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Everything posted by HeavyGunner

  1. Yeah my tractor starts with the gearshift also.
  2. My B75LT has aluminum spring hangers, hood fuel tanks and probably more that I dont know about.
  3. I think you guys are right (Rob & Olivetroad) about the NAPA stores going to hell once they are no longer family owned. Once the family owned stores are corporate owned no one seems to care about customer service or you leaving there satisfied. they look at it (here especially) as you have to come here or drive an hour away to get parts. Pick your poison I guess.
  4. I used to love listening to Sheriff Grady Judd's updates of things (good and bad) going on in his county on Bubba's show.
  5. Napa in my area sucks big time, I absolutely refuse to set foot in the local store here and its the only parts store in town and the next nearest is 42 miles away and thats where I go. NAPA has screwed me twice on their "lifetime warranties" and on their extremely overpriced products. Twice our local NAPA wouldnt honor their s$!* starters that either didnt work right out of the box or worked for 1-2 days and quit. Once was on a work pickup recently, starter crapped out had local mechanic put it in. That same day fount out ring gear had a flat spot and had to turn engine by hand before engaging the starter. Long story short is started pickup that day, drove it 60 miles to the dealership, had them put ring gear in and the truck wouldnt start for them when they finished the job. they put new starter in to free up the work bay, I came and got the truck, brought the reciept for NAPA starter and starter to the store and was told without the original box I can not return the LIFETIME WARRANTIED starter to them with a reciept. Mind you that when I put the NAPA starter in they required me to put the core in the box the new starter came in to get credit for it. WTF!? I am ranting I know but I have had horrible dealings with NAPA Stores and NAPA parts in MT.
  6. Yup, oilfield trucks is what they are.
  7. Agreed slpwlker, I wouldnt change a thing. Thats one sharp looking ride.
  8. Peggy isnt a whore! She is just "popular"
  9. I was running around today and saw this cool old truck on my way up to our plant. I made time to stop long enough for a quick pic with my phone. What is it? There was also what looked like a White/GMC COE sitting across the highway from it surrounded by some old IH's and possibly one more truck like in the pic shown here.
  10. WOW! I live in NW U.S. and my family has been in the logging business for 4 generations now and I have never heard of such a thing. Cool find.
  11. same crap going on here. Snow one day, sunny and bare the next.
  12. I saw one on a reservation that said "you're living proof that cowboys humped buffalo".
  13. I think so, thats how I started my tractor today by laying a canvas manny over the hood and engine and used a diesel fired heater to blow hot air on the oil pan and rise into the "tent" I made around the engine. I also saw a logger using about 4 feet of stove pipe with an elbow on the end pointed up at the oil pan and put a weed burner in the other. I guess the theory behind it was the hot air made it to the engine bay and not the flames. Hope that helps.
  14. Smiley little bugger isnt he.
  15. I just got my new icehouse finished and was ready to pull it out of the shop when a buddy of mine said how can you have an icehouse made from a sleeper and not have any the chrome girl silhouettes? Well as you can see I dont take myself to seriously and thought it would be more fun to give passerby's a chuckle.
  16. Since when is dickering on an item considered cheating? I hope he is happy with making a compost heap outa that truck with the leaves since I am pretty sure it will sit for a long time.
  17. yeah its posted a couple of lines down from yours, but still a cool truck.
  18. Thats definitely an odd set up, but very cool.
  19. Sorry I cant get the link to work.
  20. yes you guys are both right I cannot haul big loads or doubles with my B, but like olivetree said it would haul one trailer decently. Like slpwlker said I probably couldnt get many loads hauled but that isnt a big problem because my truck is paid for and I wouldnt get into any trailer that a I would have a big payment on. Basicaly I am hauling as a fun hobby that I can make a little money at while doing. No disillusions of getting rich doing this just have a little fun using my B within its limits and make a little coin while the "boom" is here for a the next year or two. Oh and slpwlkr I meant to say earlier that spotting trailers wouldnt be a bad idea but I live no where close to where something like that exists. I am just trying to capitalize on the little wind mill farm boom going on right now near me. Good flat as a pancake hauling about 60-80 mile round trips. Thanks for all your inputs.
  21. sale-rbbgb-2804115557@craigslist.org
  22. SOLD!!!
  23. Ok maybe that's a lie that I dont want one, I love B's but if I were to get another truck I would like to get an old cab over like H63 (I think that was the model) to park next to my B.
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