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Everything posted by HeavyGunner

  1. The same way you get a dry van wedged under an overpass on a bike path 😄
  2. Halloween themed paint job too. In all seriousness I do like that color scheme.
  3. Our shop has a spectrometer thingy that you can inspect the purity of def. I get a similar code on my truck fairly often and usually after having the code cleared it stays away for 3-6 months before coming back for no apparent reason. 2014 Coronado DD15 282000 miles 8889hrs forgot to add that I’ve tested the def quality multiple times when this happens and it never has been bad.
  4. Nice pics. The flat bed in the last pic should cover his rear tires before the back of the cab gets a bunch of rock dents.
  5. I don't get it. They cut the Titan which was a good looking desirable truck that was priced out of the market. They cut the mp 10 but now make an entire new ugly truck available with the mp 10. Makes no sense to me. Should've just worked in properly pricing the Titan.
  6. I heard there are flyers covering winfall looking for volunteers to pick th apples.
  7. Climbing through a rodent sized hole to get in the sleeper looks lovely. If it’s listed in Dallas why does it say Bozeman Montana I wonder?
  8. They do but the democrats have taken it to a whole another level. You can look at any news without seeing complete and utter click bait headlines everyday since trump got in.
  9. The democrats will politicize anything even if it’s good. I hope all of the swing states see through their bs.
  10. What are you planning on hauling with that or is it just going to be for show?
  11. Must’ve been really scooting along to wedge that bad under a bridge. It still amazes me how dumb people are. I understand we all make mistakes but I can’t tell you how many times of stopped got out and looked to see if I can fit under or make it around something rather than just push the pedal to the floor and pray for the best.
  12. I really like that maroon. From afar looks like a well done conversion.
  13. Thank you Vlad I just wanted to know generally what they were hollering about and you covered that. Wow brace guy that would willingly face a ticked off grizzly with a knife. Notice how it popped the suv tire by biting it?
  14. Why didn’t Mack just make it an 18spfrom the get go?
  15. This was closer to you Vlad. Excuse my ignorance but I think they are speaking Russian, if so what are they saying?
  16. Good to hear. Glad that it was more than a rumor. We have enough ugly trucks to choose from already.
  17. You got it.
  18. If you don’t mind my asking where did you hear that they were not dropping the w900?
  19. Those headlights were the thing that really stood out (ugly as hell) to me. Then there was nothing redeeming about the rest of the truck in my opinion.
  20. The cubs will stay with the mother up to 3 years. These were taken by a friend in Ennis last week.
  21. Any pictures of other promotional stuff from Mack Kevin?
  22. America at its finest.
  23. Nothing will come of. Just like Hillary the fbi proved she lied about having her own server in which she was handling sensitive government business on and still nothing happened.
  24. It only seems fair to me that she explain herself I front of the world if she has the balls to accuse someone in front of the world. Like I said earlier it's actually against our rights to treat someone guilty until proven innocent like what goes on in the news every single day. If people were held accountable for their statements and accusations against another (unfounded of course) a lot of this crap would stop. Watched some of the circus today and from what I watched none of her friends or family is backing her story but if we question that we are horrible people.
  25. I bet you remember impactful things, like kids being born, where you were when 9/11 happened, when someone close to you tragically passed so I thinks it's fair to say you wouldn't forget something that affects you the rest of your life like rape. That's why I'm having a hard time believing this story plus if you couple it with the dems vs reps angle for a Supreme Court justice just before midterm elections that makes me think it's more a ruse than an actual event that happened. Let's also not forget that since trump has been elected all you ever hear is the democrats claiming one scandal after another on this administration and basically found nothing but sure as hell stir the pot every day. I don't care much for either party but the democrats in the last 10 years have the most bitter evil political practices I've ever seen and I'd never be comfortable voting for them. If they don't get their way they have told their constituents to harass and yell and curse at the opposition in public, have called their non constituents nasty names in public but since the way our crazy world is that is deemed ok, they are cultivating a generation of immature whiny citizens who have no work ethics or values and unfortunately they will vote for the dems because their lack of work ethic and entitlement will force them to leach off of the government.
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