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Everything posted by HeavyGunner

  1. Well as small of a town as that White is located in you could call any business in that town and I’d be willing to bet someone would help out with the name of the owner or business that it sits at.
  2. Absolutely gorgeous truck, maybe someone should tell the owner that axle is misspelled multiple times on their sign.
  3. Great looking trucks, neat that they mounted a hard side pop up camper on that trailer.
  4. Thanks you for the clarification. Got the ole boy I bought the shop from to swing by today and point out what is a treasure and what is trash. Filled 2 pickup box trailers full so far and have much more to go. Getting closer.
  5. So you were there for the transaction with the gentleman Billyt was referring to? Sounds like you got hosed to me. Paying truck lease payments, fuel, repairs, insurance for something you don’t own. Why In the world would you take on all that risk for something you don’t own? Seems like that’s akin to paying taxes, homeowners insurance and footing the bill on all repairs on a rental to me.
  6. Can someone tell me what these are? Window seals? Door seals? Hood seals? Mack p/n 2 RU135F Mack p/n 269AXF
  7. So I had to clean out all the parts grampa had stashed in his shed and there were far more than I thought.
  8. Well I borrowed a truck from some very good people and hauled my Mack home today. So yes I have a Mack and a shop in the same town!
  9. That is a really clean truck! Looks like it would be lotsa fun to take to tractor shows.
  10. I’m sure it’s challenging trying to figure out the slang in a second language Vlad. You do very well.
  11. Stupid question. How do you cut a oil filter open and not get debris (metal shavings) in it? I know there must be a way which is why I’m asking.
  12. Cool pics Ez. Post the other 87 when you get a chance please. 😁
  13. No worries about scrapping it. I’m getting ready to haul it to my new shop and was getting a weight to figure out what I needed to haul it. I think I’m going to borrow a friends drop deck and tractor and move it Saturday.
  14. Great pictures. You definitely move some big freight.
  15. I’ve tried searching on here for the weight of my B753LT and cannot find anything. Any body know what it weighs? I’m guessing 7-8 tons? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  16. I was expecting a new basset hound but a ground hog will do.
  17. Interesting videos. I knew Cat was big but had no clue they had 40% of the engine market. I know it’s blasphemy to say on here but I absolutely loved every 3406 I drove. Big, flat torque curve to use. Sounds like a lumbering beast, especially for when straight piped. Very reliable, never once did I worry about it making it a full week with out breaking down like I do now. I’ve heard some Mack engines pulled like that but cannot speak intelligently about the subject since I’ve never driven one.
  18. Is it 4wd? Neat truck anyhow.
  19. Any good articles in them? From what I hear that’s the only reason guys buy them.
  20. Well at least we didn’t have to worry about loss of any performance with that engine when adding oil to the fuel. Those were by far the most gutless pos’s in our fleet and they cost us huge money to keep running. I had heard the last 3 years of owning those 2 Mercedes powered trucks they cost our company $91,000 in repairs and that is what pushed upper management to ok getting rid of them before 800,000 miles.
  21. We had a couple of freight shakers with Mercedes engines and they had a special spendy tool that sucked oil out then went through a machine which filtered it and put it back in the oil.
  22. I’m no expert but I’ve never heard ultra low sulfur being worth a damn when it comes to lubricity. That’s why everyone really started pushing the use of fuel additives especially for older stuff. Our county started buying biodiesel and blending it with regular diesel for lubricity reasons. Apparently it has worked. I’ve been told they don’t have near as many fuel pump problems as they used to. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1876610215013879
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