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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by MHfred

  1. Vlad, your rims look real sharp but all the polishing makes me want to keep mine painted white. I have had my one fuel tank polished only 1 year but it seems it always needs attention.
  2. I went to Brewster, Ohio to the Brewster levee with a load of beams too. I was on the look-out for Bighorns and U models but I didn't see any. I did see lots of wild aminals. I saw an elephant. OD, you went to the "levee" but did not see or take a Chevy???? Is the levee dry? Thanks for the weekly fix.
  3. MHfred

    Good Eye

    I want to put black fenders on this WC 22 White. This color is PP& G General Motors Competition Yellow.
  4. I had to trouble shoot the mechanical speedo on on my MH. I would start by putting a drill on the cable at the transmission. I think I had to run my drill in reverse to show speed. That should give you a starting place.
  5. That White/Dodge is a nice looking truck. Most of those pick ups I don't like because they look out of proportion or something.
  6. Look on left side (drivers) of engine for a machined surface. There may be an oil filter mounted just above it. Unless it was repowered it is a White engine. I do not know if the number is visible even with the cab tilted.
  7. Triangle Spring in Dubois, PA made me a new rear leaf for each side for about a $100 each for my 1954 White WC 22.
  8. I am thinking about buying some Spray Mates for my MH 612. Has anyone installed them on a single axle with spring suspension? Do you have a side picture showing how they look witn 22.5 tires? I searched for past threads but had no luck. Thanks.
  9. Here is Dr Bill's truck taken at Field Days of the Past near Richmond.
  10. Joe, there is no host hotel yet. There is a link on the flyer to register and if your do that Ross will get a better idea of how many rooms to block. When i find out host hotel I will post it here.
  11. You should have stopped to give that poor girl in the first picture a ride because she may have been cold. At least in the second picture she has better cover to keep warm. LOL Thanks for posting the entertainment of the week.
  12. until
    Local truck collection tours on 8/22; Truck show on 8/23 at Campbell Freightliner, South Brunswick, NJ
  13. Hello all! A message from the Classic White Truck Group of ATHS: More details and formal advertisement are forthcoming, but I just wanted to let everyone know now that the Bash dates and location have been confirmed! Look for our ad in WoT May/June! Resized to 53% (was 960x720) - Click to enlarge Please click here to register so we can get a preliminary idea of numbers of attendees and number of trucks! The Bash is sure to be a great one this year. I am working on arranging tours of hopefully at least two collections in the NJ area for Friday. The host of the show this year is Campbell Supply, which is a very large Freightliner dealership in the NY/NJ area. They have recently consolidated their Fire Apparatus business and most of their New Jersey Freightliner business at a new site off of the NJ Turnpike Exit 8A. The site is 16 acres of trucks and 90,000 square feet of parts and repair shop. Brand new facility--they just opened in September! They are a family owned and operated business since 1967, when they started out as the exclusive Seagrave dealership for the Fire Department of New York City. They'd evolved into a LaFrance and Freightliner dealership in the 90s. After LaFrance went out of business, they started selling Spartan fire equipment, which is a company that started out of the ruins of Diamond REO, so in addition to Freightliner, there's another WHITE connection. I will be inviting the local South Jersey Chapter, as well as my home chapter the New Jersey/New York Metro Chapter to bring their members. If anyone has any connections to fire apparatus clubs, please share our event with them! An ad will be placed in the ATCA's Double Clutch Magazine. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to let me know. 732-616-4009 or ross.gale@gmail.com I look forward to welcoming everyone to New Jersey! Ross Tags autocar freightliner mack truck show white Edited Yesterday @ 4:55 PM by rossgale
  14. Farmer and I both are looking for the map/reading light.
  15. Sounds to me like bad bulbs or bad connections since the indicator is coming on.
  16. If none of those work for you, you might try State Farm.
  17. OD said the P stood for "Pansy" but we don't believe it now. It could stand for "Parent". That is a great thing you are doing for your grand son. I know that it is a sacrifice for you and your wife.
  18. My wife and I stopped at the Des Plains rest area one time in our travels and it truly did feel like an oasis. We had just come thru Chicago and it wasn't even rush hour but it was nasty. I hate to see that go.
  19. Any update yet? I know it is still cold as hell and working outside is difficult. Thanks.
  20. I am slowly restoring this 1954 WC 22. It has a six cylinder in line gasser. I picked up this used cab in NM in 2006. The original cab was rusted badly. i hope to have this at the 2015 show in York.
  21. I found out that my fresh air vent door was stuck closed on my MH. I thought that was odd since it fails open and the truck had sat for about 10 years. Maybe you should check yours since the outside air would force air through the heater core. The fresh air vent door is in the portion of the heater box closest to the passenger door and it is hinged on the side next to the doghouse. If you turn on your key and have air built up you should hear the dampers change postions as you cycle through the different vent control positions and you can see the fresh air door if you are looking down into the heater core area. Here is a diagram out of my "Climate Control System" book for you until yours arrives. EDIT:The diagram is on it's side but click on the view tab after it opens and you can rotate it clockwise to read it. MHvent.pdf
  22. I saw a time line yesterday on TV and if it was correct, Atlanta had adequate warning but the whole state must have been asleep.
  23. I have the seat and cover off my 1989 and there are 2 screws along side the panel next to the dog house. Those screws are at the top and I did not see anything holding the bottom into place. Boths fans are attached to that side panel. Let us know how you make out getting them out. EDIT: Are you sure the motor is bad? I don't think both fans operate at the same time all the time.
  24. OD, I was afraid that you would not have enought money left to post pictures this week after paying your fine. Thanks for your post-I always enjoy them.
  25. Thanks very much for posting that bulletin. When I bought new air bags and shocks for my MH the service manager thought the measurement was 9 inches but was not sure and was not aware of the bulletin apparently.
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