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single drive

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Everything posted by single drive

  1. I seen that truck in person at the swap meet in iola wisconsin last year or the year before. It is just rediculos looking in person, definately different.
  2. All the stories i have heard about that have ended a little messy but very amusing i hear. havent had the pleasure of trying it yet. As far as shining up tires goes i have found a little anti-freeze on a rag works very good and lasts for a fair amount of time.
  3. All the stories i have heard about that have ended a little messy but very amusing i hear. havent had the pleasure of trying it yet. As far as shining up tires goes i have found a little anti-freeze on a rag works very good and lasts for a fair amount of time.
  4. I think id rather have an old frieghtliner than that new volvo, that is if it were my only 2 choices. but thats just my opinion n im just a dumb truck driver as ive been told.
  5. Good luck with your career choice(we all could use a few good diesel mechanics) and your truck pullin hobby. You should find this site a help with many of your questions.
  6. I just insured my dump trk with state farm here in mich for $130 for six months, it was a little more because i am going to use it for haulin some gravel for personal use. I had to go with a farm plate for it instead of the collector plate. The law reads on a mich collector plate that it can only b driven to and from shows, cruises, for repair purposes, and i think some type of leisure rides. I figured it was easier to go with the farm plate and save my self some hassel as i get enuf of that OTR.
  7. Looks very nice. I have always liked it when a person gets to move something out of the ordinary and neat like that.
  8. A spray can will do the job for a short time, but will only last a few monthe before it peels off. If a long term repair is what you are lookin for i would use an epoxy primer then a good coat of paint.
  9. this is the pic of the number on the rear of the block. The number on the front by acc drive is as follows. for some reason i couldnt get the pic to upload. 7 29 66 Q3 2603412a Pic.zip
  10. My brother read the numbers off the block to me last night but i didnt have any way to write them down, as i was in the truck stop sandwich store. but the manufacture date was july or august of 66. i will have a pic of them tonight, and a pic of the numbers off the rear of block
  11. I would put my money on it being a governor problem. For a $20 you should b able to get a new one.
  12. I found the section of the dot handbook where the brake rules are and the date where u need to have front brakes if built after is july 25 of 1980. It is in subpart C 393.40. All the needed info is available from that part of the book. hope this helps
  13. As far as i know it is just a suggestion but not mandatory if it wasnt on from the factory. The actual law is somewhere in that lil green dot book, if ya gots a day or 2 to look thru and find it.
  14. That is a fine looking machine
  15. I should have the engine number later tonight after my brother gets home to look at it for me. The truck seems to b pretty decent i drove it about 260 miles from west milwaukee back to my house with no problems on saturday, then around town a little on sunday and moved 3 loads of grael across my property with it with no problems. Im pretty happy with it so far, beats the heck outta the rusted out 80s international or gmc that i was lookn at for about the same price.
  16. I apreciate all the info, i will have to check out the motor numbers in a few weeks when i get back from work. Is there any books still available that a person can get the vin# info and other specs from? Thanks you for the help thus far, and thank you to the others who have posted thoughts and info.
  17. hello all, i am new to this website and a first time mack owner. I have had previous dealings with macks but not of my own. I just purchased a 67 mack R609, the title reads # R609T6262, it has an original looking R600 emblem on the side of cab but i have gathered it is a R609T model. Im not sure what is different with the R609T. The dealer tells me that the original motor is a END707, from what i have found it sounds like that is a gas motor but it is a diesel and the #6262 is in the side of block. Im having trouble finding oil filters for it. It has a five and three tri-plex in it and is a single axle dump truck. The motor appears to be original but im not for sure. i will attach a few photos of the motor. Any help with info on what it is and possibly how much power it has would b appreciated. thank you
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