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single drive

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    upper michigan

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    construction equipment

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  1. very nice, wonder what kind of air pressure is in that set?
  2. I will have to check it out later in the week when i get home, but my brother says there isnt any place for the drive adaptor.
  3. I am trying to install power steering on my 67 r600 and have come up with a minor obsticle. the air compressor on the motor doesnt have an rear drive, when i pull the rear covor all i see is a bearing. i am wondering if anyone knows what will interchange and if i need an adaptor or not. the motor is an END707 and the number off the original compressor is 303gb561p1. any help is greatly appreciated
  4. some days you just have to call em as you see them. I had the same shit happen on 287 down in texas last year. I was driving along at the speed limit, as i was in no hurry, and there was a few cars behind me driftin left and right flashn their lights. When i finished passn i moved over and was told i was #1. Bout 20 miles later i was pulled over by the local sherrif and he asked me if i was sleepn, cause he had reports that i was driving all over the road as well as both shoulders and the median! There was a lot of rain the night b4 and the shoulders were muddy so i asked him to check my tires for mud, and he then told me to have a nice day. But the damn dot showd up and had a bitch fit which ended with him telling me how i was wasting his time, like it was my fault and i was a bad person. I believe in this operation those who calld in and that damn dot officer were all miserable Cunts.
  5. that would make a helluva nice pickup
  6. very nice
  7. Thats pretty funny, i think ill have to take a ride up that way and check that out.
  8. For a city of chicago truck it probably aint in that bad of shape. Especially considering they have those high quality union workers operating them. But it has to b the most interesting b67 i have ever seen.
  9. That is amusing but it would b alot funnier if it werent so true.
  10. That would probably beat the hell outa the shop vac i use in my house....if i could only get it thru the door
  11. Thats pretty nice. I wish the 2 we got on the farm looked that nice, ours got a little cancer
  12. Thats some fuunny shit right there. The first is funny because it is true, and the second just makes me laugh.
  13. Atleast he didnt ruin a decent piece of equipment in the process.
  14. Here is another word of the day to further everones education.....OMELETTE Here is an example of it used in the inner city I should pop a cap in yo ass fo dat shit yo jus did but omelette that shit go.
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