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just macks

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  1. she lovely
  2. Those trannies are expensive to repair, how much did you invest in repairing it?
  3. Lovely piece of American life
  4. them cruise are fine looking units, so far away, can only dream and wish......
  5. That is what Mack is all about! True Bad Ass..........
  6. How is that for old and still not retired......
  7. Sharp Mack, absolutely sweet Brock.....
  8. Very cool.
  9. Congratulations, just beautiful, enjoy.
  10. The real thing is that I have been wondering how the 58 or 65 tandem is attached to the frame, see these type of models usually have a shorter frame height than what these tandems need and hence my curiosity?
  11. finally figured it out what a fool I made of myself
  12. can anyone tell me more about this truck? I'm sure i saw it here in the forums and saved the pic , just love it.
  13. Wow, just a time and money equation.....
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