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Everything posted by HeavyGunner

  1. Welcome, cool to see you trying to continue some aftermarket parts for these old rigs.
  2. Thanks slpwlker, I do feel pretty danged lucky to have come out of it pretty well. Lucky for the boss that was the oldest and highest mileage truck in his small fleet. It had about 900,000mi on it and was getting tired. Maybe rowdyrebel was right and it just got tired and laid down for a nap.
  3. Yeah no kidding, I would have to know someone very well to ride with them now but I dont think I could sleep a wink because every little noise and normal movement would scare the hell outa me. Live and learn I guess.
  4. This was the first (and last) time that I ever road in a truck without being behind the wheel. Although I was uncomfortable with my bosses decision to make me team drive so I wouldnt miss this load of fat calves going to Kansas I did it any way. About an hour and a half into the trip my co-pilot woke me up to make sure he was on the right road. I came to the passenger seat buckled in and confirmed we were on the right road and warned him that the road was extremely windy with true 90 degree corners so when the yellow sign says 45mph he better hit em about 30. He assured me he has driven lots of trucks and then he caught back up with the truck that we were running with so should be no problems right? About 30 min later he called me out of the bunk because the other truck lost him in some foothills and wanted to make sure again we were on the right road. Begrudgingly I got out of my bunk and when i was in the door way of the bunk I heard him start screaming every obscenity known to man and at the same time felt the cattle shift and we started our roll over. I ended up fracturing 3 vertebrea in my lower back, bulged 5 discs in my neck, broke both hands, fractured and badly bruised my sternum and pulled my right hip out of socket. We had 124 fat calves on and lost 11, luckily a ranch nearby say the dust cloud and came to investigate and was able to get me out of the truck since diesel fuel was leaking everywhere. Then he went and got help and tools to cut the top out of the trailer to get the cattle out.
  5. Looks like some fun rounds to try out. I have a slug mold that casts a 525g slug that looks like a giant pellet for a pellet gun. It groups really well out of my Mossberg 590A1 plus it holds 8+1 with a 20" barrel and ghost ring sights. Makes a pretty sweet home protection gun.
  6. Perfect reason for having a Mack, nice looking truck.
  7. Yeah no kidding, I am using sonotube that is 8' across and 10' deep to make sure everything is stable.
  8. Woo-Hoo Snow Bunnies! Not sure if thats going to help me cool off though.
  9. 41 Chevy you are right they probably never have worked a full day in their lives, and yes Mark the world is completely chocked full of *%$@#!% idoits. But the video was still pretty neat to watch.
  10. Yeah he sure huffed and puffed a lot that day , then shortly after that a nasty snow storm from Canada blew in and put about a foot of snow on everything to top everything off. According to the adjuster weather stations surrounding our area recorded 75+mph gusts that day. I guess I needed the practice. HG
  11. The first video was defininetly impressive the second just made me cringe alot. Those boys in the first video pound for pound are probably some of the strongest people around.
  12. Yeah it doesnt look good thats for sure. I am scared to bring my Mack home and park it anywhere near that shed after seeing what my carpentry "skills" have made.
  13. Just about have all of my trusses built for my little shed. Will have them finished after lunch. Then I can try to put the shed again, last year all the shed walls were up sheeted and braced when a huge windstorm hit and leveled it. Hope it goes better this year. HG
  14. Nice looking ride, cant wait to see more pics.
  15. The first thing you need to do is post some pics for us. Oh yeah I almost forgot
  16. Never thought of trying biodiesel in older diesels but its a cool thought since there is a biodiesel plant up the road from me.
  17. No wonder high school grads now days cant do simple tasks such as math and simple english, they are too busy learning about something that will never do anything for them in the future. -Disgusted citizen of the lower 47 states
  18. Sweet looking truck Thadeus, got it just in time to play with it the rest of the summer.
  19. Ok, if time permits I may mess around with the truck for a couple hours and see what i can come up with. Thanks for all of your insight and info on this matter Rob.
  20. Bummer, sounds like you got took. I think BHWizard has the right idea, unless you're in love with this truck and are planning on keeping it for 20+ years cut your losses now and sell it. Sounds like a money pit and money pit's are hard to make any money with. Just my opinion on the situation.
  21. Thanks for the schematic, I do have a couple of questions though. On the schematic how do you differentiate the positive and negative cables? My second question is will this diagram still use the same wiring principles even though my truck takes two (2) 12v batteries instead of four (4) 6v batteries?
  22. Thanks, I will try that so I can share some more pics of my truck.
  23. Well Rob I looked at the cable ends this afternoon to see if I could find the bigger inside diameter positive cable ends and the two biggest ends are the ones that hook to the parallel switch. Does that sound right? I am still fingering through the service manual that I found to see if I can find anything.
  24. Good to know, this book is TS-473 which I assume the higher number means later years like you said.
  25. Great, cant wait to see the diagram. Then I can try and start the beast.
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