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About DWaits

  • Birthday 03/31/1960


  • Location
    Roopville, GA

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    Old Macks, Tractors, Mules, Horses, Farming, Dogs, Fire Apparatus, Turkey hunting, Cards, used cars, land speculation, women, rat rods, ferterlizer sales, whiskey, catfishn, BBQ, preachin, and making muscadine wine.

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  1. Trucks and tractors I use at work
  2. Thanks for the welcome back from all of Y'all! After selling my business in 07 I took some time off and got caught up on somethings around my place, cleard some more land for pasture and got a lot of fishing done! CDL school was also a lot of fun I made some new friends and learned some new things as well, after 10 weeks of school I did just a little bit more fishing then, I actually got tired of not having much to do (Well it was my wife actually)I was restricted to what was available to me locally. I lucked out and found a small builders supply yard that needed a full time driver and got hired on the spot. One thing they dont teach you in CDL school is how to strap and tarp loads! lucky for me I hardly ever have to use a tarp but straps and chains are some of my every day tools. I had some experiance with chains hauling my tractors around so the learning curve was not that sharp. I get to take the Mack CH out about twice a week, it also carries a Preston fork lift which is blast to operate! The seat in the Pete 330 is an air ride so seeing out over the dash is no problem<G> The Mack has a Talladega wide ride seat which is really comfortably. I have uploaded a few pics of the CH to my gallery and will try to get some of the Pete up latter, we are getting snow here today in the sunny south so I am going out to cut some doughnuts in snow with the golf cart. Thanks again for the welcome back, DW
  3. Hey I am back, Been gone from here for over a year and have just now found time to get back online and see how things have been, I still have the 48 S75 pumper and still trying to find a motor so progress has slowed down on it. I got my CDL (class A with tanker and hazmat) and started driving for a local builders supply, I am having a blast with the trucks we have and I get to drive them all at sometime or another. I spend most days in a 2003 Pete dump but my favorite is the Mack, (duh) we also have two other Peterbilts . The owner of the company has a cattle operation so on slow days I haul hay and corn glutin with the Mack and when I am at the yard I haul sand, gravel, mortor, pipe and lumber. We also have some loaders and lifts that I use everyday as well. Most days are local but I do get over to Birmingham and Aniston Alabama to pick up blocks and other material. I have some pics to upload but I have to figure out how to get them from my phone to the laptop first, I cant wait to show yall all the new toys I have been playing with, well I have a ton of new post to read so I better get started. Glad to be back! David
  4. Welcome Mike, What part of GA are you from? Do you have any pics of your truck you can post? David
  5. If you can, get your CDL. Check with your local tech school or community collage and see if they offer a CDL course, if they do chances are you might be able to get a grant from your state so it will not cost much and will be worth the time and any money you spend. My state paid (GA) paid for everything except the DOT physical and the exam/endorsement fees. David
  6. Ok I found the picture I was looking for, this is a ENF510A which is very close to the 707 (I think) anyway you can see what I am telling you about the three peice intake setup.
  7. Tom, I may be wrong so if I am someone correct me. The 707 is similar to the 510, if you have an updraft carburetor the intake manifold will be a three piece system, a right or front half, a left or rear half and a center piece that joins the two halves. I have a picture somewhere and I will see if I can get it for you ASAP. I hope this helps! David
  8. I only have the 48 pumper but I would not mind a few more, my wife thinks I have 1 too many!
  9. If you can get your hands on an amber lens you can get a kit to make some in red, I only had one red lens on my truck, I bought a kit at the local auto parts store that you can make a mold of a lens. it is not to hard to do and they do look like they are made of plastic and not glass but it works! David
  10. Thanks for the tip! That truck has good prospects, it looks to be pretty much compleat. I have this item in my watched folder, it might be worth it if the engine turns over and the block is not cracked. It also looks like it has a ENF510A, I dont think I can get away with buying another whole truck that does not run, my wife does not care if I put money into what I have, anybody here need anything from it? David
  11. Man I hate to see a rig sitting like that... Jimmy, Would you happen to have any pic or know where some are posted of this truck or if any of the other 4 are still around? David
  12. I have also posted this in the ATHS forum but, not all of my online friends read both forums so I am posting it here as well. Well I have decide to get my CDL and see what it is like to drive full time, I sold both of my businesses and closed on the deal January 15th,. since then I have been working my tractors, getting some more of my land cleard for pasture and getting caught up on all the chores that I have not had time for the last few years. (Oh, I also have been spending some quality time with my Mack pumper and family.) Last Friday I took the entrance exam at the local community collage (it is accredited so I had to take a two hour test since they have associate degree programs) and passed with no problems other than the algebra portion but they let you use a calculator so I was able to get most of the math problems right. I know there are more easy and quicker ways to get my CDL but this is what will work best for me and, I am eligible for a scholarship from the state of GA! imagine that, I am 46, have not been to school since the late 70's and I can get a scholarship, mostly due to the GA state lottery program. Anyway it is a 8 week course and I will be getting a class A with hazmat and tanker endorsements, I do not know yet where this will lead me but, I am looking forward to a new change in life and not having to hear my wife ask me everyday "what are you going to do today?"<grin> and, doing something I have been wanting to do since I was a kid, I started to do it when I was younger but decided to stay with my father and follow him in business. I will not be driving OTR because of my commitments to my family and home (I have a small farm with horses and a teenage daughter) but I be live there is enough work near me to keep me busy. Hopefully I will have a choice of trucks and I can drive a Mack, if I decide this is what I want to do for a while I will buy my own truck and you can bet your last dollar it will be a Mack! I will keep Y'all posted on my progress. David
  13. I live about two hours SW of Atlanta GA, localy (Roopville, GA) I am paying $2.69 for taxed fuel and $2.49 for un-taxed for my tractor. David
  14. Try the SPAAMFAA web site, if you are not a member and you are into antique fire apparatus you need to join! They ahave a web site at spaamfaa.org and there is a yahoo newsgroup for them as well, if you post what you are looking for on the yahoo group you will be reaching a lot more guys who know what is out there. David
  15. Wow! I thought flaming tail pipes were cool, I know a lot of hot rodders who would like them as well. <G> David
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