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Everything posted by HeavyGunner

  1. Here's mine Olivetroad, Mossberg 590 A1 heavy barrel topped with ghost ring sights, six shell side saddle, super sling, 8+1 capacity of cuz I said so
  2. So there is some light at the end of the tunnel.
  3. Olivetroad 1 Shithead 0. I have a Mossberg 590A1 that looks a lot like your scatter gun that hold 9 shots of cuz I said so. Hope the dirtbag gets caught.
  4. That's funny, I usually do one of two things. 1) start asking them lots of questions that dont necessarily pertain to what they are selling until they get annoyed and hang up or 2) act real interested and pretend that the telemarketer is actually on of those dirty numbers that I have heard about and talk dirty to them until they give up and hang up.
  5. LOL, I literally was gasping for air in between laughs when I read your post GD. My wife thinks I am a full blown loon now.
  6. Every time I stopped to think of something "deep" like jaird did I would get slapped in the back of the head and told "get your ass back to work" by my dad.
  7. Yeah democracy in it's simplest form is that easy. Rights right and wrongs wrong end of story.
  8. Rob, if you put a Y at the end of that word it makes it more of and adjective than a pronoun which makes the other gender tolerate it a little more which might make it easier for you to explain it to Vinny like Hatcity said.
  9. Good luck, wish you well in your new endeavor.
  10. Ok thanks for the info, wasnt trying to steal your thread the curiousity was killing me.
  11. Looks like you did a nice job I want to know why do they offset the cabs on some models like your truck? I look and do some 'ciphering, scratch my head but still dont come up with any logical (I am sure there is) reason why you would offset a cab.
  12. Your right! Her pucker reminds me of the south end of a scared cat that I chased off of my porch.
  13. Isnt that the same excuse you used last time when you found the swing? Suspicious, veeery suspicious.
  14. The long horizontal lever on the right above the arm cushion is for your blade control, the upright lever with the knob in front of that is the manual 4 speed shifter and the goofy z shaped lever on the left side is your johnson bar (as my dad called it) or clutch in layman terms. This looks like its from the same era as my dads D6.
  15. Nice to hear someone still gives a damn about this country and takes their position in office to better their country and not just to better their pocket book. If it wasnt so hot I would move there.
  16. Heh heh heh, good one.
  17. You're definitely on to something there, but they dont list the pay or pay grade on the job listing so I will have to figure that out if I get an interview.
  18. Good luck Mark hope all goes well. Thanks all for your well wishing.
  19. I have been debating on transferring (intercompany) from my job in our companies ag division to the energy division. If I get the job I wont have to move, my understanding is the pay is signifacantly better and I would be doing what I love, TRUCKING! I would be hauling crude oil from the field with in a 70 or so mile radius of my house and dump 60 miles from my home. So I would be home every night which is pretty important to me. I have been debating on transfering like I said for about 18 months and when a job opened up last thursday I applied for it. I took my current job in April of '08 after I got healed up from that rollover with the bullrack I was in simply because it was a job in my small town with a very limited job demographic with benefits. My fiance (at that time, now my wife) definitely did not want me to be on the road all the time like I was before so this job is a pretty good fit. I get to drive truck seasonally (during seeding time) hauling fertilizer and then am either out making sales or in an office which niether am I overly fond of doing. So if things work out I may get to go be a day cabber year 'round instead of being one man show so to speak at my current job. Well I will keep you guys posted on what happens regardless of how it turns out.
  20. He can park that in my yard if he wants.
  21. I got introduced to work young by my dad and learned the value in doing something right the first time and taking pride in your work. Everynight after school my brother and I would fill the wood box in the house (if it was a cool time of year) and then play until dad got home. Then we would go out to the shop with him and help unload his truck and start filling jugs (oil, gas, hydraulic oil etc) sharpening chains, straightening bars if any came home bent and help with any other task to help dad wrap up his work day and be ready for the logging site the next morning. Made us a tighter family in my opinion, all of us felt like we were a vital part to the family business. When I got a little older a fur buyer in town hired me to put up critters that he had skinned and fleshed on stretchers. Every year I learned a little more until I could do the job by myself, now I work fur after work and weekends November thru April and run my on long line. It helps my wife and I save more money for rainy days, I would rather work all of my jobs than ask for a hand out.
  22. That's a helluva torch there!
  23. Could you imagine tryin' to keep that mirror polish on that trailer?! No wonder he's getting rid of it, probably cant drive any longer since his fingers are worn to nubs from so much polishin'.
  24. I am assuming withdrawn because once you start a post you cant cancel it if you decided you dont want to post it or if you cant get a pic to load or something like that.
  25. I like the looks of that truck. Looks kinda tough and rugged.
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