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Everything posted by HeavyGunner

  1. Please take some pictures and share them. I enjoy seeing the odd things you haul.
  2. just thought I’d share how I was able to get rid of that annoying droning sound in here at times been really peaceful when you can’t hear it. Or maybe you’re tired of hearing me. Either way I hope it makes everyone’s BmT experience as peaceful as mine had been for the last year or so.
  3. My willys pickup had tires with the same pattern on them when I got it. Good eye.
  4. I’ve read on here more than once from prospective buyers that Mack will not make the truck the buyer wants. Mack just wants to sell whatever spec’d truck they have sitting there. Titan as said before was overpriced and poorly marketed. Everything else is small bore and again from what others have said on here Mack/Volvo has zero interest in spec’ing a truck the way a customer wants unless they’re buying 100 of them. Pete’s and KW’s still do and apparently WS does as well. That’s why the new Rubber Duck is a Western Star and not a Mack.
  5. What a cool truck. The dings really give it character. It says I’m a decent looking old truck that my owner is not afraid to use. Keep em coming I always enjoy your pics.
  6. I’ve got one of those. Little later model though, it had taillights. Cool looking ride at any rate.
  7. Cool video, great interview. Thanks for sharing.
  8. I think you hit the nail on the head. I’ve heard a couple of times now of people getting ultra possessive (in my opinion) of who should be able to see and use pictures and also wanting to control topics of conversation on here. My point then and now is if the few (in the big scheme of things) serious hardcore truck collectors and or restorers want to keep their pics and knowledge to themselves while making a website so boring know one cares to be on it the trucking history dies with them. What’s the point of that?
  9. Don’t forget this nugget. https://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2014/11/10/aca-architect-the-stupidity-of-the-american-voter-led-us-to-hide-obamacares-tax-hikes-and-subsidies-from-the-public/#d4de5297c05d I also like Keith’s comment about “rich right wing millionaires”, so pelosi, sanders, Hillary and the rest of them aren’t rich as well? Love how hypocritical democrats are. They yell buzz phrases like equal wages, wealth redistribution while having a death grip on their wallets as they fly on their private jets to one of their many mansions.
  10. Well W never had any reason to go to Iraq other than to finish daddy’s war as far as I could tell. We should’ve put every plane we had in the air and absolutely leveled every al queida, isis etc loving country that did have direct ties to bin laden and been done with it.
  11. Yep should’ve left saddam in power. He kept people in line over their whether we like him or not.
  12. I’ve often wondered about bin laden being dead or not but I started to believe it more after I heard the interview with the man that killed him. Not saying he couldn’t lie he just seemed believable.
  13. That is the one I saw Mack tech. Only it was blue. Thought it was pretty near looking outfit especially since it wasn’t a freight shaker or a lutefisk eaters rig.
  14. My better half and I took the 100 mile trip to the big city to get our supplies for the month. We were at a farm supply store and I came around the corner and saw this little girl trying to “start” a Mack Granite power wheel dump truck. It was a pretty slick looking outfit. I know the post sucks with out pics but I’ve all but given up on posting pics on here because it never seems to let me any more.
  15. Looks like the car in front of you in the third picture is losing some sort of fluid that’s leaving a trail all the way to the smoking or steaming vehicle.
  16. I would assume someone claiming copyright is trying to profit so I understand that but I’m guessing if I used that picture as the screen saver on my phone you could care less.
  17. Seems silly to punish the fine people in the truck hobby world. People keep this exclusivity up the trucking history, knowledge and hobby will soon disappear. I don’t get it, if I post a picture online I don’t expect only the people I like or approve of are going to use it for whatever they like. That’s why I’m very choose-y with what I share. I understand if someone is making money off of your picture but photo chopping, backgrounds, wallpapers or whatever else who cares? It’s keeping an antiquated hobby (which I think is great) with very few people under the age of 60 I’d venture to say relevant. Just my two cents
  18. I’ll have to look to be sure but I seem to remember not finding numbers stamped in my B75 frame either....I think.
  19. It’s foreigners birthday?!
  20. The pendulum is starting to swing toward common sense which is making the ultra left implode. Thesilly things they started like crucifying people for buzzwords no matter the context, calling anyone you disagree with racist, homophobes, cold and uncaring, rich etc. now they are getting the same treatment and are falling apart and the masses are starting to see the ridiculousness of extremism. People are starting to see the extreme left who have spoken against this country while holding office for what they are. Dividers and antagonists who will say anything to plant hate and disdain for anybody who has a thought that differs from their own. No one is buying this impeachment bs that the dems have wasted 4 years of taxpayer money on. Trump will win again. MAGA!
  21. Look at all that ballast in the bed!
  22. China single handedly shut down CFAC (Columbia Fall Aluminum Plant) by giving their own aluminum smelters free electricity so they could under bid everyone else. I don’t understand who could be against our president trying to level the playing field with other countries when they do things like this. That last line isn’t a right or left argument just a simple right or wrong in my viewpoint. Why should we subsidize everyone else’s well being while ignoring our own?
  23. Is the red one set up for a plow?
  24. That is awesome. Would be fun to put that wrecker back in service.
  25. Like Brocky said awesome history lesson Vlad, I get a better understanding of things when I hear first hand accounts like yours. Keep the stories and pics coming. I really enjoy reading about your country.
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