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Everything posted by HeavyGunner

  1. I wish I could let my dog ride along with me at work. She’d love it but company policy says no.
  2. If Kscarbel sees this he will post the info. If not pm him.
  3. Cool boat. Looks like you and the dog had a nice afternoon on the river.
  4. That’s a really sharp service truck.
  5. If more people were like you and used technology to AID them and not be solely dependent on it we'd be far better off. Anymore no one sees the value in learning things and remembering them because they can just look it up on a phone.
  6. Thanks to all of our vets.
  7. If you're handy you could always turn a twin screw tractor into a single screw if you cannot find a suitable truck.
  8. That really is sad that they're run like that now. I was really surprised to hear truckshop's experience with warn. Petersens 4WOR magazine just did an in depth article about warn at the plant in Oregon. I was floored that they still make and carry parts for their old winches and they rebuilt a 8274 (pretty sure that was the model) in the article. I was thinking hey they might be worth the price if they are as well built and can be rebuilt as the article showed.
  9. That really sucks. I always thought Warn was a top notch company. They should’ve been up front with you. What’s the 30,000lb winch going on?
  10. I had a preacher tell me recently how citizens shouldnt be allowed to own guns because it makes it easy to murder people. I said that’s funny do yo remember the crusades? Was it religions fault or the persons fault? I also told him as soon as he was willing to give up freedom of speech and freedom of religion I’d give up my guns. I’m sure you can put the ending of the story together yourselves.
  11. https://apple.news/AnFfMMsJnRWOcQoGfTVjqaQ
  12. I’ll just stick to my World War II era scouts handbook. Sounds like it likely hasn’t had any improvements over the year.
  13. We’re the ibeams used to help spread the weight over that bridge so it didn’t collapse
  14. There’s a new outfit near me that builds mega loads just south of the Canadian border and then hauls them up to the tar sands. They got stuck on a steep grade one time and ran out of traction and power. They called in a semi tow truck and had it attached to the push truck. Theres still groves in the asphalt where the lead tri drive truck dug down into it because it lost traction.
  15. I still have an encyclopedia set in my den. I know it’s out dated but it’s still useful information and I enjoy holding a book.
  16. My dad always gets irritated at how dependent people are on electronics. Especially clerks at stores who can’t count. He always jokes that when the grid goes down he’s going to be a very wealthy man because he will be one of the few smart enough to know how to count change.
  17. Just keep slapping automatics in trucks so you can throw a minivan driving soccer dad right into a class 8 and it feels the same. Give him a gps to go with it and he's a certifiable OTR trucker, a seasoned hand if you will.
  18. A bunch of gun companies moved to Montana after Colorado pissed them off. Way cheaper taxes and business is welcome in Montana. High praise to these companies that are standing up to this bs the democrats are pulling.
  19. Oh so they are taking the swift approach to driver recruitment then eh?
  20. I was blown away when I heard the dems feeling sorry for ms 13 and then cutting up trumps speech to make it sound like he called all Mexicans filthy animals. I find it completely immoral that the "news" is getting away with literally cutting up people's speeches and putting it together to fit their narrative. The left better remember if they do this to someone else, someone else (even though I do not agree with it) can do the same to them. I guess all we can do is just continue weathering the , "it's not fair, I need a safe space, social media white knights syndrome, snow flake baby storm."
  21. Well I heard on the news this morning that the coward had multiple red flags and at one point was supposed to be sent to some sort of correctional/mental health facility yet no one sent him. Seems we have plenty of laws in place but the system isn’t doing it’s part but let’s dummy it down like everything else and blame the gun. I also heard on the news that school district had $10million dollars to invest in school security and was just sitting on it? Why isn’t that planning board being crucified for not doing exactly what it was intended for?
  22. I wonder if that's the Aussie version of the new r2.8l? Wish they'd offer it in a vehicle over here instead of strictly a crate engine. Have fun with it any how.
  23. I'm with you 100%, if people driving giant motor homes or pulling 40+ft campers had to go through the bullshit an actual truck driver endures our trucking laws would be 100% different. I get tired of all the regs and bull crap I have to put up with and then John farmer or his hired hands can just jump in and drive with out any of the training or bs cdl holders put up with.
  24. What do you mean by 2 axle? Just a steer axle and drive axle or a twin screw and a steer axle? Might help narrow down what your looking. Did you look at craigslist? Probably a good place to start if not. Good luck.
  25. I don’t know about other states but in Montana you can register a any semi as an “rv” because you pull a fifth wheel or have a motor home body on it and still pulls 40’ toyhauler behind it with out a cdl or any commercial implications as long as it’s just hauling your toys. Hell I’ve bitched about it before but it still irks the hell out of me that farmers get an exemption and don’t need a cdl and can drive anything under the sun as long as it’s hauling or pulling their own stuff. Makes no sense to let green horns that don’t have to get a cdl or medical card get behind the wheel of a semi but you know how the saying always starts, “the poor farmers....”.
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