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Everything posted by HeavyGunner

  1. But on the other hand many sellers think if anything is older than 20 years it’s “rare”, “vintage” or an “antique” and assume it's worth a fortune and are very offended when offers are made. I’ve been casually looking for a small bumper pull camper. I see what I’m looking for from time to time on Craigslist. First thing I do is get the NADA and KBB value and 9 times out of 10 they camper is priced many times over what the value is. Bring that up to the sellers and they get nasty real quick.
  2. Back when vehicles were beautiful.
  3. Awesome truck. Were there short hood and long hood versions of the 359? If so I’d guess you have the shirt hood. Used to watch many Pete’s like that all dressed up to go logging.
  4. He’s too busy driving the hell out of his newly finished tanker while summer is still here 😁
  5. Like it’s been said above change the breaker. Sounds like it isn’t working correctly.
  6. Looking all 3 of the trucks with that paint job have big Mack truck logos and say Allentown, Pa. do you suppose they were some sort of promotional rolling advertisements?
  7. Look closer, there’s two of those bicentennial MH’s
  8. I like the super dog with the round headlights.
  9. Well you should show us some pics. That sounds like an excellent find.
  10. You didn’t remember to share it with us? 😁
  11. Anymore info on what’s in that yellow and black B?
  12. Thanks, I was trying to guess what it said and feel a little sheepish about not even considering it said thermodyne.
  13. Does anyone know what that sticker on the front valve cover says?
  14. Any idea what kind of torque and hp those engines put out?
  15. I’d rather see tax payer money spent on things like Greenland than frivolous wars.
  16. Looks nice bob, do you turn the dm’s park lights on for ambience?
  17. ...it’s goo fo’ Ya gahden...deers don’t like it cuz they already have enough hehhr.
  18. Nice pics. I’ve been by those Cadillac’s (?) sticking up out of the ground years ago. I also don’t remember them being graffitied either.
  19. That old tanker looks awesome behind that b.
  20. Yeah they’re called pictures 😁
  21. That’s a good looking pair.
  22. That Chevy is a beauty.
  23. Looks like it has some old Hi-lux louvered driving lights. Pretty cool project.
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