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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by MHfred

  1. Ken, I bought a ticket for the Friday night dinner.
  2. You guys know your stuff.
  3. My friend and I were returning from the White Bash in MN and stopped by the Rock River Thresheree in Edgerton, WI. This big boy was sitiing over next to where the boys play in the dirt.
  4. There is plenty of room for camping but you would not have power nor water at your site.
  5. I plan on being there with my MH (first show) if the weather cooperates. Every time I make plans to go to a show I have wet roads. EDIT: Maybe this year we can get 40+ cabovers. Last year we had 36 or so.
  6. I am replacing the snow covers on my MH horns so got a measurement for you. They are 8 5/8 by 4 5/8 from outside to outside.
  7. I think that store was open when I visited while at Macungie. Usual items:shirts, caps, cups, etc.
  8. Welcome and there is the Tri-State truck show in Winchester on Sept. 26, 27 and 28 just off mile marker 321.
  9. I paid $262 about 2 years ago for a black steel tank. How about some pictures of your MH? Is it in the registry?
  10. It looks to me like you are loaded up for the Macungie flea market.
  11. Those girls would be warm in the winter and shady in the summer!!!
  12. MHfred


    That is a nice looking holder but even one of those Buds gives me a head ache.
  13. E 6 ? The fuel pump is on the right hand side (passenger). I would pressurize the fuel tank with a a couple pounds air pressure to force it through the system while it cranks over with throttle applied.. You can use an old inner tube with the stem on it and put a 4 inch hose clamp to hold it on. Other people with more experience will have more ideas. EDIT: I assume you have the shut down knob pushed in to the run position.
  14. I would not say that parts are plentiful but there are parts around. I belong to the Classic White Truck Group and we have a member in Ohio who has been our main parts man. I think he recently had some fiberglass NOS fenders for that truck. You would probably need to go to a dry climate to find one of those coupe cabs in decent shape. A fellow near me here in VA is taking the cab off a 9000 for his RV project and will have a 9000 frame and more for sale.
  15. I just checked on the price of the Minimizer MIN2260 for my single axle MH and the fenders are $300 (red) and the plastic bracket is "almost $300". I will NOT be getting any of those any time soon.
  16. I like the looks of these and may get them but don't know the price yet. http://minimizer.com/
  17. Paul, I referenced Washington state's DOL. I am not sure if your were talking to me or not? I will edit my post and clarify it is Washington state.
  18. Here ia what your state (Washington state) web site says: Who doesn’t need a CDL?By law, the following types of drivers don’t need a commercial driver license (CDL): •Farmers transporting farm equipment, supplies, or products* to or from a farm in a farm vehicle are exempt if the vehicle is: ◦Operated by the farmer or a farm employee. ◦Not used in the operation of a common or contract motor carrier. ◦Used within 150 miles of the farm (in an air-mile radius). If farmers meet all requirements of the farm exemption, they may operate farm-exempt vehicles between the states of Idaho and Oregon. *Farm products include Christmas trees or wood products transported by vehicles weighing no more than 40,000 pounds licensed gross vehicle weight. This weight restriction applies only to Christmas trees and wood products. •Firefighters and law enforcement personnel are exempt when operating emergency equipment if they carry the certification card proving they have completed the Emergency Vehicle Accident Prevention Program (EVAP). •Recreational vehicle (RV) operators are exempt when driving an RV for non-commercial purposes. This exemption includes 2-axle rental trucks and horse trailers. •Military commercial drivers are exempt only when they are operating the proper military vehicle under a military license issued by their branch of the service. •Drivers of vehicles with air brakes that don’t otherwise qualify as a commercial vehicle. Even though a vehicle is equipped with air brakes, it doesn’t automatically mean the driver must have a CDL. If the vehicle doesn’t meet the criteria listed under "Types of vehicles that require a CDL", the driver is exempt. Who needs a CDL?Types of vehicles that require a CDL You must have a commercial driver license (CDL) to drive any of the following vehicles: •All single vehicles with a manufacturer’s weight rating of 26,001 pounds or more. •All trailers with a manufacturer’s weight rating of 10,001 pounds or more, and a combined vehicles’ gross weight rating of 26,001 pounds or more. •All vehicles designed to transport 16 or more persons (including the driver). This includes private and church buses. •All school buses, regardless of size. •All vehicles used to transport any material that requires hazardous material placarding or any quantity of a material listed as a select agent or toxin in 42 CFR 73. Occasional drivers Occasional drivers, such as mechanics or truck salespeople who test drive the vehicles described above on a public roadway, also need a CDL and any required endorsements. Find out if you need a CDL The vehicles described above are divided into 3 classes – Class A, Class B, and Class C. Use the diagram below to see if you need a CDL, and what class of CDL you need. A higher-class CDL allows you to drive vehicles in any of the lower classes if you have the correct endorsements. Here is a link: http://www.dol.wa.gov/driverslicense/cdlrequired.html You should research and read this for your self. None of us will be paying your fine if you receive one. EDIT: I added "Washington state" into the first line.
  19. I am very sorry to hear of Mr. Costin's passing. I first met him at South Bend where I was manning the Classic White Truck Group booth. He saw a White mustang hood ornament I had on display and asked to buy it. I told him to come back on the last day of the show and he could get it. I sold it to him for his collection. I then met him again in West Springfield at the ATHS show. He was a class act. RIP, Mr Costin.
  20. Ken, I can give you a ride back to motel and to show on Friday morning but will probably not go to TKs.
  21. I think that is a real good idea.
  22. Their record has been so bad here recently that I would bet it will be a washout if that is what they are saying.
  23. Where is it supposed to be? I will probably be doing some touring there in a couple of weeks.
  24. Powl's speedometer in Lancaster could probably fix you up with what you need.
  25. Tim, I am a Detroit fan but do not own one. I thought I remembered something about your recommendation and that it should not be done. I found the following on the ATHS website and it was written by a very knowledgeable Detroit man. He is recommending drain cans. I'm surprised that parts kit would be available as Detroit discontinued routing airbox drains back to the pan in the early 80s . Because if a head cracked, or water grommet leaked , or water pump drain [early water pumps only] was stopped up, you could get water in the airbox and dump it in the pan............then wiping out main bearings . I could reference the DD service letter if I was home, but am in Az. JT was a high performance marine engine distributer and probably pacified owners of pleasure craft by continuing to offer that kit . An engine like JT might sell for pleasure craft might be rated double the automotive rating and could produce more obnoxious slobber. Just my 2 cents ! As for Barry's idea with glass bowls, as soon as the black oil covers the glass, you won't be able to see through the glass anyway ! PVC plastic, cheap and dirty, make one for each side........or just one and run 2 hoses in to it .........make sure you don't forget to drain it as I have !Then you still have to wash off the oil on trailed vehicles .
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