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  1. Mine has the 442 ratio, square axle splines (17 teeth), fine input spline (46 teeth at the yoke - 27 teeth between the diff and power divider), fine output spline (39 teeth), the torsion arm mounts with 4 bolts however there are 2 unused bolt bosses on the top. This is the CRD92 diff.
  2. I am looking for a front diff for my truck... I am not sure if I have the fine or coarse splines but will check tomorrow. Mine does have the air operated inter axle power divider.
  3. Guys, I have been racing in chumpcar for 3 years now. We have raced in Calgary, Spokane, Daytona, Laguna Seca and The Ridge. It is a fun, low buck race series. Today, they announced a new race series... Chumptruck! This is road racing with retired (sub $5000) semis. Anyway if you want more info www.chumptruck.com If this is even half as fun as chumpcar, it will be awesome.
  4. I aired down the bags while i was driving empty and it made no difference.
  5. I have only noticed this in high range but at 30 MPH, it wouldn't have been in top gear. Could it be a broken axle?
  6. It is about every 5 seconds at 30 MPH.
  7. There is no freeplay in the driveline (like a cruise control on / off) and there is no vibration in the gear shift. It will do this on a constant climb up a hill.
  8. My 95 CH613 gravel truck developed a today. Atleast I noticed it today on the way back from hauling household garbage to the dump... Everything in the driveline seems tight, the tires are good, rough or blacktop doesn't seem to make a difference. The power diverder lockout maight make it louder but it could be my imagination. I drove with the box part way up and cant see anything weird happening with the driveshafts when it clunks. Oh, and it isnt the tail gate clunking, this is what I initially thought it might be but this is what it sounds like. If I roll up the window, I cant hear it. What say you guys?
  9. Those look like custom built trailers for this job. What else would you use them for?
  10. First Mack I drove is my 95 CH613 Gravel Truck. This is also the first truck my boy drove, he was a little over a year old when I bought it last summer and has driven (sat on my lap and steered) it lots. He loves the Mack.
  11. The shifter pivot pin has rattled out of my shifter twice. How do I prevent this's from happening again? It is a pain in the arse when it happens. Both times the pin was just sitting un top of he tranny. This is a MaxiTorque 18 speed.
  12. I am considering buying a 94 Ford L9000 with a sander box and a gravel box. It has 300,000 miles on it with a cummins M11-350 and a 10 speed trans. This would be a flipper - what say the collecive wisdom on L9000's?
  13. http://alberta.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehicles-classic-cars-Mack-Semi-W0QQAdIdZ399690741 No affiliation, seemed like a good deal so I thought I would pass it along to those who may be interested.
  14. I miss Russia after seeing your photos. I think these were Fracmaster trucks.
  15. Sandy desert you say? Could it be the Koran?
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