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Everything posted by HeavyGunner

  1. I just saw a 4wd fire truck version of that same truck this week. Neat looking rigs. Were they big inline sixes, v6’s or v8’s?
  2. I don’t want this to seem like a petty argument but I think you’re not seeing my point. going by your reasoning “the manufacturer is responsible (accountable) for what it sells” would that not make farmers who are growing wheat and selling it as food accountable for what they sell as well? They are the ones applying chemicals to it not General Mills.
  3. So the usda who oversees and oks products like Monsanto’s Roundup and every single other chemical that we apply to crops should not be held accountable for contaminated wheat? If General Mills has this problem I can 100% guarantee you every product that contains wheat that isn’t organic has this problem. So it seems short sighted to blame the cereal companies for buying a USDA approved product that supposedly is contaminated with a USDA approved chemical.
  4. How could those two not acknowledge all of the isis, al quaida etc attacks here in the US and other European countries. Talk about your head up in the clouds.
  5. General Mills doesn’t produce wheat they buy it from farmers who are the people that put glyphosate (roundup) on the wheat. We are starting to see lots of weeds that are becoming resistant to glyphosate because farmers are cutting corners and under applying glyphosate to save a buck. It’s just like inoculating people with small pox. Give em just enough so they can build up antibodies and become immune to it. Same concept with roundup and plants. I don’t see how the cereal companies are liable for buying what is supposed to be food that is compliant with usda standards from the farmers. Just my opinion though.
  6. Looks like an aluminum hood on that b.
  7. Let’s not forget that since glyphosate went off patent years ago many many companies make and sell products with glyphosate in them so I don’t see how Monsanto can be the only ones held responsible. Remember the ‘08 olympics in Beijing? The reason roundup went through the roof in price was because all of the generic Chinese stuff was put on hold so the olympians could breathe for preolympic training as well as the olympics.
  8. Absolutely they do bob. As ineffective as I am at clearly communicating the thought from my head onto paper I missed getting that part right.
  9. Who knows what the actual carcinogenic effects roundup and all the many many other chemicals have. I’m not a tree hugger but monarch butterflies and honey bees are disappearing fast in the last 25 years which is right about the same time the government had subsidies for zero till chem fallow practices. No milkweed, no monarchs, no grasshoppers, no kestrels. I’m in no way saying I have an answer or there is an easy answer but maybe we better take a second look. I found KS’s original post about Monsanto taking the brunt of the lawsuit instead of sharing it with the producers who put the product on their crops then sold allegedly tainted wheat.
  10. My great grampa lived into his late 80’s eating bacon and eggs every morning and a fair amount of whiskey for medicinal purposes only 😁. The first 16 seconds of this video give away some of the secrets to longevity. https://youtu.be/ubrvCLL9X2E
  11. The grain indeed is the source bob. Farmers spray the crops with glyphosate to kill weeds and also use it to desiccate peas as well.
  12. The government recommends 12 servings of grain a day because they subsidize wheat and needed a use for it. No bs it’s just the truth. After WWII the government subsidized farming. Anything from interest free loans to build grain elevators (to create jobs building them) incentives to grow crops etc etc. now we have giant mega farms that are heavily subsidized. Do some digging (it’s public information) and most people would be floored to see how much money the government throws at agriculture.
  13. So instead of blaming the cereal companies who have zero to do with the the use of herbicides when are they going to hold the people who use the pesticides on the grain accountable?
  14. Happy birthday.
  15. I hate it when I find out a company is taking advantage of me like that. Good to know for the Mack techs on here.
  16. If the calipers were on the bottom I’d think you’d have some real problems with frozen brakes in the winter with no way (in my case hauling flammables) to thaw or hammer them loose.
  17. What an excellent piece of history you shared there Paul. May MR. Freeman Rest In Peace.
  18. Don’t think he’s dead, just broke. https://www.google.com/amp/www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2018/08/01/american-chopper-star-paul-teutul-has-heated-outburst-during-court-mediation-report.amp.html
  19. Kenworth and Peterbilt's seem to sell a helluva lot trucks with big bores in them but again you are able to spec the truck out the way you want it instead of the dealership telling you what you can have.
  20. That’s why it’s so surprising to me that Volvo allows all those options anywhere but North America. You guys get some nice lookin trucks with good running gear we get the anthem 😕
  21. Other than to purposely hobble Mack I cannot see any good reason why Volvo doesn’t allow all the seemingly better products and options to be sold in the US? I’m guessing that if the US does not buy more trucks than any other country we got to be in the top 3 so truck models that are wanted coupled with options that are wonted would be an easy sell.
  22. Yes but I also read this on one of the news stories you posted on this thread. “...Nikola One will go 1,200 miles between fill-ups of liquefied hydrogen dispensed at a network of 364 stations that Nikola will build and operate throughout the United States. “
  23. That’s likely because the subsidy money ran out 😁. I suspect this is another case of where CEO’s, politicians and the like run around tooting their own horns about some new green technology that they are backing/or leading yet they have no real plans to see it to fruition.
  24. Any pics of the superdogs interior?
  25. Data plate should be on the door and or behind the passenger side rear steer axle shackle.
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