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  1. WHAT?!?!?! $40 doesnt buy a gallon of high quality paint??? haha, you are right. people think that what i do is so simple. i made the mistake of doing a bad swap once since i opened shop. learned my lesson and havent done it since.
  2. thanks guys, im not sure im going to end up with it. when i was pricing out what i would paint a couple of his cars for, he acted like it would take most of my labor to offer for the trade. one car alone i said it would take around 5500 to do, so....i think that he thinks it is worth a lot more than it is
  3. not bad. i was looking at a shrinker stretcher combo from eastwood. never used one but have always wanted one. the problem i am going to have is the owner is going to think its worth more.
  4. not the cost of doing the rebuild, just if I ever was to sell it, what are they worth.
  5. I understand what your saying. I can do a lot of the work. The engine part of it would have to be talked about with some friends. If I were to get it, it would be to fix up and take to some local shows to help promote my shop some.
  6. what would it be worth if I got it and made it look new again?
  7. what this truck worth? i know this can be a tough question, but if i do this deal, i will be trading labor for this truck. i have no clue as to how to make sure this is a fair swap. he said it did run, just needs new batteries. but there is really no telling. just dont want to get the shaft on the deal. not looking to get over on him, just dont want to shoot myself in the foot either
  8. it was the tag number
  9. here it is...
  10. haha, I will ask if I can snap a couple of pics tomorrow and post them. It has a huge winch(i guess thats what it is) on the back. The owner was telling me about it, he is in his 70s and said that when he was younger it belonged to an older guy that he knew. He told him that if he ever wanted to get rid of it left him know. Well the older guy passed and the truck was sold. The current owner found it here locally and bought it. He said he remebered seeing it pull stuff when he was younger. Said the front bumper was made heavy to act as a counter weight.
  11. Hey guys. Just sined on. I dont currently have a Mack or ever had one for that matter. I am in a place to trade some work for one tho. The man was telling me its a 65 B61 mag or mack. Its and old winch truck of some sort. Dual rear axles, heavy duty front bumper. Its just cool looking. Would need a decent amount of work on the cab section. But thats what I do, paint and body. He wants some paint work done and I jokingly said we could trade and he said that could work if I really wanted to. Anyways, I might try to get some pics of it tomorrow and see what I can find out about it.
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