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Everything posted by HeavyGunner

  1. Exactly, that is kinda what I was asking about in my other post "possibly puttin' my b to work", will it hurt to use on occasion 2-3 days a week at most (weekends) pulling reasonable weights. I think the gyst of the other post was go over the truck with a fine tooth comb (I have a mechanic lined up to spend a couple days going over/thru everything this spring), dont overload it or hotrod it expecting it to pull hard like later model trucks and I should be fine. I want to use the truck more than a couple times a year pulling my travel trailer and thought this might be an opportunity to make some money doing some short hauls.
  2. I dont have or want an R model and yes as I stated before you could get real deep into a project like those trailers real quick.
  3. If they arent sisters they are sound like they are certainly cut from the same mold. I would definitely like to see your pics.
  4. what a beauty, I have a soft spot for mopar stuff.
  5. You're right the little devil says buy it but he also remembers how pissed my wife would be since she cannot see the value in vintage equipment. lol
  6. Me neither, what you probably cant see is the hole on the other where you can stick your 6 foot spud bar and use it to manually open those gates.
  7. Yeah it might be a good buy but I bet they are heavier than hell. Other than being old and looking cool they dont do much for me. Look like a guy could get pretty deep in those projects fast.
  8. I am still toying with the idea of puttin' my B model to work if everything checks out this spring and use it to haul gravel during the summer and possibly pull a seed cleaner in the winter. Anyway I came across these 2 belly dumps and it almost looks like they could be hooked up and used as doubles. At any rate they would look damn cool behind my B model. Oh and the price is $1750.00 doesnt say each just says $1750.00 between the pics, hell they are probably worth that in scrap.
  9. And dont forget the Brady (Bullsh!$) bill.
  10. What a bunch of fags. The only way those chicken sh!#s can intimidate anyone in to do it from cover. Hope you get ahold of them and give 'em a good lecture beating. Punching them in cadence to your words i.e. Dont...you...ever..come...to..my..side..of..town...again. Good luck in finding them.
  11. I wasnt apologizing I just wanted to make sure everyone understood I this wasnt a pic of just my trapped animals. A lot of them are bought from the locals.
  12. Here is a picture that I just took tonight after I was done working, this shed has been full like this on three other occasions this year. On a side note these arent all my animals either just to be clear.
  13. I was trying to word my sentences very carefully!
  14. Beautiful dog, and no family in Canada.
  15. I was born at Whitefish hospital and grew up in Martin city, I now reside in Chester. Its a little sleepy ag town (about 800 in town, 2000 total in the county) about 30-40 minutes from Canada. Americans are the only people who dont like fur, every other country wears it because its warm and its available. I run my trapline and work at the local fur buyers shed skinning and putin' up fur that is sold at auctions and in the end goes to every other country but hear to make clothing. The fur buyer that I work for makes some beautiful clothing, sheared beaver fur mittens, pillows and coats still.
  16. Nice buy, dont think you got hurt a bit.
  17. That's a cool story, Lars goes everywhere I go and LOVES every minute of it, even when we are navigating thru a ground blizzard while ice fishing.
  18. I run a trapline of about 2-4 dozen traps, no its not a huge line but I stay damn busy after work checking it then putting up the fur when I get back. I trap for fox, coyotes, raccoons, bobcat, beaver, otter, mink, and muskrats. I try to stay away from skunks because I dont carry my pvc live trap out on the lines with me, I use them around homes and buildings.
  19. The truck or on the girls?
  20. Last week I was pullin' one of my trap lines and I took this pic of my trappin' partner Lars. He doesnt think he should help pulling traps but he watches from the comfort of my Polaris to make sure I am doing it right and to also make sure no pesky cow tries to steal the fourwheeler either.
  21. That would look awesome, better get a vintage Cat D2 to go on the flatbed with the tractor too.
  22. Hate it when work weeks drag on like that. Oh and are you spotting stuff to take pics of or driving? I heard it took Randyp many, many moons before he became good enough to use Kodacketronomy while driving.
  23. As my gramma has been going thru grampa's stuff and giving stuff he longer uses away (he has alzheimer's) to the family I inherited his trusty ole tractor. I think from the tag its a 1948 (but not sure) Ferguson TO20. This has been in my family since the late 50's or early 60's. Before my parents met my Dad's Father bought the tractor from what would be later my mom's father for snow removal. I am so glad the tractor stayed in the family and really glad I ended up with it. My wife and I have about 3 1/2 acres and its a bitch to mow it all with my riding lawn tractor so I see a 4 foot mower in this tractor's future. I recently got the tractor out of the shop (rebuilt hydraulic pump) and couldnt resist tryin' it out smoothing (kinda since its not froze but not quite soft either) out my drive way. Monday we are supposed to be getting snowed on again, bring it on!
  24. Nice looks like that will be some fun. You battlin' the winter woes to? LOL, have a good one.
  25. Will Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel have a negative effect on my truck? I run Power Service or Lucas additives in my work trucks but they are much newer. Thanks for the advice Rob, this is something I am definitely going to have to take my time on. I was just thinking (daydreaming) about other uses for my Mack other than pulling the ole Propane Palace (the wife no longer cares for tenting during hunting excursions).
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