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Everything posted by HeavyGunner

  1. If you look at the first picture (the top view of the battery) and zoom in it appears the top right cable and the bottom left cable are the ones marked with a "P".
  2. The truck used two batteries Rob. Also two of the cable ends also have a "P" on them I wasnt sure if this meant Positive or maybe Primary
  3. I uploaded pics earlier with no problems under "Garage" and today I have been trying to add more and it tells me file exceeded 1000KB and to inform BMT Admin about it. Not sure of what this problem is but would appreciate any help to figure this out. Thanks. Oh and the same camera took the pics in my two posts today and the pics will upload there with no problems so I am a little confused on why they will not upload into my "garage profile."
  4. I have been visiting my parents and grandparents since last friday afternoon. I came over to help everyone get their firewood put up and enjoy the holiday weekend with family. I decided to take a couple more vacation days to help hay since I am already here. While waiting for the hay to dry out so I can bale it I started looking through the shop where my granpa used to keep some Mack stuff when I found this Mack service manual. It seems to be a very thorough manual that covers a lot of years of Mack trucks. Pretty stoked about that find.
  5. I am wondering how to hook this set up properly, there is what appears to be a transformer which has two (2) cables coming off of it and then two more cables that go up under the truck. I cannot remember how those cables were hooked up when I messed with the truck about 10 years ago. Any help would be much appreciated.
  6. Thanks for that information Rob it was just what I am looking for. Another neat tidbit is the truck has a small tag on the dash the says Department of Interior on the top then a number then Bureau of Indian affairs. Farmer52 I do have some pics in the gallery and garage of my truck but I will have more soon.
  7. A guy who ran bullracks with me had one in his KW and I remember when he wanted the HP turned up to 525 they told him the transmission wasnt rated for that much power. Dont know where it was set at before he had the hp turned up. Seemed like a pointless tranny to put in a truck with a high hp engine to me.
  8. All right guys I got over to visit my folks and after hauling a couple loads of hay I had a chance to look at my Mack again. Since there were lots of questions that I could not answer about my Mack I got the Chassis # off of the passenger side door which read B753LS 1364. What can I learn from that #? Also is the frame # behind the rear shackle on the steer axle on the drivers side? Is the motor # on the accessory drive area stamped on the top? Started to run out of daylight to keep searching for other #'s but want to gather as much info on the truck as possible (and pics) while I am here so I can plan out my work on it. Thanks.
  9. Isnt "synthetic blend oil" just a mix of standard and synthetic oil? Not an oil expert by any means but that is what I it is.
  10. Nice find, looks like a great platform to start with.
  11. I guess that's why you should enjoy the moment rather than worry about what's comin' down the road.
  12. Cool pics, I would love to go treasure hunting up there and see what it could turn up. Same thing here in Montana, forest service used to have many timber sales on public lands that funded many state projects and kept our forests healthy, animal populations up and our economy booming. Since all the tree huggers have come here in the last 15 years every timber sale on public land gets tied up in court so long its not profitable to fight through court for a logging job. Now all our forests are turning red from all the beetle kill trees, some reason its deemed better to waste our renewable resourced then use them responsibly. Most our lumber is imported from Canada unfortunately. One more quick thought here, rather than give disaster stricken countries money which usually goes to corrupted government officials pockets. Why not put our boys to work making steel products like nails, fencing and put the timber industry back to work and give those countries lumber and supplies to rebuild? Seems like a win win to me but its hard to have all the answers to the world's problems
  13. Some people just dont have the refined olfactories to recognize the sweetest smell in the world. Probably an aquired taste like wine I supposed. Keep on a vaccin'.
  14. Nice. Found videos of them on youtube, pretty sweet runnin' outfits.
  15. What is it used for? Cleaning sidewalks and parking lots maybe? Just curious, power tools are always cool.
  16. I was leaving work today and this big crane pulled out of our parking lot, had 5 axles on "truck" and had a 4 axle "pup" holding the end of the boom. Dont know anymore about the rig but though it was cool.
  17. Sounds like a bad starter to me. I had a similar experience with a pickup I had, put new starter in it and it started a couple of times but really struggled to turn the motor over. Long story short I had this experience 6 different times in about four months took putting a 7th starter in before I found one that actually worked even though I paid more money for the higher end Lifetime warranty. I dont do business there anymore because friends and family in a different town have same problem with same franchise. Its worth checking into.
  18. Sad but very true.
  19. Someone's insurance dropped them after that claim! For more fun go to Google earth, then to Conrad, Mt then go to street view on I-15 and look at the John Deere air drill stuck under an underpass.
  20. She's a beaut! Have fun showing her off.
  21. Love the pics.
  22. I love the 50's and 60's B models, I really like that rounded, nostalgic look of that era.
  23. Welcome, I think you will find that this is an awesome website with a lot of great people with great info and tips on all models of Macks.
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