I must have been bitten by the Mack Bug also, here is why I say that. Friday night I was headed south on I-65 crossing the Cumberland River almost into Nashville when, I thought I saw a B Model headed north. I was not going to let this truck get away from me without eventually speaking to this person. I'm in trouble now because he has gotten a big lead ahead of me. I had to go another 2 miles toward Nashville and get off the first exit and get caught by several traffic lights before I can get back on I-65 to go North. The time is about 8:15 p.m. and was supposed to be going to get groceries for my mom. But no, I was chasing down a B Model on Interstate 65 headed back in the direction I started from 17 miles ago. As I go north the interstate splits and heads northwest to Clarksville, TN which is I-24. But somehow I decide to go I-65 and think he may have gotten off at a Pilot Truckstop at Trinity Lane exit. So I get off and drive around that place to find no B Model Mack. Another 2 traffic lights to deal with before hopping back on the interstate. I finally decide to pass the Millersville exit I would have gotten off to go back home. About 3 miles later I finally se him ahead of me, just a truckin along about 55 mph. So I decide to drive up and honk my horn. He looks at me and I see the determination to keep on going. Trying to make this story shorter, I knew he would have to stop and fuel up sometime soon I hoped. But heck no.........I now see the Kentucky welcome sign and weigh station but he keeps on going. I also must add that he has a friend in a dodge pickup ahead of him. I thought to myself, at least he has someone to help incase of trouble. We finally pass BowlingGreen, Ky and I see eventually Mammoth Cave exits. We are now 2 hours north of Tennessee in a dark remote area with construction of the roadway etc. when he decides to get off and down a ramp. I can tell these guys are not familiar with this ramp, because of a quick decision was made to turn right and they found a Shell Market with a large truck turnaround. They decide to go their and park and I follow. I have not said that many miles ago I was going to turn back and go home but did not. The B Model finally stopped at the Shell Market and as soon as we all got out of our vehicles. I walked over to the driver of the Mack and said" I don't believe i've ever done anything more stupid than this, is chase down a B Model Mack. We talked for a good while and looked the truck over real good inside and out. He said that he just purchased it from e-bay and was in Florence, AL and was driving it home to Greenville, OH. I had never seen such determination before to get home, but knew these guys were along way from home. Congradulations to Mr. Terry Hess on his purchase. I hope to see them again at a truck show sometime and hope he made it safely home. I now know that I must be a Mack Nut. mike