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Everything posted by HeavyGunner

  1. I had to have a birth certificate this winter to renew my cdl. Told the gal at the dmv requiring my certificate at this point is a joke. She looked puzzled and I asked her why I needed it since I have had to and continue to pass tsa background checks for my hazmat and fbi background check for my carry permit. Seems like a waste of time to me. If the fbi and tsa can’t find anything on me it’s doubtful the traveling drivers license examiner would be able to spot a fake birth certificate. One thing the government knows how to do is waste time and money.
  2. The tp hoarding is ridiculous. Ever heard of a wash cloth, washing machine and a bath? Problem solved. Could also get the origins of the saying “getting the s%!? end of the stick” too.
  3. Talk about where’s the hysteria re-read your post and I say that without any sarcasm or snark intended. Why would you do anything besides say thank you to someone who is donating to the crisis? That’s what other two bit countries who always take from the US do. Let nature take its course? I suppose you reject all western medicine that will keep you alive then? True there doesn’t need to be pandemonium but remember most of the morons in the world watch stupid shows like preppers so this is how they think they need to react.
  4. Not sure if it’s nation wide or just Montana but the end of the news clip I heard in the radio today said DOT would let you haul 10% over legal weight if you were hauling any kind of corona virus supplies.
  5. I’m in the same boat (financially). I can’t afford to do a primo restoration so my goal is to get my B75 running and driving safely. Then do any other projects such as paint, wiring and all the other things myself as I can afford with what I can afford. The most enjoyable part of this hobby is the tinkering in my opinion and I have many years of tinkering to do on my truck.
  6. That’s why you need 2 straight pipes. Should cut down on the noise from that single stack in half 😁. Really cool truck. I think it’s better to upgrade a few parts to make it more drivable. There are plenty on period correct pieces in private collections and museums to look at. The average truck nut can not afford that type of beautiful restoration. So a drivable dog in its work clothes is better than a dog in the scrap pile to me.
  7. Looks like a well kept pack that will make them money for years to come unlike the disposable trucks and engines today.
  8. In the beginning of Red Horse’s post he clearly states If the stats provided in the article are wrong end of story so I don’t see his post as just a guess. It’s based on what very little facts there are. In South Korea they have kiosks that peopl can come to and get tested on their own and the death rate seems relatively low. But that’s in one area of the world and doesn’t mean that it can’t be deadlier in others. In that clip I posted the infectious disease expert who has been chasing diseases said this is just the very beginning. Italy went from ok no corona virus to completely shut down in 4 days. They’re estimating based on what little info they have on 468,000 deaths from corona virus. The expert said 10-15 times deadlier than the flu. I’ll take the expert at his word that this is worse than the flu.
  9. You heard him right red horse. According to what little data there is school age children of normal health are seemingly unaffected by coronal virus and they don’t know why yet. don’t feel bad Bullheaded we just got 18” of snow with 30mph winds for two days. Plenty of snow and big drifts everywhere now. Hard to believe it was 62 degrees a little over a week ago.
  10. Watch that clip I posted or the entire show. The Dr on it has chased infectious diseases for 30+ years. This spreads faster than the flu the death rate (from what little info scientists have) seems to be much higher. He also said people think they are holding up for a corona virus blizzard when in reality it’s going to be more like a corona winter in length. Governor just shut all public schools down in Montana. Hopefully they keep paying all the folks that keep a school running since it’s budgeted out already for the year.
  11. Glad to see the other side of the world has people with big imaginations too.
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  12. I wasn’t sure how well they would work with a truck engine but they are slick when used for pickups and passenger vehicles.
  13. What about one of these? https://www.harborfreight.com/2-ton-capacity-heavy-duty-load-leveler-60659.html?cid=paid_google|||60659&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=&utm_content=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIoo3294Sa6AIV2CCtBh0Pwgu-EAQYASABEgL52vD_BwE
  14. How degrading for women to have that part was stuck to a Volvo 🤮
  15. Makes sense Harry. Makes even more sense to me as to why it would’ve been put on my B75. Mine is a light weight model with lots of aluminum parts and it was originally a straight truck.
  16. I still can’t believe Ford did that.
  17. Obviously from your picture and knowledge there are factory built condo or tall sleepers. Were there different variations? I ask because the one with the red bumper has a V shape to the front of it but the one you shared is flat. I would be surprised to find out that they made variations like that to a sleeper from the factory but hey there’s a good chance I’m wrong. Thanks again for sharing all of your excellent knowledge with us Ks.
  18. I always thought the old pickups were neat.
  19. Thank you that’s a beauty you have, I love the red and blacks. Next one I get is going to be a long hair.
  20. I actually don’t mind the looks of that. Kinda of has a modern looking cab setting on a rugged looking chassis. To each their own.
  21. Thought we were out of the woods. 62 degrees last Friday, snow and 6”-12” expected Friday and Saturday and they haven’t even predicted how much we are getting Monday and Tuesday. The highs this weekend are single digits with lows around -12. How do we lose 72 degrees in one week?! So much for a nice spring.
  22. That thing is sweet. L cab with those big fenders and spoked wheels make it look rugged yet elegant.
  23. Definitely too many helicopter parents these days that’s why we are in the position we are in. Kids need to learn and experience thing on their own to learn problem solving, gain confidence and self reliance. A real good book about this just cam out last year and I’d highly suggest everyone to read it. The Coddling of the American Mind.
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