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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by MHfred

  1. UD, sharp looking rig. I like those red fenders.
  2. Larry, my registration packet says "after hour show truck parking will be available just inside Gate 6 from 5 p.m. to 11p.m. Tuesday-Friday. These drivers need to make sure they return early the next day to register at 8 a.m. so as not to block the truck registration area."
  3. My wife and I rode Amtrak from Chicago to NY City to DC on this past New Year's day. That ride from NY down was terrible; the tracks were very noisy and you were jostled around so much you could not sleep. I won't make that mistake again.
  4. At least it is warm today.
  5. I am going up on Tuesday so that my friend and I can set up the Classic White Truck Group table on Wednesday. I will probably see you around.
  6. One Dog, I sent you a PM. Click on the red thingy on the top right that is on the envelope looking icon.
  7. I painted mine with a brush and used the flavor of the day from Tractor Supply-Valspar maybe. They look ok from 10 feet and I never had any trouble with the nozzle on my brush. LOL
  8. I think Roscoe is in deep sheep dip now. RIP. I have been seeing him in westerns like Bob said.
  9. That driver is like some people in a check out line- they stand around zoned out and when it is time to pay they act surprised. Then they start digging around for cards or cash or worse yet, a check book. ARRHHH!!!! I like warm weather but some of the sights are not good. That is a good looking Pete cab over. Thanks for posting.
  10. Larry, I tried to show your quote but it would not show. You should pre-register your truck or you may be sitting in line for a while to get in, depending on day and time. There will be a line for pre-registers and one for not. The not pre-registered line will move a lot slower than the other.
  11. The brown grass looks good for a change. Dogs need exercise. Is that a power plant in the bottom right picture?
  12. Rifleman, thanks for posting those pictures. Very interesting. My Mack production numbers show that 12 MH 6122 were built between 1987 and 1990. Superdog posted in the other thread he knows where one is located. Rare dog.
  13. When I saw the title of this thread I thought there might be a picture of Winfall wimmin here.
  14. The state of Virginai passed legislation the other day that bans restrictions on wood burning stoves. http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/V/VA_XGR_WOOD_STOVES_VAOL-?SITE=VALYD&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT
  15. Good one!!!!
  16. Apparently there is something I don't know about driving a Scania or something he doesn't know about sex. LOL
  17. I had to buy a new muffler for my MH and you can see straight through it. No sawing was nescessary.
  18. I sent Rifleman an email lettting him know about this thread and to see if he had any input.
  19. I had been reading this thread and thought I recognized the dump truck. Sure enough, he was at the Classic White Truck show at Campbell Freightliner in South Brunswick, NJ on Aug 23rd. He was in a hurry to leave for a commitment but I talked with him for a few minutes before he pulled out. This must have been one of his last truck shows. My condolences to all of you, Peace be you.
  20. I got Kelly a door in the mail on the 19th.
  21. Charley, if all else fails, take it to Best Buy and see what their geeks say.
  22. I could be wrong and mean no disrespect but I think that is a vulture. Look at the hook on the end of the beak for tearing into flesh.
  23. MHfred


    What a cute little critter! I thought I was on the thread titled "New Pup".
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