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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by MHfred

  1. Resize of scan0001.bmp The first picture is my 1940 John Deere B. My father bought it used in about 1951 and I bought it from him about 15 years ago. It needs the carb rebuilt again. That is my grandson on it. I spent many hours on it as a kid-some before school. The second picture is my new John Deere. It is a 1968 Mannheim 820. I use it to cut grass, push snow (???), plow my garden and sometimes haul wood. It has been a good tractor. I have owned it since about 1982.
  2. APRIL FOOL?????
  3. Hello Ken. I yanked my exhaust system off mine today. I need to go to the Mack dealer tomorrow to get the hardware for my cab shocks and will take the exhaust and see what they have to say. I was hoping you would get your straight pipe on first so you could see how loud it was. Fred
  4. i do not understand how you knew you could not post a picture. By the way, I did not call you a liar but I think you have bad information. I have never made many posts and do think there is a clique there. If some people make a post there will be many responses but for other people there are few. Fred
  5. I do not know where you got your info but that is absolutely false except maybe if you wanted to post a picture other than in a post like in the truck show section. That was controlled. I have posted many pictures there and no permission was ever required. I have been on different versions of that web site for 10 or 12 years. Michael Yarnall just posted a picture of his fire truck over there so he knows also. Just like here, there are many good people over there. ATHS is a family oriented group and no lewd language or pictures are allowed. That is their rule. What you post here is ok with me if it is ok with whomever controls this board but that is stated up front.
  6. I did not go to all the links listed but it always amazes me that people list the incorrect models and will use crappy pictures like mentioned before.
  7. I was told today by a glass shop that does windshields for several trucking companies that an MH and CH windshield is the same. Can someone verify that is true?
  8. I liked what he said about the dealer who stocked no parts. I wonder why some of these parts places don't set up a kiosk in the mall with no parts so they can charge you for their shipping costs. At least you would not be optimistic and think they might actually have something on the shelf. Fred
  9. Lars, nice looking pardner! I did not know that people ran trap lines any more. My Dad used to tell stories about trapping skunks and then going to school-for a little while. What do you trap for? Fred
  10. This website is good to calculate your speed. The link to Road Ranger road speed calculator would not post. Fred
  11. Thanks for the replies. Mike, that is what I was looking for. I have tried to open it from the inside but had no luck. I will continue from the inside and maybe put some Kroil down in the door between the glass and trim. Fred
  12. I have tried Kroil and kept turning the key back and forth but no go yet. I thought it might be sticking where I cannot get any oil to reach.
  13. Hello Ken. Yes, I finally got it home. I had to stop and let it cool for a while. I do not know what was wrong but I thought I heard the fan belt squealing when I was almost home??? I certainly need a lot of practice changing gears-I think I was not taking the RPM up high enough before I tried to shift.
  14. I managed to lock the driver side door on my 89 MH but now I cannot get it unlocked with the key. Is there a way to unlock the door from the inside? I have looked but can't see a way. Thanks. Fred
  15. Name: 89 MH 612---Mackzine Date Added: 08 January 2012 - 07:51 PM Owner: MHfred View Item
  16. I received an email today that the B 83 has been saved. I do not know what was asked or what it sold for. Fred
  17. I do NOT know anything about this truck. I received an email from a friend in NC that contained this info. Fred I often get involved w/ liquidating vehicles / tractors etc. that may have value above scrap value to collectors etc. D.H. currently has the attached B-83 Mack on our scrap yard on Hilltop Rd. in Greensboro. I wondered if you might know of some one that was particularly interested in Macks that would “save” this truck from being crushed. I have attached a picture of it & can send additional pics. if you like. John Conrad Equipment Manager D.H. Griffin Companies cell ph. 336 215-9474 of. ph# 336 931-5507 of. fax# 336 931-5501 www.DHGriffin.com
  18. Rob, please show that to us in writing, preferbly on the VA DMV site. I do not see that any where. Fred
  19. As long as you are not commercial, you do NOT need a CDL-26K or & 76K. Can you show me otherwise? I posted links previously to VA DMV that state you do not need a CDL if you are NOT commercial. Fred
  20. I think you are looking in the section for regular passenger vehicles. I would not bother looking for that info. Do you have a title? You will need one. Take it to DMV and tell them you are NOT commercial and you want to register it for a max weight rating of ________ pounds and get a plate for it (I assume it is a road tractor). That should be all there is to it except to decide how long you wish to plate it. I renew my plates every quarter because some winters I may not keep plates and insurance on it. Fred
  21. No reason if it is not plated as an antique and you can afford the fuel for around 8 MPG?? Fred
  22. I do not have a CDL and one is NOT REQUIRED unless you are a commercial vehicle. Go to this link http://www.dmv.virginia.gov/webdoc/citizen/drivers/whoarecdl.asp Go to this link at VA DMV and it will explain antique and vintage plates. On the bottom of the page under "Additional Information" click on the link for section Code 46.2-730 and it will explain it more-including your 250 mile radius restriction from your home. http://www.dmv.virginia.gov/webdoc/citizen/vehicles/antique.asp The plate is like one for a pick up but only 1 is issued. Fred
  23. I tagged one here in VA back in June and had no problems. I told DMV it was NOT commercial and I plated it for 25,900 pounds for now. The weight rating you plate it for determines the cost of the plates. My plates cost $67.11 per quarter and I insured the truck with State Farm with my other vehicles. You can treat your truck just like a pickup-as long as you are NOT commercial. I plan on going out of state with mine. Where are you? I am in Central VA-Orange County. Fred
  24. Ken, I have a primary and seconday just as you have. I think that the separator allows the water to flow in a chamber since it is heavier and the drain valve comes off that chamber. I don't know if I will replace the separator or not. Fred
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