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Everything posted by HeavyGunner

  1. Was that style of tank original to the truck? My B75 has saddle tanks just like that is why I ask.
  2. I’m far from an expert so keep that in mind, but I was looking at a finishing pouring a concrete slab in the back 16’ of my shop and the concrete guy told me 6” was enough for semis and equipment. So that’s what I’m planning on doing. Hope this was helpful.
  3. That’s true but it’s such a complex subject that I could argue both sides. No I don’t want to see small businesses go away. They bring customer service that a lot of times is second to none bringing comfort to doing business with them. On the other hand the small grocery store where I live charges outlandish prices for most everything and my wife and I can go once a month to the big city (100 miles away one way) and do our grocery shopping for a month And save big bucks. $4.50/gal milk, $5/8oz of cream cheese $10/big jar of Adams PB gives you an idea of how high prices can be here locally. So I understand why bigger stores are waltzing in and taking over.
  4. Looks like she sat on her cat, or maybe one of those little yippy dogs.
  5. Yeah. Thought it looked like the steel wheeled tractors I see around here. Didn’t realize it was a roller.
  6. Any idea what that attachment on the back of that tractor is?
  7. Happy new year BMT. May you find all of those old trucks and parts your hearts desire in 2020.
  8. I learn something new everyday. Did the fire trucks use diesels at all or did they stick to gassers until the 60’s?
  9. Ok so the fire trucks don’t follow the same number designation as the trucks then. As in the odd number doesn’t mean diesel.
  10. Being a B85 it should have a diesel in it correct? Looks like a small car exhaust under it which is why I am asking. Beautiful truck at any rate.
  11. Before he gets too booked up with projects I’d like to hire him! Cute kid Rowdy. Merry Christmas
  12. They do excellent work but I don’t see $200k of vehicle there. There is a guy in Baker, MT who build vehicles like that and they are speedy but seem to be closer in price to what they should be. Last vehicle I saw he had listed was a 1971 Chevy pickup that he made a dually box for and set it on a duramax frame with a straight axle conversion. It was beautifully done and at the time was asking $75k.
  13. I’d build one. They’re pretty simple and straight forward and will likely save you big $$$ over buying a new one. Plus I enjoy fabrication.
  14. Impressive video, definitely working on some steep, narrow real estate. I’m surprised that he only has one strap on that piece of marble.
  15. I’ve run peoplenet eld system for about 5 or 6 years now and there is an app that you can use to log on or off duty. Not really sure what the point of that is or if it will do anything else but might be worth looking into.
  16. Western Star offers some good looking trucks with what seems like in any configuration you could want.
  17. All very true RH. I feel about the same way. I find it exhausting listening to politicians who bitch no matter what the other side does even if it’s exactly what they said they’d do. For the most part I couldn’t stand Barak. But he did a pretty good job at deporting illegals, droning bad guys in the Middle East, and from what I understand gave the final go ahead on Osama. All good things even though I didn’t like a lot of his policies or vote for him. Apparently today there’s no middle ground, it’s one side or the other and the politicians are capitalizing on that and lining their own pockets along the way.
  18. People are so divided based on stupid political lines they can’t even support someone doing the right thing for our country. 1) unemployment down-check 2) makes trade deals fair for the USA, not just for everyone else-check 3) points out hypocrisy on both sides of the isle-check 4) bring manufacturing jobs back to the USA-check 5) is he trying to pull out of the Middle East like everyone has wanted for 10 years (except the left does t want that now since it’s a republican doing it)-check 6)is he a billionaire who has used every tax loop hole to his benefit? The same loop holes all of the poor, destitute lefties that admonish him have used (Hillary, Bernie, Pelosi, etc)? Who says things he shouldn’t? Check
  19. That sounds pretty incredible KS! What all does support until it’s fixed entail if you don’t mind me asking?
  20. If you’re going to pull the cab off the truck why not just find another cab and set back on it?
  21. What a sad state our government is in. Power, corruption and greed are far more important to politicians on both sides than the well being of our country.
  22. Welcome to bmt and please share some pics of your trucks.
  23. Oh the joys of throwing iron. I throw lots of chains at my job. Starts with mud in the fall, then snow and ice and drifts through the winter and ends with either greasy gumbo the top few inches to deep sloppy mud through spring. Summers are nice though.
  24. I wonder if it had a leaf spring pack in front and behind each axle? If not you would think it callus to haul near as much with only one spring pack instead of two. I wonder if it’s an old military trailer by the looks of those D rings in the back?
  25. You might be in to something. Looks like the tractor trailer is in a parking lot or a pull off not on a road where you’d expect high speeds.
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