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Everything posted by HeavyGunner

  1. Next time I visit my dad I’ll double check because I’m pretty sure his truck is a 1957 3100 and it has dual wheel rear end. It seems to me it is more pickup sized than truck sized but then again I’ve been wrong before.
  2. So is the C40 and the 3100 both 1.25 ton trucks?
  3. Looks like it might actually be a slight decline. Probably able to kick it into neutral and get it to roll what little bit it moved in the ad.
  4. We need a video so we can hear that Detroit purr.
  5. Love that B and the vintage logging pics. Thanks for sharing
  6. In the third pick there what is going on with the tippy trucks passenger fender? It looks like it has a box built on it and an exhaust pipe coming out of it. Is this just an optical illusion?
  7. You need that to haul gravel around your new gravel pit in Virginia Paul.
  8. Alright. Better post us lots of videos
  9. Makes ice road truckers look like a bunch of weenies.
  10. It still baffles me that Mack can’t figure this out and bring the Aussie line up stateside. The trucks are far better looking and being able to spec them the way you want makes them very desirable. I can’t imagine any other vehicle manufacturer large or small, class 8 or passenger vehicle that would build wildly popular vehicles in one country and dismally sell crappy ones in another large country that begs for the other vehicle that is is not available. Seems absolutely absurd. No thinking unless the end game really is to end a brand they no longer want to compete with.
  11. Is it weird lighting or shadows or are the sides of that guys head painted red?
  12. That truck was on posted on Craigslist and onto here before. The pics were different. The truck was parked in the woods.
  13. Both steering wheels in the pic are on the wrong side. You might be on to something.
  14. What is the pipe that runs up right behind the exhaust pipe on that rusty truck and appears to be attached to the front box on the dump bed?
  15. What’s the real world economy of the x12? I always here these big mpg number thrown around but have never seen them. That’s not to say they don’t exist it’s just personal experience and what other drivers have told me. Dirty milk man (who I believe) has said on here in another thread that he averages 6.91 in his mp10 powered titan which averaged I think 36mph. That’s a hard number to beat when you consider the power and weight he’s hauling
  16. Has anyone here ever stopped in Snoqualmie Washington and looked at the yard full of old train engines in the middle of town by the biggest spruce tree on the rail car? Had lots of neat old engines. I can remember as a youngster wanting to climb all over the big beasts.
  17. Not mine 406-788-6662
  18. Not mine 406-788-6662
  19. That grey one is really sharp.
  20. Call Watts Truck Center. Info is at the top of this page.
  21. That burgundy maroon looks awesome on that truck.
  22. The granite must’ve been pulled over for a regen while the old iron laps him.
  23. I was just thinking the same thing when I read the new headline from the BmT forum trucking news bot headline said “water water everywhere...”.
  24. What the heck do they use those orange trucks for? Kinda look like a modified scraper.
  25. Good for you Bob, stay active and stay healthy.
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