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Everything posted by HeavyGunner

  1. ok hindsite 55-60mph is probably a little bit fast but I am sure you got the point, new trucks have way more power than they used to and probably can go up in a gear too tall to go down in. See ya.
  2. I think 40 years ago that may have held more truth but now with the high horsepower rigs that will hold 55-65 mph up hill might be a bit fast for going down hill. Have a good one.
  3. Thats a sweet visor I want to put one like that on my truck. Nice job its coming along nicely.
  4. Sounds like you found a great spot to get out of the weather Vinny.
  5. absolutely they are true craftsman and have shown great ingenuity, but like I said start tallying up all the man hrs to find, bring home, fabricate and finish something like this and you could probably buy a nice used unit that will actually fit your needs. 220-I think youre on to something as far as reliability and parts go. I thought Jay was making the point that the Cat gen sets were factory Cummins powered. have a good one.
  6. Today I was visiting with a good friend of mine and was asking if I could get some aged horse manure for my garden from him. As expected he said yes but he didnt think that he could get a tractor back there since one entrance would be too muddy right now and the other has been neglected for years and has too much stuff piled around it to get a tractor back to it. As conversation went on he told me he had what he believed to be an early 50's little tanker trailer that he thought would hold 2000 gallons or less. He then asked if I wanted it to pull behind that old Mack that I keep jabberin' about and of course I said yes. I know I know, . As soon as I get down there I promise to take lots of pictures I just couldnt wait to tell you guys about my cool new toy.
  7. Pretty sweet, like I said JD does tractors best.
  8. LOL, thats a good story. A couple years ago my grandpa was working in the shop when nature politely suggested he might want to start thinking about walking across the street to his house to take care of business. It was late winter and the path from the shop to his house which is across a little 2 road street was either hard packed snow or ice and it was the time of year where it melted just a little bit in the day and froze at night makin' it slicker than snot on a door knob. Grandpa started the trip across the treachorous frozen tundra using those little short baby steps so he hopefully wouldnt slip. He made it almost to the first lane in the road when his little Muck boots ran out of traction and he would slide backwards into the parking lot in front of the shop where he would have to start over and try again. I guess this must have gone on for quite some time, some would say too long. When Dad comes home from logging he stops by the shop and fills oil jugs, sharpens chains, straightens bars etc. Much to his surprise Grandpa was still in the shop and there was a certain smell he couldnt quite put his finger on and grandpa was wearing dads coverals over his t shirt and muck boots. And once my Dad gave grandpa a ride home when he was done everybody lived happily ever after...at least for awhile.
  9. I just figured you had a sixth sense about these kinda things Olive.
  10. Besides being fugly I dont see the ground breaking design in this POS.
  11. I dunno guys I think we should let Cat do what they do best which is Dozers/heavy equipment, JD do what they do best tractors and farm equipment and Mack do what they do best, Build killer trucks that last forever.
  12. And the axle looks like its set a foot or more too far back in my opinion. It looks impractical in the picture.
  13. At least he is not cutting holes in seats and floor boards to make toilets out of 'em like some of the foriegner truck drivers ive heard do here in the US.
  14. Customer: How long do you think this will take Randy? Randyp: (grunting) Depends. Sorry couldnt help not taking a swing at that softball ya lobbed Olive.
  15. doesnt sound like much would be Cat, seems kinda pointless to pay the extra $$$ for a "Cat" if it were Cummins powered.
  16. I know there are a lot of you guys out there that like a vehicle to look just like it did the day it came off of the dealer's lot and I can appreciate that. I am surprised at how much many of you hate anything but plain jane bone stock when it comes to these trucks. I dont normally care for huge wheels and teeny tiny tires, or weird cross brand drive train swaps but in this case I think it really came together well. Its just my opinion but everybody doesnt want the identical plane jane looking rig. Dont get me wrong, some of those plain janes are some of the most beautiful trucks ever but they just might not fit someone elses taste. Besides, the more people we can keep encouraged to keep making their own "masterpieces" the more (and longer) this hobby will have support from parts to politicians keeping the antiques legal to drive. Just my opinion on the matter.
  17. I was thinking sacrilege myself . On the money thing like you said I cant believe its worth it. We have hutterites up here and they will spend countless dollars and man time on what seems to be an absolute waste of time and money (to me) doing silly conversions. I am not saying the people arent talented but why take a medium duty short wheel based single screw tractor with an M11 and try and convert it into a long wheel based tri-axle heavy hauler with 500hp? Why not buy what you want/need and cut all the man hours and $$$$ making it close to what you want? I guess I will never understand that mentality. These same people will (this really happens alot) pass up buying something at local business' to save $0.05 (a unit, lb, ton etc) and drive 1.5hrs or more to the nearest town (or sometimes state) to buy it. You cant tell them that they didnt save money since they wasted fuel, man hrs and wear and tear on things by driving so far. I guess that never gets added into their total costs.
  18. Hi Randy, I was just reading about the incredible storm Texas had yesterday where 4 feet of hail dropped and was wondering if you got any of that? If so there better be some snow removal pics from you playin' on you equipment! Anyone else interested the picks are on MSN right now.
  19. Anyone know what that shovel weighed? Looks like a heavy monster.
  20. Sometimes when people think out of the box on a resto it sounds funny until you see the final product and then you're wowed I am. Price seems really steep but I would definitely go cruise the town in that ole Mack and turn heads at every corner.
  21. Sorry to hear about your loss. He sounds like an outstanding man, and a huge everloving Patriot loyal to his country. My condolences.
  22. Too bad its black and white, if it wasnt you could probably see the brown stain on the drivers drawers in the photo. Cool photos thanks for posting.
  23. Make sure you buy the extra insurance too!
  24. Nice video, I like that little blue cab over. Never much cared for cab overs 'til I got on here and saw some of the vintage ones that Mack made.
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