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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by MHfred

  1. What truck are you taking to Florida to work on? That is a lot of wasted time. LOL
  2. I am wishing the best for both of you. Mike, hope to see you in Springfield.
  3. Click on the "Mack Registry" link at the top of the page and click on "Add vehicle" after that link opens.
  4. I was at the Colfax, NC show in Nov of 2012 when I see an MH roll in. I go over to check it out and it is Steve. He had driven form WY. to NC to pickup his MH. I had exchanged a few messages on here with him and was flabbergasted that it was him. Steve, congrats on the article. Hope to see you in Springfield, MO.
  5. We recently had another thread on these lights. I just received the ones I ordered from SLC lighting for $13.25 each and they seem ok despite the fact the box was about half untaped and mashed when it arrived. There was $12 shipping so the 5 lights cost about $78. Of course they are plastic but so were the originals. EDIT: Here is a link to SLC lighting. http://www.slclighting.com/Cab-Marker-Lights_c6.htm
  6. Did you get 12 cords cut and split? I enjoy cutting wood and being out in the woods. I cut this load in Dec 2011 and decided I needed a smalller trailer. LOL I was one tired old man. Some came from about a 24 inch diameter oak and the other came from about an 18 inch one. They were on the side of a drive way and it was hell getting them down the bank and stopping them from rolling onto the adjacent state highway. One tree had been down about 8 years and the other about 2 and they were very hard splitting.
  7. Is this the truck that Jerry Howard had?
  8. I don't think I have ever seen an MH down your way. Were they thought to be not rugged enough for your use? You Aussies sure have some nice trucks.
  9. I do not have the part number for the red flaps on my MH. I got them from Truck and Equipment south of Harrisonburg, VA on U. S. 11. Their number is 540-434-2559.
  10. They are rubber.
  11. If you have any red on your truck you might try these. I like them because of the red stripe on my truck and they were less than $13 each at my Mack dealer.
  12. Could you post with what the other models were powered? Thanks.
  13. I pulled down my headliner enough to get a peek and a picture of the lamp mount that is not focused very well. The round hole in the center is the AM/FM radio antenna. The holes for the lamp are 7 1/2 by 2 1/2 inches and as you can see the wire is hanging there. I called my Mack dealer and the part number is 22MO4234M2 but is NLA. He says it was not a Grote part but he could not remember who the vendor was.
  14. I am going to remove my headliner so you don't need to go exploring for me. I will post here what I find. Thanks for the help on your VIN.
  15. Thank you very much for posting that. If anyone has one with the map or reading light like the one shown in the bottom left picture, please post your VIN so I can try to get that light. Here are the production numbers for the MH that the Museum provided.
  16. That large threaded hole inder the brake valve is the vent-it should be like that.
  17. Are you talking about the switch that operates the brake lights? The brakes work ok but you do not have brake lights??? That switch that operates the lights will probably be away from the treadle valve. It might be easiest to follow the brake air line from the rear of the truck to the front until you see it. It will have 2 wire terminals on it.
  18. Is that a bad thing? Just kidding!! Will she ride in it after you put in an air ride seat? My wife has been in my MH one time and that surprised me but I don't think it will happen again.
  19. There are ATCA and ATHS chapters in Florida but I do not know where.
  20. A little off the suject here but I find it very interesting to look at the old Showtime brochures from the mid to late 90's on the ATHS website and recognize a truck with a new owner or wonder where that beauty is today because I have never seen it.
  21. The lady used the term "paint job" but I do not really know.
  22. I went to Hagerstown to see the tree and trucks. A lady there told me her son works for Mack and the paint job on the trucks cost $50,000. That scene was beautiful.
  23. Since Rifleman has not posted any pictures I will post one of his truck from the Colfax, NC show when he came to pick it up. He was on his way back to WY with it. I believe Doug Fetterly owned this at one time.
  24. I have talked to Braydon at Macungie and last at South Bend at the ATHS national show. The same Freightliner that OD posted appears to be behind his MH and beside his MH is an Astro (?) that he had for sale. His MH has air ride and he loves it. He said then that any truck he has is for sale except the MH. I have not had any dealings with him.
  25. Which ones did he buy? Do they look ok?
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