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Everything posted by HeavyGunner

  1. Sounds like the same problem NAPA had with their electrical parts about 8 years ago. I know more than business owner who quit buying from them because their electrical stuff was absolute junk. I quit buying from them for that reason as well. I put 6 Napa Gold lifetime warranty starters in one pickup in 7 months. One of them wouldn’t even work right out of the box when it was installed. Napa store told me they were not going to honor the lifetime warranty any longer. I made some calls and they changed their minds on not honoring the warranty. Did I mention during all of this they blamed the pickup? I took it to a mechanic and spent $200 for him tell me nothing is wrong with the pickup. Never been back to NAPA after that fiasco.
  2. Montana is way more laid back about it. People are pulling lots of different trailers behind semis with no cdl licensed as rv’s.
  3. Where or who would service this truck? Does it use thing like bearings and suck that regular vehicles use or is everything proprietary to Tesla?
  4. So license it as an rv. If your trailer doesn’t have living quarters in it put a cot in there and I’d think you’d be covered.
  5. That is a neat truck, I’d like to take it for a spin.
  6. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and you’ll get through this hard time. It’s no fun when the rain storm settles in your world but on the bright side this will make you really appreciate when things are going well. Hope things get better soon, merry Christmas.
  7. That was a really cool build video KS. The size of that boom and counterweight is amazing. Any idea what any of the parts weigh?
  8. Are you sure 3.50’s wouldn’t be way too tall for a small diesel with a 2 speed trans? I am not a mechanic but that sounds like a real big jump t me. I’m curious what you find out. Keep us posted on your progress. Very cool bus.
  9. Looks really sharp. So is my understanding correct that this will be a limited edition truck available to the public?
  10. That’s the same error I get 95% of the time I try I upload a pic.
  11. That is a beaut for sure, thanks for sharing.
  12. So was that model the start of the end for H models?
  13. What model is that blue and white cab over? It appears to be the missing link between the H model and G model to me.
  14. Scan it and 3D print it.
  15. Very cool, understanding that the gifts are not actually free I think it’s a really nice gesture from WS to show a little thanks to a customer while marketing their product.
  16. Are you going to paint it to match your R?
  17. For the longest time I could take a picture with my iPhone and post it on here. Now it’s very finicky and gives me errors when I try most of the time so I’ve pretty much given up posting pics on here. I’m not interested in signing up for a 3rd party host just to post on here. Now back to all those wonderful Mack collectibles. Speaking of which I found a Mack tach and speedo in my new to me shop while cleaning it.
  18. Glad I’m not the only one struggling to post pictures.
  19. Had a Canadian grain hauler refer to the mass influx of middle eastern and Indian drivers as the New Canadians.
  20. Well said Mack Tech, I wish I was well spoken as you but I am not so I blocked her. 😝
  21. Sharp looking truck
  22. My folks added trucks to their business for a few years. Paid the drivers 1/3 of what the truck grossed and driver after driver would work a year or so then quit and go buy their own truck to make the big bucks only to go broke because of the reasons you listed above. They couldn’t see that my folks had a 30+ year profitable company that they added trucks to which made it a lot easier to absorb maintenance and repair costs.
  23. Go search gearheadgrrrl or teamstergrrrl in bmt. She has continually harassed people on here for using older trucks, pickups and anything bigger than her lawn tractor. Yes she has been much much quieter this past year or so but just wait. This latest reincarnation will get mouthy and obnoxious again, Barry will ban that username and she'll come back and do it again. Oh and did I mention if you don’t agree with her you’ll get called everything but human by her. Yes we have little to no patience for her but there’s lots of reasons why. Now back to the thread.
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