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    B Model Mack

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  1. Thanks Mark. I have Dayton wheels. I was thinking of stripping the paint off and trying to paint them myself. Mack doesnt sell quarts, only $11 spray cans and 1 gallon cans for $105. I do like the look from the factory with the red inner wheel and the outside gray. I was looking at your pictures, you have put some time into your wagon. Looks nice.
  2. I have a B Model Fire Engine. I want to re paint the wheels. Without spending $105 a gallon for Mack Red, does anyone have any suggestions? And, some help with the Gray paint also. Thanks
  3. I stand corrected. It is a 1954 with a 707 B. Sorry about that.
  4. Thanks. I will re-check to confirm the year.
  5. I have a 1953 B85 Pumper with a cracked exhaust manifold. I understand there are several different manifolds. How can I tell which one it is, and where can I find one? Any idea what they sell for?
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