think about it? Thanks for reading, have a nice day Paweł
  17. Well friends, things like that always bother me. As you maybe know, I'm a modeller who cares about the accuracy of the models. I Poland, in the eighties, you couldn't get models of German equipment, because they were just that - politically incorrect. Then the "communism" ended in 1989 and everything opened up and you could model everything you could afford (not much but still better than nothing). Now every now and then you see efforts to ban something from being modelled - be it the nazi swastika, the soviet red star, the figure of the pope (yeah, they made a model of him in Poland and the ultra-catholics were afraid they're loosing the grip on the subject!). Everything like this makes me shake my head. Guess it's easier to outlaw than to explain. Now what does it mean in clear text "someone might be offended"? I say they were afraid of a boycott. Guess the company estimates there are more offended buyers than those who like the flag. Maybe we should find a way to hurt the company financially? Only then they will know they did wrong. If we're unable to, that menas we're the minority, and then the majority wil have it's way - isn't this democracy? I mean porn offends some people too, but they weren't outlawed yet - the suppliers WILL follow the demand. Or maybe let's sell flag decals so that everybody can make the correct version of General Lee at home - that would be the freedom of choice! Let's not let the corporations rule! Thanks for reading and have a nice day Paweł
  18. Phil, thanks a lot, every photo is a great help! It sure is old and rusty, pity too see it in such a condition. Thanks again, have a nice day Paweł
  19. Thanks Vinny, very kind of you! Paweł
  20. Hello Vlad, thanks for your message. Yeah, I heard Wieliczka is really a sight to see. As I said, if you are in western Poland (Poznań or Gorzów), please let me know. And in the meantime I built the drive shaft for my model - here's what it looks like: Hope you like it, thanks for reading and have a nice day Paweł
  21. You could put a relais in to make the switch live longer (in case they don't operate over a relais already, that is). Good luck with that fix, have a nice day Paweł
  22. Corey, thanks a lot for your message. I say no problem, let's ramble - where would you find a better place to do it than on the forums? I once talked to a friend with whom I worked in Germany - he told me, if he quit his work and go on unemployment in Germany and just sit at home, he would have just as much money as he had when we were talking. He would be getting less, but would also be spending less on transport and renting an additional room (he worked away from his home town). Plus lots of free time to take care of his family. But he didn't quit, he's still working - guess he likes his work. At the same time the unemployed of Germany often stay at home and the country cares for them. You might say the German state is keepeing them lazy. I like that - leaves more good jobs open in Germany for me. I always thought if you didn't pay them, some of them would find a job, and some of them would go on stealing and robbing, inflicting loses in the economy, and then end up in jail - where the taxpayers would care for them anyway. So maybe paying them to watch cable TV is cheaper? As effective as a German worker is (modern technology!) I suspect he is able to support three or four people. Of course I'm always sad when the people who work hard and like their jobs don't get the credit they deserve. So that's my little rant - thanks for reading, have a nice day Paweł
  23. RowdyRebel, you are right at the point where you say rights and responsibilities should match. And that's what we see in Europe for example - in countries like France or in Germany, if you get sick, everybody antes up to heal you - but they also force you to care for yourself - like for example buckling up the seatbelts is mandatory. Of course many people don't like being told what to do. Then again, modern medicine is so expensive that only the richest people could afford healing some cases that already have known cures. But I also wanted to tell you about communism - do you know their OFFICIAL doctrine treated the government as a temporary organisation that was to work only as long as the communism is being built (the Soviets never said they have it - they were building it all the time). After the communism was finally estabilished, there was supposed to be no government, because the people (being fully equal) would perfectly manage themselves. Another catchy line - work as much as you want, get everything you need - doesn't that sound cool? It's the details of how it looked in praxis made this whole thing so obnoxious. That's why I wrote - everybody has to remain critical about himself - otherwise ugly things can happen despite even the prettiest slogans.
  24. speweik - thanks a lot for your reply. I didn't mean to, in any way, disrespect to the American people. I just think it's important to understand, and I tried to provide different point of view to help do just that. I'm taking part in this discussion to try to understand, too. The good thing is, as long as people talk to each other, they usually don't fight. The fighting usually starts when people stop talking - aren't we dangerously close to that point now? Let's hope not. Thanks for reading, have a nice day Paweł
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