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Everything posted by Pawel

  1. Hello Vinny, vary nice work! And also very inetersting pictures of the gutted cab. Any chance of you photographing it from the underside? How does the panel look like, that covers that big opening in the floor? Good luck with your project, have a nice day Paweł
  2. Well, didn't it occur to you, that for a preacher, if he is a true believer, all the people who die in the fire go straight to heaven, all the ones who survive burned will be improved through their suffering, and the ones that just walk away will continue to sin? I'm wholeheatedly supporting the firefighters all over the world, whose business is people's lives and property and not their immortal souls. Have a nice day Paweł
  3. Oh, I see. Well, friends, we won't agree on this one. Have a nice day Paweł
  4. Excuse me, friends, this just goes to show you can do stupid/mean/annoying things in the name of atheism. And you can also do such things in the name of god. History shows us it's been done for thousands of years. Well my message would be just to try to be good to each other - if you see somebody that is stupid, try to forgive, maybe even understand. For example if you think this post is stupid - I take this possibility into account - would you be so kind as to forgive me, or rather try to hurt me some way? Taking it out on the weaker, how cool is that? Have a nice day Paweł
  5. Howdy Max! I build a truck model too. Here's a link to a thread on this forum: http://www.bigmacktrucks.com/index.php?/topic/19052-mack-rw-superliner-scale-model/ Unfortunately I can't see the pictures you posted. Please try to fix it, I'd like to see them. Good luck with your project, have a nice day Paweł
  6. Steve, thanks a lot, that's really a great help. Here's a link to the thread with the pictures, in case anybody else would like to see them: http://www.bigmacktr...pics-for-pawel/ I see for myself, that sometimes posting pictures here can be a real pain... I'd also like to thank fifthwheel, who sent me photos per e-mail. Steve, that fix with those channels welded on is really clean, congratulations! Thanks again for your great help, my best wishes to you and have a nice day Paweł
  7. Thanks a lot in advance, Steve. If anybody else could post photos of the air tanks too, please do so it would help me a lot. Thanks again, have a nice day Paweł
  8. Vinny, do you have the new cab yet? Greetings Paweł
  9. Hey Vinny! Good to know the work is going good! Good luck with your project and have a nice day Paweł
  10. Steve - cool save on the straps. But what would be more interesting for me is the way the air lines connect to the tanks, and also how the drain and safety valve look like. So if you would be so kind, I'd like to see such a photo. It's a detail hard to find on the internet. Thanks for your great help, have a nice day Paweł
  11. Thanks a lot Steve! That's exactly the information I needed! Now if some kind Superliner owner would be so helpful as to post a photo of the tanks from the underside, that would make my day. In the meantime I found the following information for a 1990 (Superliner II) RW703 in a Mack brochure: RH - Supply/Secondary - Two Compartments LH - Primary Single Compartment Manual Drain Valve w/Lanyard Control on Wet Tank That's in case somebody is interested. Steve, thanks again, you really helped me a lot. Have a nice day Paweł
  12. Hello everybody! I have a question again. For what I know the Superliner I had three air tanks - two slung under the battery box on the driver's side and one under the battery box on the passenger side. The question I have is: which tank is which? I mean one of them (which one?) would be the supply/wet tank, another would supply air to the rear axles and the other would provide air for the front axle. Maybe one of you, friends, would be so kind as to crawl under your machine and snap some photos from the underside? I would really appreciate your help here - thanks in advance, have a nice day Paweł
  13. Oh, I'm sure Vlad meant the mosquitoes. You know, those little flying insect thingies . In Poland we have this joke - how do you tell a happy biker - he has dead insects sticking to his front teeth! Nice pictures, Vlad, have a nice day Paweł
  14. Thanks a lot, Vinny! Any idea about the air tanks? Have a nice day Paweł
  15. Hello everybody! I just installed fuel tanks on my model. In case you wanted to take a look here they are. Please note the straps: Thanks for looking, have a nice day Paweł PS. Does anybody know, which air tank is which on this baby (wet/supply, front axle, rear axle)? Thanks in advance for your help
  16. Alastair - thanks a lot! That's a great help, and very interesting drawings, too! I'll get to updating the cab floor now. Thanks again, and have a nice day! Paweł
  17. Pawel


    Vinny took his U-Model cab off - that gave a lot of comments! Welcome back and have a nice day Paweł
  18. Yeah,I've sen it too - just didn't want to appear picky... I was so proud of myself for figgering this one out - I think it was ment to say aerodynamic. Aeros is Greek for air - see, it's almost the sam word as in English. Like they say - to err is human, too really f*ck up you need a computer. Have a nice day Paweł
  19. Sergey - Oleg sure is doing a good job on this one, although it may be that the frame he took is incorrect for the Australian version - recently on friend on these forums, jeffbyrne, told me the MHs in Australia had the R-model frame. Looking for reference is the toughest part of the modelling business - I hope somebody can help. Wish Oleg good luck from me and have a nice day Paweł
  20. Jeff, Alastair - thanks for your comments and for your kind words. Jeff - I always wondered about the Aussie Macks, especially the Superliners - I've seen on the photos their frame is neither Superliner I nor Superliner II. Now you tell me it's an R-Model - thanks for the clarification. Alastair - I look forward to seeing those pics, you can never get too much reference. I see guys, we think alike. I mean I can't really understand modellers that put a lot of work in their truck models and the fact that they all have Freightliner chassis (like most of the Italeri models) doesn't bother them. Like one company that builds an F-Model cab and it says on thei web page "fits a generic Italeri US frame" - it's a joke. Likewise, the Italeri Superliner cab is also a cruel joke, unless you narrow it, that is. Be careful with that Italeri kit, it's full of errors and traps - I hope you can find some of them looking at this thread. Good luck with your projects and have a nice day Paweł
  21. Thanks guys, very kind of you - you see I know his truck only from photos, so it's easy for me to mess something up. Vladislav already pointed out (in another thread) that such heavy rear suspension is unusual for a Superliner. I'm not going to change it, but if I started building another one, I'd put 44k rears in it. Anyhow - thanks a lot for your comments and have a nice day Paweł
  22. Yeah, Vinny, I would like to know how the cab looks like from under the truck - nobody ever shows that! Please keep it in mind, it would help me a lot. Once more, good luck! Paweł
  23. Pity - I don't know how it is built and I'm afraid I could have done some errors in my scale model. Maybe you could photograph the new cab for me? Thanks in advance! Paweł
  24. Hello! I started painting the frame recently. Here's what I've got so far: Hope you like it - if you see something wrong with it, please be sure to post your comments here. Thanks for reading and have a nice day Paweł
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