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Everything posted by HeavyGunner

  1. Glad to see you’re having a fun OD. As always I enjoyed your pics.
  2. I always enjoy your contributions to any conversation KS but blaming the US for North Korea being a horrible dictatorship is totally bunk. We responsible for all the other countries who also kill and starve their own for their own financial gain and well being? Everyone has a choice to do right or wrong and yes environments can influence that but not dictate it. I have a close friend who was raised in an orphanage and then adopted by alcoholics and yet they decided not to be an alcoholic or a criminal of any sort even though they weren’t raised in the best environment.
  3. I think trump did exactly what we should with North Korea. We’ve been trying to deal with them diplomatically with kid gloves since the Korean War ended and it hasn’t worked. Every few years they act out with threat and aggression and we end up giving them food or some other supply and that quiets them for a bit. How many more missiles should we let them shoot over our allies and territories? That little fat man understands violence and needed “daddy” to put him in his place and say enough of this crap either playball or get your butt kicked.
  4. I love that show. No left or right bs just let the chips fall where they may using facts not feelings.
  5. This explains a lot. https://www.liveleak.com/view?i=6c1_1361968754
  6. Welcome. You will find all the info you need and then some on here.
  7. Did you try and take it back to the dealership that put it on and see if they would fix the mistake if it was theirs? It’s a long shot but every once in awhile you get surprised.
  8. https://goo.gl/images/kjJGnp
  9. What a neat truck. If it was closer I’d throw a bid at it. I’m guessing it must be the model that is built to be lightweight by using aluminum where you can judging by the aluminum pieces between the hood and fenders?
  10. We put some on a t800 tractor that was turned into a straight truck. That 8 bag air suspension was great in the tractor and downright scary on a straight truck. When you passed an on coming semi the wind would rock the truck and sometimes you couldn’t get it to stop rocking back and forth. Sharp turns even when taken very slow the truck would lean so bad you’d swear it was going to tip over. Finally guys started refusing to drive it and the company had a timbren system installed and it drove like a whole new truck.
  11. Ring and blink both claim 2 years of use before batteries need changed.
  12. That truck has turned out phenomenal. Great job. Should give anyone interested in restoring a truck inspiration to start their own restoration. Well done.
  13. I’ve heard good things about the Ring Doorbell (it also has multiple wireless cameras). It’s motion activated and instantly streams HD live stream to your phone so if the crook steals the camera you have the footage saved on your phone. Plus you can talk/yell at the crook through the main camera/doorbell on your front porch. I’ve had it myself with petty crooks this summer. Had some lowlife cut through my neighbors fence and mine at my property where my sawmill is. The lowlifes stole a really expensive powder coated dog kennel, bbq, tools etc. so I moved my fifthwheel home because I don’t want it getting destroyed. Today I fired up my willys and noticed another lowlife shot my passenger side windshield 3 times with a BB gun and when I talked to the sheriff deputy he said there has been a huge (for our town) petty crime spree. Multiple cars and garages broken into. Even said one of the known Trouble makers is so burnt out on drugs he has no fear and started breaking into cars and homes in broad daylight. He said his own mother came to him and said I know he’s going to get shot doing these things and asked that the officers shoot him in the leg. The deputy said he was sympathetic to a mother at her wits end but also told her if someone whether it be an officer or homeowner gets surprised/cornered by him it’s not likely he will end up with only a leg wound. I hate criminals and the feeling of being worried about my safety and my wife’s safety and worried about getting things we’ve worked for stolen or vandalized. Good luck Ezrider. https://www.amazon.com/Ring-Floodlight-Camera-Motion-Activated-Security/dp/B0727XJQLD/ref=mp_s_a_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1535313591&sr=8-7&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=ring+doorbell&dpPl=1&dpID=41tYUD%2BhVbL&ref=plSrch https://www.amazon.com/Blink-Home-Security-Detection-Included/dp/B071YPNMN1/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1535313371&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=blink+camera&dpPl=1&dpID=41bS19apwLL&ref=plSrch
  14. Found this article interesting. Just when we think we know something. https://apple.news/AgSsUivGbS5yWPq54mnX_-Q
  15. “...and justice for all...” is the key phrase. I’m wholeheartedly supportive of transparency but like you said it’s glaringly one sided. All of Hillary’s scandals in the last four or so years are just swept under the rug.
  16. Maybe. I know lots of people in my area that grow malt barley for coors and anehauser-Busch use seed treat, pre-plant burn down, in crop weed spray and the likes just like the wheat growers
  17. My B has page and page suspension. Was that suspension used more in straight truck applications? Mine was built as a straight truck.
  18. So it must be a roundup ready strain of barley. That makes sense.
  19. So why are Australians dessicating crops when you guys have such a long hot growing season? So if this glyphosate levels in food is really a problem why would we feed it to animals from for human consumption?
  20. Nice looking truck and you’re right that visor looks horrible.
  21. Looks like a log loader. The type that is like a giant forklift with tongs the come down from the top and hold the logs on the forks
  22. I knew you were being sarcastic I just wanted to put out the reality of things. Either we quit progressing as a society which will result in a massive die from starvation and disease or we try and manage pollution the best we can. Nothing peeves me off more than the hypocrite protester. Protest oil drilling then walk back to your car with your plastic water bottle and drive home, protest logging sites or gravel pits then have the gall to use the highways to drive to their homesite. Like I said there are no simple solutions.
  23. They must know of the dukes of hazard over there? 😁
  24. If there were easy options we would take them but unfortunately any option we take makes life harder and or shorter for another human. Quit generating electricity and we have a smorgasbord of problems that follow. Deaths from no a/c, no way to refrigerate food or medicine, industry jobs can only be done in daylight hours. Quit using pesticides and fertilizer and we go back to 60-80 bushel an acre corn instead of over 300 bushels an acre (that goes for all crops, different yield but just as drastic drops) so half the world or more will starve out. I see the concern but I don’t see any fair to decide who should go without which comfort. We all want food, electricity l, medicine etc and I don’t see any viable way to make real change without drastically dropping the world population by taking any of these things away.
  25. That is a really neat truck ya got there.
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