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About moredawgs

  • Birthday 09/07/1957


  • Location
    southcentral Pennslyvania

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  • Interests
    the Macks, of course, antique truck shows, my own restoration projects, road trips and finding time to sleep
  • Gender

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  1. wanted H-model 63 mack emblem. it fits on the door onthe grille
  2. yes the truck now has a mack 5 spd. [only].the browning has 3 spd. I was going to change the mack tranny to a 3 spd. aux. with a 5 spd. direct in front of the browning. now I have low hole 5 indirect 5 ,direct 5, 15 total gears, changing the tranny would give it 5 in the main ,3 in the aux.and 3 in the browning.more gears but the same to the rears,or am I wrong??????
  3. Thanks, I'd have to change the rears to get better mileage and more speed. Changing the tranny,adding 3more gears ,high,low and derect would only cause more shifting.and I'd have to add another gear shift.
  4. okay,heres my question; I have a b-61 with a 673/turbo,5speed main transmission,with a 3 speed browning behind it. I'm thinking of changing the tranny to a 3spd.axu. by 5 spd. main in front of browing.will the3x5 change the road speed? RPM'S and touque ?
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