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Everything posted by HeavyGunner

  1. I’ve heard of guys running atf in their fuel to help add lubricity to these new ULSD. I’ve always wondered how do you prove to the dot when they dip your tanks that it’s only atf not off-road fuel?
  2. Looks like fun. Blower whine sounds awesome.
  3. Glad it’s in someone’s hands who appreciates it and runs it some. From my point of view it’s nice to see an average guy have a rare bird and be able to enjoy it.
  4. Sweet truck. Be sure to document your progress. Hint hint we love pics and a good story about an old Mack.
  5. I’d venture to say our fleet gets about the same as you are on disc brakes. Have you had problems with them seizing up and dragging? Seems to be very common occurrence in our fleet. The other problem we’ve had is at night when we do our post trips most guys including myself give the brakes 1 to 3 pumps when the truck is off so 1 we can hear if there’s any service side leaks and 2 to give enough pressure so the auto adjusters to work. The thing I love about disc brakes is I have yet to have once freeze in the winter. I try to always back up so my tire is 90 degrees from where it was when I did my post trip and that helps a lot. Nothing worse than getting to work in the wee hours of the morning in negative temps beating breaks loose.
  6. What a bummer. If there’s B parts to be had you’ll likely find them on here. Good luck and welcome to the forum.
  7. The shop looks sharp, but I’m expecting to see weekly bbq pics after seeing that bbq porch.
  8. I figured he’d take the U model to prom.
  9. Well good luck I understand how priorities get changed with the seasons.
  10. Thanks Bob. How’s your shop coming along? Have you got moved into it yet?
  11. Amazes me that they are going to sell for under $60K. I think it’s smart. Most of the people that I see driving corvettes are retirement aged people because that’s who can afford them. Bring them down around a lot of other vehicles prices and I’m guessing we’ll see more of them on the road. Nice looking car for sure.
  12. Let them spend some of their oil money and take care of themselves instead of building islands and playgrounds for themselves like Dubai.
  13. Has there ever been a ship besides this one sunk by enemies just off of our shore? Very interesting read to say the least.
  14. Someone just recently was talking about this on Joe Rogan’s podcast. I gave it a little thought and thought it was possible but unlikely but heck who knows.
  15. Probably looks something like this. This outfit was building mega loads to go up to the tar sands in Montana. Built the shop out of containers after the steel building got blown down twice midway through construction.
  16. It is a necessity if you’re going to to any vehicle repairs yourself and having a place to tinker can help our long winters pass by as well. This past February we had a nasty cold snap and I needed to changed my plugs, cap and rotor, points and condenser outside while it was -9. It was doable but touching metal that is that cold is real hard on fingers.
  17. Looks good but I have to ask what does the sign mean on the transformer?
  18. After quite a few years of trying to figure out what I could build versus what I could afford I ended up purchasing a shop. I am so dang excited. I’ve never even had a garage and now I have a 36’X48’ shop. First of all I know this thread is worthless with out pictures. They will come soon I promise. My old buddy (who I bought my Willy’s pickup from) has had the shop for years. I had told him in the past to let me know if he ever wanted to sell to let me know and would you believe I actually had money at the time he wanted to sell?! Part of the reason I haven’t got pics posted is I’m still waiting for the previous owner to clean his stuff out. He’s a very nice guy and is a bit eccentric and exceptionally intelligent. So he didn’t throw much away and so there isn’t much room other than the trails between stuff. I knew it’d be a process for him to get things sorted out and moved so I’ve been patiently waiting to move my stuff in and helping him along the way. I will admit I’m getting a little antsy to get moved in and start working on my projects like my B75, finish my LS swap in my 73 k20, start my Willy’s wagon project etc. I’m very excited to start working in my shop and will be tapping you guys for your knowledge, tips and tricks. I’m far from being the best at anything but I enjoy working and building stuff.
  19. At the tailed tux and top hat store duh! 😁
  20. Awesome truck. That 67-72 body style is probably my favorite Chevrolet. Not too rounded, not to chiseled and square. Everything seems to fit and look right to me.
  21. Maybe my area is different but we get tons and tons of Canadian trucks through my area daily and I have yet to see a Mack. I bet 80% or better are Pete’s and KW’s with a big bore of some sort.
  22. So if we aren’t a wealth of knowledge when it comes to Mack trucks we shouldn’t participate since it will make the “original troupe” upset because it annoys them to answer the same questions or the person asking is only taking from the site? Should we not be able to visit about anything on the odds and ends forums with our friends on here? If the answer is yes to either of those questions say bye bye bmt, Mack trucks and the history behind them because if you don’t welcome in the “new troupe” the old troupe is going to die off not having passed any of this along to be carried forward.
  23. Congrats on the engagement OD!
  24. I’m really surprised to see a bow tie on that battery box? What the heck? 😁
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