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Everything posted by HeavyGunner

  1. I have a neighbor who used Gibbs oil to stop any rusting on his vintage truck. I’ve used Stop Rust on stuff. Seems to work. Supposedly stops the rust and turns into a hard epoxy shell.
  2. Mahindra is now selling a cj5 version here in the states. I saw some recently and then read somewhere that Jeep fca was trying to sue mahindra because they were cutting into their sales
  3. Where was the “bashing” here? I don’t agree that it is a toy and I’m not constantly riding everybody’s ass if they don’t drive the same vehicle that I do so I disagreed admittedly with sarcasm and only my post gets deleted? Let’s not forget who’s been kicked off here multiple times because they can’t get along with anybody on here with a view that is different than their own. I love jeeps and like the idea of this pickup. If it gets anywhere close to our 2013 jk you should see 18-22mpg on the highway which is nothing to sneeze at.
  4. So I’d like to know why one members snarky comments get left on every thread but if anyone disagrees with them they get their post deleted. This is bullshit.
  5. Slim?! There’s a significant price difference between a dd powered tractor and a Cummins or cat powered one. With a company that still makes Diesel engines one would think it’d be far more profitable than throwing money away on a cat badged truck.
  6. I’m still surprised that cat didn’t go back to the drawing board and come up with another kick engine instead of giving up.
  7. Amazing pieces of equipment.
  8. Who buys a vehicle that runs in fuel that no one has and there is no infrastructure to support it? Is Nikola stretching the truth a bit to give consumers the idea that everybody is buying one?
  9. Just more ridiculousness from government dolts. Choke these engines down to the point where they barely run, mpg sucks, and we get to burn fertilizer in them to make them “clean”.
  10. Well we don’t all plow our driveways with a teeny lawn tractor that costs as much or more than one in the 30-50 hp range. Guess we better all go buy a vw tdi...
  11. I don’t think that’s necessarily true anymore. The gen 3 and later motors are legendary in how long and how well they run. I’ve got an ‘03 I just bought from my life long friend that has 339k on it and it was still his daily driver until I bought it a month ago.
  12. Everyone on here is right in the money. The new blue headlights in cars are way to bright even when dimmed, id bet 50% or more of the traffic I meet can’t figure out how to dim so as crass as it may be I do not dim until they do. That’s the only thing that seems to remind them.
  13. Yeah. It’s definitely a sweet old charger with a mean big block under the hood. Wonder what running gear did they put under it to hold up to that kind of power. Kinda doubting the ol’ tq727 held up. 😁
  14. What a beauty. Some big ol’ spotlights on that truck too.
  15. I’d guess north of that. The Chevy ls7 427 that is supercharged i believe was in the $30k range.
  16. Looks like that ermine lived his whole life under the dash feeding on the mice that built that nest. Nice looking truck and I like the Detroit in it.
  17. If there’s a fuel source fr doesn’t do anything more than regular cotton. My fr says right on the tag that it is NOT fireproof but will quit burning once the flame is removed. Never saw where they would do you much good other than it wouldn’t catch fire grinding.
  18. Nope, run them until the warranty runs out and dump them.
  19. Gotta keep the millennial puds interested in driving their automatic disposable trucks
  20. Putting to much jet fuel on the charcoal if you’re needing that.
  21. Sounds about right. Another member on here said he was hesitant about buying the after treatment extra warranty for $5k but after repairs which would’ve cost him $25k he is very happy he bought it. No personal knock on you but I can’t understand how anybody can afford to be an o/o and if they can why would you want to? These new trucks are disposable junk. Run them until the warranty runs out and dump them.
  22. Which models did you compare?
  23. Is bet those trucks have had less down time than my 2014.
  24. And yet we hear on this website every week how there is no market for a good looking, well spec’d conventional with big bore power. We’re told we need those ugly, stubby cab overs from Europe. 🤮
  25. Not mine but I wish it was. https://kalispell.craigslist.org/cto/d/1946-ford-woodie/6724963242.html
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