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Everything posted by HeavyGunner

  1. All the newer trucks used in the oil fields here have discs. Seem to work fine. Some (myself included) were nervous about them freezing in the winter since there is no place to hit them to break them loose without damaging the disc and using heat is not an option on Hazmat trucks and trailers. That being said never had a disc break freeze up. The worst thing about them that I’ve seen is the 1) the calipers can hang up and drag brakes, it’s fairly common 2) at the end of the day when you shut your truck down and press the brake pedal hard to listen for service side leaks the discs set up faster than drums so if you have drums on a trailer they will be fine but disc auto adjust much faster.
  2. https://apple.news/A9pVmpI00QZuIso-SOEzxuQ
  3. Hopefully these are more reliable than the overpriced cars from Italy.
  4. I wish the US would quit letting anyone from China come to the US until we get things figured out. Scary enough that military, ambassadors and such are being brought to the US from China and being quarantined.
  5. So why would you need 30 or so excavators digging one giant hole for a field hospital which could easily be set up on any level terrain? It doesn’t make sense and I have a feeling we aren’t getting the full story. China has shown over the years greed trumps all and for them to shut down so many major cities shows me that they are frightened of something more than your average bug. On top of that I still can’t fathom why we are letting anyone travel from China to here right now helping to spread this crap faster than it already is.
  6. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2020/02/03/world/asia/coronavirus-wuhan-hospital.amp.html
  7. Do you really buy that news piece that showed 30 (just a guess) excavators digging in the same place to build a 1000 bed hospital in 5 days? The supplies likely couldn’t be delivered that fast or better yet the concrete couldn’t be poured and cured that fast. Seems like it’s more likely a mass grave to me.
  8. This ad is from 2015.
  9. Looks good. tough and ready for business.
  10. I figured the AM General tractors hauling lots of old Mack’s seemed like a dead giveaway. Oh and they were traveling through Maine was also a hint. He better take some pics of the old iron getting a ride.
  11. Yeah sounds like 41 Chevy.
  12. Well according to the plates that gem is located in South Dakota even though the door says North Dakota.
  13. I’m a big wagoneer fan. Have always wanted to get a first gen and swap a more modern reliable power train and have an awesome overland vehicle.
  14. That’s a beautiful truck for sure.
  15. If you have the time this is worth the watch. Mike Baker is a fascinating guest who worked for the CIA and has a really level headed, common sense approach with facts and history backing up his opinions on what is happening today.
  16. Of course now I find it.
  17. i couldn’t find the video I watched recently of these two guys who were jigging from a moving ice disc they made and being successful. Winters are long, what are you going to do? 😁
  18. This is what I thought you were talking about.
  19. Looks sharp, hope you enjoy it.
  20. One of the old saying my grandpa picked up in the navy was “red in the morning sailors warning, red at night sailors delight”.
  21. How fun would it be sitting up so high with that huge windshield taking in the sights going down the road.
  22. We’ve got some snow on the ground but the bigger problem is all of this past week the highs for the day were in the negative teens and the lows were -25 to -35. It’s been a cold bugger.
  23. Happy birthday Paul. Have a Moxie and a lobsta.
  24. Sorry for your loss, great story with great pics though. Watched my grandpa slowly lose it and die of Alzheimer’s. It sucked bad, especially when he would have a real lucid moment and tell me he knew he was losing his memory.
  25. What else are you going to do if you don’t get your way and sell them, hold your breath? No need for the dramatic “if I don’t get what I want by this day I’ll scrap them”. It just makes you look silly and turns off any buyers in my opinion. Good luck.
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