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Everything posted by MCHAM

  1. Does anyone know how long Remack warranty takes to inspect a part to say if it good or bad, before they replace it? I put a Remack injector pump on my truck, and the pump has some issues going on. The Mack dealership told me I had to buy another $3800.oo pump and they will send mine back to Mack. If the pump is bad Mack will cut me a check. I don't have another $3800.00 right now so I'm going to pull the pump off and let them send it in. What I'm getting at, is how will it take for me to get a answer from Mack.
  2. Found out the problem. Went to junkyard & got used power steering pump & now a 2yr old can turn the wheel
  3. power steering fuild
  4. I had a power steering hose leaking on my 92 RD690S. A fellow cut out the bad section and put it back together. Now ever since that was done it's like I have no power steering. Going around crubs the wheel wants to kick. Took it back to the guy and he change out the filter and put in power steering fluid. Still no luck. I'm thinking he got the hoses crossed up. Does this sound about right? Thanks for the help.
  5. I have a RD690S Quad Dump truck, and I keep cracking the the rim around the lug nut on the driver's side. I'm about to put rim #4 on in the morn. The 1st and 2nd rims were alum. and the 3rd and 4th are steel. Does anyone out there know why I am having this issue? I want to put floats on the front of my truck, but I need to solve this issue 1st.
  6. Will a truck burn more fuel and smoke going down the road when it's time to replace fuel filters?
  7. Well, everyone my motor is good to go. I had a leaking injector that was leaking fuel into my oil causing the oil to overfill, smoke and real low oil pressure. Got an injector from Mack, fresh oil, and she runs like a champ. Oil pressure is running on 60, what more can I say.
  8. Mack Dealership. I just got one for $110 with a $50 dollar core charge for my 92 RD
  9. Chg oil 2wks ago. I usec Rotella 15w40 & put in a gallon of lucas.
  10. I was coming in today in my ole 92 RD690, and she started rolling white smoke from the bottomside. I guss it was coming out the blowby tube. My truck has the em7 300hp engine in it. Does anyone know how much does a rebuild run? Also what would I have to change to swap in a 350hp?
  11. My 1992 RD690 with a 300 E7 temp is going crazy, I got water coming out of the weep hole on the water pump. The temp will shoot up to 220 then drop back down to 190. Gray smoke is coming out my stack, is was Black until this started going on. A trucker behind me said my truck is putting out some knockout fumes. Does anybody have a clue to what I got going on? Thanks.
  12. Good looking truck.
  13. Who are there has a RD690S with the Alcoa Floats on the Front? What Size tires are ya'll running, and if you got some pics post them. Thanks.
  14. What will cause a tire to wear on the inside on a tag axle? Thanks for the help.
  15. I have a EM7 300 in my 1992 RD690S. I had the coolant system flushed when I got the truck. I just get that high temp when I'm coming out the hills with a load on my back.
  16. Is there a coolant additive out there to help diesels runn a little cooler. My RD runs around 190 all day on flat land & when I'm pulling up some hills she shoots up to 230. The temp drops back down to 190 once I get out of the hills
  17. I have a quad axle
  18. One of my tag wheels (lift axle)keeps locking up and wearing out the tire. I had the brake adj, but it still keeps locking up when down. Thanks for the help.
  19. Thanks guys for the info. I got a new cap from Mack today, and the tank is flowing once more
  20. Let me see if I understand you right. So the reason my fuel is not going into my other tank is the fuel cap?
  21. On my 1992 RD690S the fuel tank on the d. side is barely flowing into the pass. tank. I don't know what happen over the week,cause it just started doing it today. The only thing that I changed was the fuel cap, cause my old Mack cap wouldn't tighting up. I got the new cap off of a International. Thanks for the help ahead of time.
  22. Come on guys, I know somebody out knows how to get more power out of this engine. By the way I have a T2070 behind it.
  23. I have the steerable axles, and I drop them soon as I hit the pavement coming out the pit. It only shakes me to death sometimes not all the time. I don't try to ride the shake out, cause I don't want to turnover with 23ton on my back. When it goes into a shake I lift thoses axles right back up, and drop down when I gotta stop.
  24. How to get more power out of a 1996 EM-7 300hp motor
  25. I need some help on lift axles. I got a quad axle RD690S, and sometimes when I drop my axles when I'm hauling azz. My truck goes to shaking real bad and when I lift the axles up it stops. I played with the air pressure and no help. It does it sometime not all the time. Also the way my truck is set up I must drop both axles.
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