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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by MHfred

  1. I am not a member of the ATCA but if I were I would vote early and often for both of you.
  2. Some one posted this link over on the ATHS website and I copied it here for all you Mackophiles. One is started at about 5:50 with it's air starter. Enjoy!!
  3. Buy a loaf of sour dough bread for your plane trip. There is a store down on the water front which sells it.
  4. I am no mechanic but I would bet it is related to the low fuel level. If it were mine I would keep running it carefully on ether while holding the throttle to the floor to try to force air out of the lines.
  5. You are doing great work. Do you have a small stick on warning label near your sliding 5th wheel control? If so could you or anyone get me a picture of what it looks like?
  6. Did you find an engine?
  7. I never heard one whistle until this year. When I was a kid I spent many hours hunting them with a .22 but never heard one whistle or if I did did not know what it was. It is loud and shrill. My dad always called them whistle pigs.
  8. Ken, get yourself a black snake and he will talke care of the mice for you. LOL
  9. Charley, if that top left (In front of driver) is not cracked, please save it for me. Fred
  10. I posted earlier about my Volkswagen head gasket causing the same symptoms you have. I know there is 4 or 500 horse power difference but I still suspect the head gasket. If it was running cool before and you had the radiator flushed, I would not spend money on a new radiator. Good luck and thanks for keeping us updated.
  11. My problem on my 89 was instruments not funchioning preoperly. Attached is a picture with the speedo and tach removed. There are connectors that slide onto the ends of circuit boards which you can see sticking out on the left side of the picture. I cleaned the contacts with contact cleaner and Q tips. It tookcare of my dash grounding problems. The other day I replaced my alternator and cleaned a ground to the frame rail which is in behind the left (driver side) front wheel. It had 3 wires on it but I don't know what they grounded.
  12. Ken, where is the main cab ground?
  13. What was the problem? Thanks.
  14. You have a nice looking truck. That rear window is interesting. More interior pictures??
  15. My driver side tank has a step built into it.?? Mine is 1989 and they may have changed.
  16. P.L. has a blue Hendrickson.
  17. OD, I am surprised you didn't get a picture of this one.
  18. Have you turned that picture of that UFO into the guvment? They could probably spend a couple billion and tell you what kind of bug it is. Thanks for the pictures.
  19. Let us know what you find the problem to be. Thanks
  20. I don't want to be the bearer of bad news but my Volkswagen diesel did the same thing years ago and it was a blown head gasket. Apparently combustion gases were getting into the coolant passages causing it to get air bound.????
  21. No, no. You install it in the middle of the seat like Leversole is holding it and it stops your from sliding off the seat in corners. You might need to round off the corners a little. OUCH!!!
  22. We'll be looking forward for the finished product. I am going to spot paint my frame where my paint has come off but I don't think mine is quite as bad as yours. We can be thankful we don't have to deal with rust on our cabs.
  23. DUH!!! I don't know how I missed your post. I have been busy but here at least 2 times a day.
  24. I got my Wheels of Time today and there is a Superliner Magnum on the front cover and RW613's (Neil Messerly) Freedom Superliner is on an inside picture. There are several Mack articles for all you Mackoholics. One of the articles is about the Magnum and Freedom trucks.
  25. Let us know when you get it home and post lots of pictures. Thanks.
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