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Everything posted by HeavyGunner

  1. LeTourneau also makes/made huge machines for grabbing 2-3 log truck loads of wood at a time. They have 2 of them at Plum Creek mill in Columbia Falls. I am going to guess on size (they were waaaaay bigger than the 980H they have there) so here it goes, 50ft long, cab heigth of around 17 ft and probably 16 ft wide. They were diesel powered electrical system like that snow trained shown earlier in this post.
  2. Typical Dem, Lib, Tree hugging gronalas. I have seen many of these hypocrites in action in Western MT where I grew up. All of those F#@$($ are anti logging UNLESS your are logging off a ski run for them or THEIR house site. Then logging is ok but all of it needs to stop when they get their place done. Same crap with the goes on with cars (we are supposed to drive hybrids while they drive Hummer's), coal (coal power is bad but their 15000 sqft "chalet" that they spend 2 wks a year at and use more power in a month than most people use in a year that is powered by coal is ok), and lastly guns no one should have them but their body guards because they are more important than the average person and the world couldnt live without them. In a society where you can own guns you are a citizen, in a society where guns are banned you are a SUBJECT.
  3. What a douche, I guess Iwo Jima, Normandy dont count as audacios plan with a low chance of success.
  4. Yeah buddy, that is one bad a$$ truck! I love the big heavy hauling rigs I would like to own a B in the 80 series model.
  5. Put about 50 tons on behind her and I bet she rides like a Cadillac.
  6. Ok that explains why I recognized the rig. The weather has been so so until today, we have about 8 inches of snow and its still snowing hard and of course the wind has to blow too.
  7. try the wikipedia pages on this forum, they have lots of info on there such as how many trucks were built in what years and a lot more.
  8. Clinkingbeard looks like a man!
  9. Has this truck been posted on here before? Recently I remember seeing one like that posted on here and I thought the general speculation was that it may have been a crane truck. Does anyone else remember that?
  10. I thought it was "screwin' a fat girl is like riding a moped. Its fun till your freinds catch you on it!".
  11. There is a lack of employment in the US but I think there is a whole bunch of lazy asses that have figured out that it is just as easy (and profitable) to let me work while they collect wellfare. I say this because I live in a town of around 800 people, its 1hr to 1.5hrs to the nearest town from us in any direction and we just had 2 big grain shuttles put in here and they are starting out at an excellent wage for our area with bennies and they cant find anybody to work yet I know of many, many healthy people who are collecting food stamps and section 8 housing. My company has been trying to find a driver for 5 months (fulltime with bennies) and we have not had a single person stop by for an application yet. Never fear myself and the rest of the working class will work 1 or more jobs to support those lazy bastards.
  12. Sounds like lotsa fun Vinny. I am envious of you being able to play with your Mack, mine is 3 1/2 hours away from me.
  13. I didnt much care for my first vehicle but since the price was right and my dad insisted on something practical I bought a 1958 Ford 1/2 ton short box stepside with a 223 I-6 with a 3 on the tree. Didnt have much power for with the gearing in it and it wasnt a 67-72 Chevy pickup (which I really wanted but couldnt afford) so it ended up being a very big headach since I cut corner posts, fence rails and grape stakes for $$$ and had to use my pick up to haul them once cut. P.S. The real kicker here was my Dad wouldnt let me buy a 1964 Chevelle Malibu SS that a neighbor had put together. Basically needed paint and figure out why you couldnt get it into reverse. Dad wouldnt let me buy it so my buddy bought it and found out that some linkage had been bent and was on his way. I still have never owned a drivable car yet and probably at this stage in life wont since I would rather buy more Macks and play with them.
  14. Agreed
  15. What is that chain for?
  16. sorry forgot to attach the pic for the above post.
  17. This is what you need for your property Olivetroad. He looks harmless guarding his sled but if you tried to take the sled that he loves, watch out! He is actually pretty harmless but is intimidating as hell. There was a time that I took a job with FedEx and moved to Boise. The day I was moving in I was carrying stuff to a storage shed in the back yard when I noticed this tweeker looking over the 6 foot fence watching what I was putting in the shed. He then asked if I had any dogs and I said yes I have 2 german shepherds. About a week later I got off of the night shift about 3 am and was relaxing watching tv when I heard the dogs going nuts. I went out to see what the problem was and when I turned the porch light on in the backyard there was Lars my big male german shepherd with this tweekers arm in his mouth. I didnt try to stop either dog since they were simply apprehending the trespasser and not mauling him and called the cops. They arrived quickly and put the man under arrest and told me they have had multiple problems with this a-hole. I asked what was going to happen to me or my dogs since they were biting him and the cops told me nothing, he was trespassing in your yard over a 6 ft fence. I got a police report from them in case that little slime ball ever tried to sue me over it but nothing ever happened.
  18. Man I love that B81! I am kinda getting the idea that I "need" one along with an H model too.
  19. Mack 12yd dump truck - $6000 (Hamilton) Date: 2012-03-06, 2:50PM MST Reply to: gtnkk-2863196390@sale.craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?] This is a 1973 Mack 12yd dump truck. model R5795LST it has a 350 cummins RS700L. The rubber is decent engine and drive very reliable. Part of an estate sale would make great farm truck. Call four 0 six 3 six 9 three 8 zero 2. Location: Hamilton it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests PostingID: 2863196390
  20. Sounds like a cool project, I am pretty sure you have to put a stronger tranny and mayber differentials? I will let Rob or someone else much smarter than me get into the specifics.
  21. mack truck - $1800 (billings) Date: 2012-03-09, 6:05PM MST Reply to: vnwnv-2893964359@sale.craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?] 77 mack truck but the bed will be taken off 1800 or best offer 406-eight five 5 3 one 8 eight call for more info Location: billings it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
  22. Hi there Doug, I am in northern Montana (Chester). We may cross paths someday. Ok enough of me stealing the thread.
  23. I read somewhere that shit derived from a shipping acronym from the 17th century. when manure was either cleaned up or shipped (not sure which maybe both) below the decks it had to be off of the floor so it couldnt get wet. The story I read said when the manure got wet it could put off enough methane that when a poor sailor with a lantern went below the deck could cause an explosion. Sooo every crate of manure had the acronym S.H.I.T. (Ship High In Transit) on it. Fuck I heard once was also an acronym of a crime (I think) Fornicating Under Carnal Knowledge. Dont know if either of these is true but they make a fun story about some of our favorite four letter words.
  24. My Granddad cussed like a sailor (because he literally was) and I truly believe if someone didnt speak english and listened to a tape of him cussin' they would've thought it was poetry since if flowed together so fast and fluently. Besides I can distinctly remember sitting on top of the headache rack of the dumptruck in the shop with my brother listening very attentively to every cuss word that dad and granpa said while working on something and having a discussion (a VERY quiet one) with my brother about what we thought each word was or meant. I turned out fine.
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