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Everything posted by HeavyGunner

  1. Holy crap!!! Had plenty thanks. I get nervous and want to quit my 401k until the reality hits me that no matter where it is monopoly money is equally worthless. Bullets are the best investment right now HeavyGunner
  2. Its amazing how many sheople believe every single lie out of his/our governments mouths. I was just flabbergasted at all the bone heads mainly in their 50's (no offense to anyone or generation but they were the people buying this that i talked to) that would believe that they could have "free" health care like all Americans deserve and no one has to pay for it. What a bunch of idiots in my opinion, nothing is ever free. All that happened is a giant debt got slapped on any generation of people younger than them so they dont care about that. They told me look at how well it works for Canada, my response is it hasnt/doesnt work for Canada. I have Canadian trucker friends who tell me that the health care is mediocre at best. The hospitals and clinics are full all the time because every one with a scrape or a hang nail goes to the ER since its free, lots of elderly are going 3+ times a week because they are bored and lonely and it costs them nothing. If Canada's health care system works so well then why are there advertisements on the radio aimed towards Canadians who need surgery but cant get it in time in Canada but come down to the US and we will take care of ya? Nothing against Canada just pointing out what I have heard and seen and wish Americans would pull their heads out and start voting for the right thing for their country not for selfish "me right now" reasons. Until Americans learn to be self sufficient and quit relying on Uncle Sam to provide we will continue to implode and collapse as a country. Just a concerned rant. HeavyGunner
  3. I would be willing to buy a good B75 hood if one is there. Good luck on saving that litter of bulldogs you found.
  4. I will take two of those outfits!
  5. Nice looking rig, welcom.
  6. Sounds like a plan to me.
  7. No kidding, here's a pic of another really bad day. Took lotsa man hours and crane to fix.
  8. Some regular old house hold dryer vent sown on the back would make a classy "tail pipe".
  9. here is a link to a cool old 1956 Page Lowboy trailer. sale-zsdw3-2555578701@craigslist.org Would look pretty slick behind my Mack.
  10. Nice lookin' truck. Like the iron its carrying too.
  11. Congrats and best wishes to you and your family Rob.
  12. Yep, that's why I am a firm believer in not giving politicians any better benefits than the regular citizen gets. If their healthcare and retirement depended on medicare and SS I guarantee they wouldnt be "borrowing it" or giving it away to illegals and welfare rats. People better wake up before we a have an irreversible crash.
  13. Glad to hear the damage was minimal and everyone is ok.
  14. No kidding! Here at our local post office the LOCAL mail has to be drove 96 miles away to our nearest auto-sorter get sorted (now mind you this is a town of less then 800 people, and sorting would mean simply picking up a letter and putting it in the right recieptients box) and then get driven back another 130 miles to the nearest hub to us then another 60 miles back to us. Like you said Bob these idiots wonder why they are broke and wanting to run healthcare...Scary.
  15. Bummer, hope you get things figured out quickly so you can get back to work. Good luck
  16. Good for you! Its hard to find good help these days.
  17. That's one bad lookin' ride. Any specs on it would be cool.
  18. Yep, my Granpa said for years that the country started going to hell when people started losing their self reliance when government sponsored programs filled the "gotta make it or go broke" attitude that built this country.
  19. Yes sir, old news. Just got the pics and thought they would be fun to show. Sorry if you got the impression that it was breaking news. My bad
  20. You mean raising the debt ceiling which gives the knuckle heads running this country free pass print even more "funny money" will wreck our credit? Absolutely disgusting how dumb our politicians are and how complacent the public is. Everyone is sittin' on their thumbs and watching the greatest country in the world go to hell in slow motion with out the brains to get involved and try and stop the havoc.
  21. Not to change the subject or anything Bob but I used to work at Fed Ex Freight in Boise for awhile before coming home to Montana. I still have a lot of friends that work there and I am hearing the same kinda dumb moves that you are talking about.
  22. Didnt need a nurse but it was a helluva reach there for awhile, I refused to be wiped. But you are right the recovery (some still on going) was 8 months off work. Been back to work since April of '08 and everything is pretty good. I just relearned how to do a lot of things differently than before. And above all I am a lucky bastard in my opinion and am glad to be here. Shared the pics because I finally just got them this week and was amazed at what I walked away from...well sorta walked away from
  23. Wow, great pic.
  24. Nuthin' like fresh beef.
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