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Mike last won the day on May 14 2014

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About Mike

  • Birthday 04/08/1953

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  1. Dang glad you got that thang fixed. Thought i was going to suggest a cuttin torch, then some wd40.
  2. My B-61 has a piece of cut-out metal inside the hole. I guess you can be a real Mack Engineer and come up with whatever you feel the need to get ur dun.
  3. No one has said build a Oval Track Racer out of it yet. It's easy to assume someone might want to take the easy method and build a Rod but, a real Mack truck guy would search and get it back to it's original state of purpose. Just saying. Parts are out there but people are saving those parts for Dooms Day coming. They are afraid they will cheat themselves out of a fair price. There I said it, and glad I did.
  4. This is Eye Candy here and hope it gets taken indoors, soon.
  5. Yeah man, Best of Truck to ya.
  6. It helps to know what side of the planet, your on, because their are many places to choose from? I use Raney's Truck Center and they do have a Mack Section then choose Exhaust for an R Model.
  7. Did you try Clark Motorworks or maybe Napa, Steve's Truck Repair, Delligatti?
  8. I was thinking more like galvanized trash cans. They make the deepest sounds and can be chromed. After going with these, you want go back to the wuss kind. I guarantee the ladies will chase the vehicle down the road. OH!, BTW, you will want to get the brightest headlights so folks can see their cell phones in the vehicles in front of you. Also to be popular with the millennials, get a lift kit for the front end and raise it at least 10 inches. Have A Ball!
  9. I could use a decent steering wheel, mine is in bad shape.
  10. Yes sir, thats what i'm talking about, keeping it OME.
  11. Well i've been waiting for a remake on the B-Model Dump truck to come back, " not that i have a B-Model dump truck" but we been waiting a very long time. For us B-Model Owners.
  12. You should specify which engine? Some folks have Cummins in their B's.
  13. Not to steal the thread but, maybe a couple of the Windfall Girls would fit just right, along with the video.
  14. Just be aware that there is a great amount of competition out there and white gloves will be used.
  15. Sorry Matt, wasn't used to seeing a yellow Cummins. Our Cummins at work are Beige in color and is a 1984. Looks dang good.
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