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Everything posted by HeavyGunner

  1. There’s a watermark in the blondes picture. Type in the name “big rig Barbie” and there’s lots more “truck” pics to enjoy.
  2. It’s not the forgotten war in my house. My grandpa was serving in the navy during the Korean War. Never forget our vets.
  3. That’s how they caught the golden state killer. They uploaded crime scene dna into an ancestry website and someone in his family had uploaded their dna and that’s how they tracked him down. Last I read courts were arguing over privacy laws regarding using those websites for anything other than ancestry.
  4. Very nice collection. I just inherited a Coca Cola collection (cars, trucks, equipment, aircraft etc) and the display case they go in. Not nearly as extensive as yours but I’m very excited to get it out into my home or shop. Thanks for sharing.
  5. This seems similar to those Sasquatch photos. Something is there but you never quite have the right, angle, lighting etc to allow you to make out what it is 😁. Good luck, I look forward to seeing the mythical beast when you do catch it on film.
  6. You’d really shit a brick if you saw how much my Whites 10” smokejumpers cost. I usually get 4-5 years out of a pair before sending them in to get rebuilt. I have to say I have really crummy feet and ankles and Whites will custom build them to your feet no extra charge and they are the most comfortable boots I’ve ever worn.
  7. Just a guess but I know drivers who don’t know what a clutch brake is or how it works can be hell on them. Especially when they use them to stop when rolling up to a stop sign.
  8. I always enjoy the guests Joe Has on his show. Pretty interesting insights and opinions from a former Seal on Captian Crozier.
  9. That head on the excavator looks similar to a LogMax head. Is it?
  10. Fantastic work. You’re going to enjoy the heck out of that truck when it’s rolling soon.!
  11. Kiwis use way darker tint on machinery windows than we do up north.
  12. I really enjoyed this guys antics.
  13. Wow that’s a clean first gen bronco.
  14. Like minds (and weather) think alike. I just broke some ground to put a second garden in with my disc yesterday. Nice tractor, beautiful countryside.
  15. Going off topic some but have you ever tried a Uniden cb? Just curious because I don’t see or hear of them very often except for logging and construction outfits (the ones I talk to) swear by them. I’ve got one that came in a pickup I bought from a logger and it seems to work fine, it is very small. I’d guess 4 1/2” wide, 9 or so inches long and about an inch thick.
  16. Happy birthday Bob.
  17. I know it might rub some people the wrong way but you can get the same parts through Amazon and with prime you get 2 day free shipping. I’ve bought lots of parts for my Willys on there and they’re brand named parts like Omix-Ada. Not always the cheapest but usually with a little shopping is and free shipping to boot. If you haven’t thought about getting car parts, shop supplies through amazon it may be worth a look. I know online shopping like that has opened up a whole new world to me. There is one little parts store where I live and if you don’t have a business they charge you around 40% more than the people who have businesses. I know this because a friend who has a business told me about this practice and if I’m in dire need he will pick the part up. Before that it was 120 mile round trip to the parts store for me so now that amazon and eBay have everything on them I’m more than happy to keep my local ups man busy delivering to me.
  18. Dust explosions in mills are bad news. I remember one of them in town as a kid having a few explosions when I was growing up.
  19. Lots of companies are making a nylon? clevis. Basically a big knot on one end and a loop on the other. Run/wrap the loop end around what you are pulling from and push it through the loop on the end of the tow rope and push the knot end through the loop end of the clevis. https://www.bubbarope.com/gator-jaw-pro-synthetic-shackle
  20. Bubba ropes even makes a giant Rope for semis and equipment. Used them a lot in the oil fields.
  21. My grandpa made a living with a 350 and a 450 JD dozer. They’re the best dozer made if you ask him.
  22. Or you can just ease into it and as you slowly stretch the line the elasticity of it is pulling. Works the same as hitting the end of the strap with speed without all of the jerking and jarring. https://youtu.be/mnljd9Dqxzs
  23. I never understood the guys who go waste money putting chrome crap (mostly fake I’m sure) and other accessories on a company truck they don’t own? Never did make sense to me but I’ve also never bought a new set of rims either. Always used and usually more on the utilitarian side than vanity.
  24. The Jimmer Negamanee from Menominee sure was fond of the “shweet shap”.
  25. Happy Easter bob. I woke up to 2” of snow with the possibility according to the national weather service of an additional 4” by 6pm tonight. The snow just absolutely will not quit in eastern Montana. The west side where all the mountains are and traditionally is the snow belt you ask? Well they have had a early an open winter and this storm missed them. On a happier note I thought I’d share this letter from our governor. EasterBunnyandToothFairyDirective.pdf
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