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Everything posted by HeavyGunner

  1. So the tractor protection valve turns off or limits the air to the front brakes what exactly does the dry/slippery road valve do?
  2. I agree 100% with Paul.
  3. I agree and that's my point autos make it easier to throw newbies behind the wheel and I also think the fear of learning to shift a manual keeps a lot of the flip flop, pajama pants wearin morons from wanting to attempt to get a cdl. With an auto it's just like driving your minivan. I'll keep my manual, I drove one auto and absolutely hated it and yes that is just my opinion on autos. If guys want to drive them more power to them.
  4. Look at the caliber of inexperienced drivers trucking companies are hiring. Not learning how to shift is a huge obstacle to circumvent with an auto trans. Not saying that good drivers don’t use them but I’d bet 85% of the people using them ie swift, hunt, merganthaler etc are are putting first day drivers behind the wheel of them. I understand there is a place and use for autos even if it’s preference based. I drove an auto in the yard dog spotting trailers and hooking sets. Would have been a long day if it was a manual. But I feel very strongly that I’m right about big trucking companies are outfitting their trucks with autos to get more inexperienced drivers in seats. Being able to shift no matter where you’re at is a skill and many don’t have it. I think their driving skills or lack there of in a semi shows too.
  5. Another point to think about is that politics directly effect truckers and the trucking industry so it’s naturally going to be part of the conversation.
  6. On a side note keep in mind that the same people who are the word police, who are offended at everything are being told and acting upon it by leaders in the Democratic Party to yell profane insults at their opposition. hypocrisy? I think so.
  7. In all fairness MAck would have to have a product to offer before others could kick them to the curb. Have fear the Anthem will save Mack 😁
  8. Common sense is nowhere to be seen in the leftist ideology right now. Like you said David try to illegally cross into any other country and see what happens. Trump is making the fair trade act fair and not wholly subsidized by the American taxpayers but turn on the news and 90% of the Left wing nuts news channels and they berate the administration for making a fair deal for the US. Don’t people ever wonder why all of our industries are dead? It’s because many countries get to send things built or made on slave wages here tariff free. I don’t necessarily agree with the right but I vote for them because the left has lost their minds and would rather give my money away to people who refuse to work so they will vote for them. https://apple.news/AjLt6h3CETxa6O0AMsk5toQ
  9. There is a portion of the driving test where you have to back trucks up in different situations they make up with cones blindside corner back up etc. just think of all the morons driving cars somehow passed the test too 😄😄
  10. Just another example of why I hate automatics in trucks. It lets a very inexperienced driver behind the wheel and then I get to watch them on YouTube.
  11. I remember vision386 (I think it was him) telling the story of a driver who was so dumb he couldn’t pour piss out of a boot with the directions on the heel. He said after a dozen or so pull ups a hairy man in a dress stormed off crying. I want to say there was even a pic to accompany the story but I can’t remember that far back.
  12. They never will but Zinke flat out said enough with this let it burn BS. He said it cost waaaay too much money to watch our only renewable resource burn up rather than add to our tax base. Hopefully he can get something done.
  13. It’s funny how mexifornia wants to sue this administration for allegedly breaking some state law yet they break federal law and thumb their nose. Can you smell hypocrisy?
  14. Keep putting automatics and elogs in trucks so dumbasses who can’t drive or figure out how to write on a paper log can be “professional” drivers.
  15. They don’t care if they see them either. I get passed on double lines just about daily and it pisses me off to no end. Some dumbass is putting my well being and other drivers well being at risk because some a-hole that’s in a hurry and can’t wake up five minutes earlier can’t wait a quarter or half a mile to pass safely in a passing zone. About 1/5 of the impatient a-holes are truckers who will do anything to pass the instant they come up behind you so they can do 1.5mph faster than me because that’s where they are governed.
  16. I know voiced similar opinions on this matter in other threads and I still truly believe the 6bt 12 valve Cummins is or was one of the most economical engines ever in a pickup. Also have wondered why the US could import the Toyota HiLux diesel pickup which far surpassed the fuel economy of th 22r and all things taken into account probably lasted longer (less energy/pollution to make new vehicles) as well.
  17. It's nice to hear (read) stories of people doing random great things for others. OD your the man and Fwd that truly was a sweet story. Hope both of you get to meat up more often (pun intended).
  18. Looking forward to seeing your build thread on this.
  19. Sharp beast for sure. Those colors go well together
  20. Ok another dumb question. Why don’t all the B’s have 3 digit badges on the hoods?
  21. Is the 755 emblem custom? Not that I know much but I’ve never seen a 3 digit model number on a b model emblem. By the way both are beautiful trucks.
  22. We had so many problems with the coolant sensors in some of the later series 60’s we started putting jumper wires on all of the trucks to remedy the problem instead of leaving us stranded on the highway. Get to our destination and and take the jumper wires off and plug the sensor back in and truck would run fine for a long time. Maybe you’re running into a similar problem as I have described?
  23. 4th one is what my should look like someday.
  24. It might be worth it since it has a 2,350hp engine in it. 😁
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